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Slogans you might wanna see on Star Trek Voyager!
a Fantasy Star Trek spinoff?

Where you can have the Federation or some of the major/minor races populated both by Star Trek races, plus people from other shows/anime, etc.

Here's a possibility of many:

1. The Beta Quadrant is ripe for exploration and colonization, as well as a part of the Delta Quadrant (oh and the Dominion War is over!)
2. Set in the year 2377 (last year of Star Trek Voyager)
3. A new class of starship, the Dark Nebulaclass is developed. The first two ships of that class, the USS Dark Nebula[\b] and the [b]USS Galaxia[\b] are created at Earth Station McKinley. While the [B] Dark Nebula[\b] is part of a rebuilt 9th Fleet guarding Deep Space Nine, the [b]Galaxia[\b] along with a few escort ships, is exploring the Beta Quadrant.
4. A new Winx Club facility is set up outside Galorndon Core.
5. Starfleet uses a new technology allowing anime/TV characters to live in their timeline without disturbing the original continuties.
6. Let's give this plot point a try: Starfleet sends the Galaxia to Cestus III to try to shut down the baseball league on that world. Why? Someone in the Federation has a misguided idea that ancient sports like baseball shouldn't be brought back. Cestus III in their view is taking a step back. (Oh and even if the Federation likes the idea of a ressurected Major League Baseball featuring teams from maybe 20-30, maybe 50 member planets...) But the captain (who is one of my descents and a lesbo) like baseball and will do what she takes to keep baseball alive, no matter what some stupid Admiral says.

PS. Here's what may be a possible senior staff for the USS Galaxia: (registry number yet to be decided)

Captain: Pallra Dyer-Xiao (half human, half Bajoran, my descendant met Pallra herself after doing time for being a collaborator. She and Pallra-chan had a good romance, and soon, one of my future daughter's is born.)
First Officer: (she's the leader of the Winx Club in her dimension, I'll tell you her name as soon as I get it)
XO: Name yet to be decided, but his race is...say for now, half Negaverse, half Bolian or half Breen.
Tactical/Security: Make her a sexy Boslic woman (oh and another possible lesbian love interest for the captain.). Plus she can wear the uniform her race wears when we see her people on DS9.
Chief Engineer & Botanist: Lt. (j.g) Keiko O'Brien

Why? Well, when her husband Miles left to become a professor at Starfleet Academy, once again, poor Keiko felt like a fifth wheel. After a little soul searching, she contacted Starfleet. Pallra Dyer-Xiao was one of the first woman to call her up. She shared Keiko's loving for plants, but also helped her understand engineering as well as botany. Oh and Kirayoshi and Molly would come too. Keiko has potential to be a good engineer, but she would need help from her hubby as well as Pallra-chan and the rest of the Galaxia's engineering teams.

CMO: A descendant of Utena's.
Ops: Lt. (j.g) Kyoko (aka the "Cute, Yet Forgotten Asian Chick On Star Trek Voyager" who didn't get lines)
Helm: Lt. Ayala (formerly from the USS Voyager)
Squadron Leader: Ensign Hotaru Tsukino (descendant of Rini Tsukino and Hotaru Tomoe, recent graduate of Red Squad)

Note: The new [b]Dark Nebula
class multirole long range tactical heavy assault starship has enough hanger space to hold at least 1-2 full squadrons of Peregrine Series X Class multirole fighters. A nice addition to this class starship.

PS. Can you fix the PHPbb code when you edit my post? Thanks.

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