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Domination (Shadowknight and Zero)
"Good girl. Then consider this our, happily married sex. Get on the bed and beg me to fuck you. Think of me as your new husband. Think about how much you love me, you whore," Mai ordered, pointing at the bed, her cock hard.


As the man filled the syringe with beer, a fellow girly boy ran over to Lucy and greeted her, wearing a pink cowboy outfit, with two blond pigtails. "Give me some sugar, sweetheart," 'she' said, kissing Lucy's lips lovingly as the man pushed the needle into his ass and pushing the delicious beer directly into his asshole.


Tina gasped in amazement at her large cock, her cheeks red. Then, when her mistress slapped it she nearly ograsmed, but was able to stop herself before doing so. She panted and licked her lips, her eyes nearly glazed over as she begged her Mistress, "Oh god, please Mistress, I'm begging you! Pleasure this slutty whore's cock! Slap it as much as you want! Do whatever you want with it, please! Everything you do feels so good!"


"I know," Candy giggled as the girls spoke about his tiny cock. When he heard the word stallion and saw the horse, his eyes widened. He felt fear and regret, struggling a little to get away before he realized if he could take this cock, he could prove himself a better woman than his wife. He licked his lips and shook his cute rear, ready for the cock.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Domination (Shadowknight and Zero) - by MasterZero - 01-05-2011, 04:18 PM