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In The Beginning

It all started two months ago when I was walking in the woods around this campground I never knew we lived by. My family recently moved to Japan from Canada for a change of scenery. I never had a clue that that walk would change my life…

I’m James. I’m just an average kid, 12 years old. I moved to Japan about a week ago. This is my first time outside since I got here. Everything is so different from Canada. The plants, the people, and even the smell of the air is different. Just to brave fate, I decided to take a walk in the woods as I used to do back home.

“MOM! I’m going for a walk! Be back in a bit!”
“Okay, honey. " She mumbled. "Be careful!” she replied

(I heard that), I thought as I shut the door behind me.

I found an animal trail just across the yard, and decided to follow it. The first ten minutes into the trip was uneventful. Just some trees and a couple of squirrels. But shortly after that, I rounded a corner and saw a clearing with a bunch of cottage-looking buildings. And a lot of kids. I never knew Japanese, so my mom got me into a class that teaches Japanese to foreigners. But I didn’t care. I decided to try to make contact. I was lonely after all.

I started down a flight of stairs and stopped to check out the area so I wouldn’t get lost when I return. There was a tickle in my nose so I looked up to sneeze, and a snowflake landed in my eye. That got me really confused…
“Why is there snow?” I asked nobody in particular. “I’m sweating…”

Then a couple more flakes floated down. I looked up, and the sky was clear of clouds. Out of nowhere, it became a Canadian winter. It was snowing HARD! Just when I thought that was weird, a blast of wind suddenly hit and flung me to the now snow-covered ground. By then, I was scared out of my mind. I didn’t know what to think, or do.

I recovered from the fall, and stood up. The snow was over my ankles. I hear a light roar in the wind, and some kind of meteorite slammed down right in front of me. On impulse, I covered my face in an “X” formation with my arms, and fell back into the snow, hitting the stone blocks upon landing.
“OW!” I hollered, not expecting anybody to hear.
Looking around, I flipped over into my knees and crawled toward the meteorite and dug it out of the snow. To my surprise, it wasn’t even a meteorite. It looked like a black pager with two side buttons from a watch. It gave off a high-pitched squeal, and started to lift me off the ground. I tried to let go, but my hand was locked. The area flashed around me, and I was in some weird tunnel, falling.

I could see my body destabilizing, and phasing. Like I was turning into some comic book character with the dot coloring. Then all these numbers, 1s and 0s appeared on my hand, moving up my arms, and through my body. Then everything was black…

I woke up falling. Surprisingly close to the ground, too. My body reverted to that comic color thing. Just then, I see this pink bubble with thin bunny ear-like things coming out of the top of it. It had blue eyes, and a face that looked horrified! I heard someone with a gravelly voice call out “FIRE COMET!” Out of the woods right behind the bunny-thing came a fireball almost as big as me! Just my luck… I thought as the bunny thing jumped ahead of me and took the fireball head on. It exploded on impact, engulfing the both of us in fire and embers. I remember feeling extreme heat as my clothes burned off. We hit the ground hard. Just when I turned my head to my side, the bunny-thing caked in soot laid beside me asked, “are you all right…?” then it exploded into little balls of light that surrounded my body and made a glowing ring around the “pager”. Half dazed, I just looked in confusion as the orbs of light started entering my skin. The pain was immense and I blacked out…

I woke up several minutes later with a kid standing over me. He had Brown hair, goggles, a blue T-shirt, and Brown shorts. He said something, but I couldn’t hear it. I looked at my hand, and the goggle-headed guy did as well. My “pager” thing was sliding up my wrist, and stopped on my arm. The picture of the creature I saw explode was on the screen looking right at me with a smile. Then the “pager” started to expand around my left arm, and bulk up to 2 inches thickness and 3 inches width, locked and sealed around the back of my arm. Just as that happened, I was receiving a huge amount of data! Creature information, language and dialogue info, a multitude of attack techniques and something called “Digivolving” I know now, that the “pager” is called a “digivice”, and that I’m in a place called the Digital world. I took a moment to assess what happened, then my mind felt like it was stretching out. I then passed out again.

I awoke in a cave, naked, surrounded by a bunch of people,
(A girl dressed in pink, a guy with glasses, and blue hair, another girl with a weird touque thing with two cords hanging down the sides, a red-headed boy with a laptop, two blonde headed boys that kind of look alike and are likely brothers, and the boy that found me earlier with his… [A flash in my mind erupted] digimon)
My torn and useless clothes on the floor beside me. I looked up, and the peach colored digimon popped up into view really close to my face. It scared the hell out of me, and I backed out as fast as I could. I slammed into a wall and hit my head hard.

“Get away from me!” I shouted as I crumpled into a ball crying out of sheer horror.

“Tai, I think he’s scared of me… am I really that scary?”

“No way, Agumon! He just never saw a digimon before. You remember how scared I was when I met you.” Tai said patting Agumon on the head.

“W…who are you?”, I asked
“I’m Tai. We met earlier.”
I looked past Tai, and saw the other people had different kinds of monsters I identified as Patamon, Gomamon, Gabumon, Palmon, and Tentomon. “And you guys?” I asked.

“I’m Mimi”
“Joe here; Hi!”
“I’m Izzy.”
“My name’s Matt, and this is T.K.”

“My head hurts…”
“That’s because you hit your head on the wall”, Tai Chuckles.
“What happened to my clothes?”
Tai looks down at me. “That’s because they, uh… burned off…” Tai said, blushing.
“Hey, Izzy! What about those extra clothes I left with you? Do you still have them?”
“I think so… let me check,” he said as he rummaged through Joe’s duffle bag.
“Hey! What are you doing?!?” cried Joe as Izzy dug through the bag.”
“AH! Found them!”
“And you absolutely had to go through my stuff to get it?” Joe added sarcastically.
“Here.” Izzy tosses me Tai’s Clothes.
I cocked my head to the side and everyone got the point to turn around.

As I was getting dressed, my head got stuck in the neck. Tai came over and helped get it down. I felt something stiff brush against my hip as he was helping me, but I paid it no mind thinking it might me a marker or something. As soon as I got my head through, I Gasped for breath. “Thankth” I said, Accidentally whisping out my thanks.
“Your…Uh…y-your welcome; heh…” Tai said as he was noticeably blushing. I pulled on the shorts, socks and shoes. Surprisingly, they fit perfectly. On top of that, I even look a lot like him, too!
“Thanks, Tai!” I called out. “Thanks for finding me” as I gave him a hug in relief that I wasn’t alone.
“It’s not a problem. Anything for a friend…”

I nodded as I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Messages In This Thread
In The Beginning - by Humon - 02-21-2005, 06:56 AM
[No subject] - by Humon - 02-23-2005, 06:20 AM
[No subject] - by hhvorausgesagt - 02-23-2005, 05:36 PM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 02-23-2005, 11:25 PM
[No subject] - by Humon - 02-24-2005, 07:05 AM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 02-24-2005, 11:42 PM
[No subject] - by hhvorausgesagt - 02-26-2005, 06:07 PM
[No subject] - by Humon - 02-27-2005, 12:46 PM