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Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~

"For the record, I only got fleas once- and that was from this one guy's prank." He managed to grimace back at Jacob's playfulness. The grimace was replaced with a scowl and a roll of his deep, red eyes when he was told he was always being watched. "Great. So much for the Nero Happy Hour..."

"You know you're fucked up when the prospect of dying or not having a future doesn't make you feel bad at all..." Nero sighed. He listened to Jacob reason with him for a while, and he knew what he was saying was true, and he had been trying so hard for several years now to go against everything his nature told him to do. He didn't have to be evil, he had a choice, but it was easier to pretend he enjoyed being evil rather than admit to himself that he was too weak to actually resist the pull of the darkness inside him. He liked feeling powerful, dominant, and in control, or rather, he feared being weak, dominated and controlled.

He shook his head and tilted his pointy ears back so they were flat against his skull. "Miss... me?" He didn't dare face Jacob now. "You don't even know me- what if I was just being... sort of nice... for my own selfish reasons? What if I just wanted to lure you into thinking I wasn't such a bad guy- that you could expose yourself to me, and I wouldn't go for your throat?" He shut his eyes tight and furrowed his brows. He couldn't accept those words! Why did Jacob have to go and say that stuff? Now he had a reason to look forward to the future! It was always cursing, and spite, being raised with everyone telling him he shouldn't have been born, and that no body wanted him, just as nobody wanted any demon, here this guy comes along and just blows the whole concept out of the water. He felt somewhat violated, his nature, his emotions... but he also felt good. Relieved. Happy. "...I ain't admittin' nothin', pal... so you'd better not assume I'm gonna start treatin' ya all buddy-buddy after this." He grinned inwardly. He felt a little touch on his shoulder, and for a moment, it was... comforting... until the images came and went.

Nero instinctively flung Jacob's hand off his shoulder with a quick jerk, and turned to face him, his red eyes alert and glowing, his pointy ears perked up attentively. "Didja see that? What the fuck just happened- Oh man- man oh MAN- what did I just see..." He clutched his head and started pacing around the room, trying to recall everything and commit it to memory. "Was that the future, Runt?"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~ - by Frisk E. Coyote - 03-22-2011, 12:29 PM