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Domination (Shadowknight and Zero)
Mary practically jumped onto the bed, spreading her legs apart and exposing her pussy, "Please mistress, fuck me now, I want your cock more than anything else. Fuck your slut wife good and hard, I beg you!" she moaned, her cunt glistening with her juices.


Lucy moaned deeply into the kiss, slipping his tongue into the other boy's mouth as he shivered slightly from the beer filling his intestines. Almost instantly he began feeling a bit dizzy, smilingly a bit as the alchohol took effect, "Mmm, oh wow, that like, feelsh sho good," he giggled a bit.


"Oh good, I'm glad to see you enjoy it so much," Thorne laughed, she picked up a riding crop with her tail and began smacking Tina's clit over and over till it was covered in bright red welts. Thorne panted softly as she tossed the crop away, slightly tired from the exertion, "Mmm, I can't resist anymore." she smiled as she knelt down, her long tongue slipping around Tina's clit and coiling around it like a snake attacking it's prey.


"Hope your ready, Stallion here comes like a firehose." Cyan grinned before giving the horse a slap on it's rear. The horse immediately jumped onto the slut presented to him, forcing his massive cock into Candy's ass without mercy as it began fucking him furiously.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Domination (Shadowknight and Zero) - by Shadowknight - 01-05-2011, 04:32 PM