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"Justice has no face. I am just an incarnation of punishment for you, that is all."Damion said.

"You can't lie to me, I can see right through them just like I can my brother's."Kari smiled.

"Wipe that smile off your face!"Damion shouted.

"You're funny."Kari giggled.

"BIYOMON, keep this child quiet!"Damion ordered.

"B-But...Sora!"Biyomon said.

"NOW."Damion's eyes glew.

"Y-Yes."Biyomon walked over to Kari.

"Maybe you should put that tongue to better use up that bird's ass!"Damion shouted.

"Better than achking ua u."Kari mumbled as her tongue was shoved up Biyomon's ass once again.

<...>Damion was silent.

As Damion thought to himself in earnest, Matt began to go to work on Garurumon, walking right over to his giant sheath. Matt noted the great size of the furry ballsac and sheath in front of him. It would be a challenge, but one that he would accept in Lord Damion's name. He and Garurumon were meant to do this, it was nature after all. Garurumon did Matt a favor, and lay down on his side so that he could reach him better and easier.

"All right, nice and easy Matt, you know how I like it."Garurumon looked at him, winking.

"Whatever."Matt said gently placing his hands on the furry sheath.

Boy, was that warm! The fur underneath his hands was moving, pulsating underneath his touch! Matt couldn't believe the incredible warmth, and proceeded to rub it with his hands slightly moving his head around to the ballsac beneath him and sniffed in the scent...ahhh, the smell of sex in the morning. How wonderfully erotic for these two, Tai thought to himself as he watched with horror in mind.

Garurumon panted with joy as he felt Matt's small human tongue tickle his huge ballsac covering him them in human saliva. Feeling increasingly aroused by this constant rubbing and licking of his fur, Garurumon's manhood began to sprout forth proving to be almost as big as Matt himself in length. as it slowly but surely came out. Matt watched in awe at this, his eye glowing with anticipation and his mouth watering. Matt wanted so much to lick it, but that time would come soon enough...he just wanted the entire thing out!

The boy would have his wish fulfilled sooner than he thought as Damion who noticed this decided to speed things up a notch by pulling out the cock with his own mental "hand". Garurumon felt a tug on his cock and yelped, and looked to Matt who shrugged. The wolf just shrugged as well and stretched out, yawning proudly displaying his sausage to the world as he stood upright once again in front of anybody. Matt felt his mind cloud up, certain memories of past events with his friends in the Digital World leaving him...his one purpose dominating him now.

Matt reached out and embraced the slick, wet red penis. Matt gasped at the rubbery feel and kissed the side of it deeply, licking at the side of it. The surface had a certain salty taste to it, but in a good way. It was almost like table salt, with none of that overpowering sea salty taste from the ocean. Matt rubbed his own member against Garurumon's, as well as his own body! Considering how sensitive the prick was, Garurumon's eyes went out of their sockets practically at Matt's contact! He relented though, and kept his composure as Lord Damion ordered him to.

Matt licked at the surface, surprised that the Garurumon had not cummed yet knowing how sensitive he was. No matter, that just meant the moment would last that much longer. Matt lifted the huge member in front, and gently swiped the head of it with his small tongue going for the most sensitive on the wolf's prick. Great tingles of sensational pleasure went throughout that prick and up through the great wolf's body causing him to shiver in anticipation. Matt stood under Garurumon, still holding onto the penis before him even as it prepared to burst before his very eyes. Garurumon lifted his head in the air and howled, releasing a stream of cum right in front of Matt sending the boy to the ground, drowning him in white and sticky seed.
Garurumon sighed, his cum dripping from his prick unto the ground.

Matt lay in dissolution, appearently in a state of bliss. He was in a pool of his partner's cum, covered from head to toe in the stuff. How could he go wrong? What more was there to ask for? A purple tongue answered Matt's question, as Garurumon swiped it over Matt's body licking up all the cum he got all over him. It was instinct for Garurumons to lick up their own cum, and Matt was no exception to this custom. Matt sighed as his own manhood and not to mention body was covered in the slick, gooey, and spongy tongue sliding over his body in constant motion and cleaning him right up. It also did wonders for his prick, which was instantly a boner at the first swipe. Garurumon sat there, licking up the pool and minding his own business, happy and satisfied...satisfied? Was this wolf really satisfied? He needed something more than a mere blowjob...he needed...

Garurumon felt a sudden pulse in his prick and immediately got up over Matt. Matt looked up in horror, realizing what was about to happen. Damion sighed, looking away as Garurumon sighed gushing urine all over Matt's body to relieve himself after that blowjob. Matt didn't appreciate this, and thankfully didn't get any in his mouth. Garurumon looked over to Matt, snickering to himself. Garurumon gave a greatful lick to Matt's face, for "allowing" him the pleasure of calling him his own.
Now that he was marked territory, Matt wanted to make the best of it...looking to his friend's rump.

"That was just nasty Matt, plain nasty."Tai said.

"Hey, don't look at me. It was Garurumon's idea."Matt said."Besides, it's only natural. Maybe you should except that."

"I won't accept the fact that Damion expects us all to live like the animals he claims us to be."Tai shouted."I don't care about his stupid plans, I just want you back Matt, as well as Garurumon."

"No one asked for your opinion."Garurumon growled.

"Listen to him Tai, maybe you'll learn something for a change."Matt laughed and walked over behind Garurumon."Now, watch and learn how to do a Garurumon!"


Matt didn't listen, walking right behind Garurumon and jumping up on his rump, sniffing under the base of his tail. A wild smell, the smell of sex this young human sniffed! Matt would have this Garurumon's rump tonight, his sexual desire demanded it! Garurumon bent down, giving Matt more free rein and prepared himself for the human's penetration of his anus.
The boy took his position with glee over his friend's rump, preparing to do him. Matt placed his hands down on Garurumon's rear fur, and looked at the purple anus pulsating in front of him. It was big, more than enough for him to penetrate. Matt sighed, and slipped into that hole. Garurumon closed his eyes, and Matt went bonkers feeling the entrance clench down upon his relatively small human penis, massaging it from all sides with its fleshy walls. Matt leaned in, laying his head down Garurumon's back and let the sensations go to his head. It was so enjoyable, this feeling, Matt thought to himself.

Being in Garurumon, Matt felt truly connected to him for the first time. They were like one being, giving each other warmth and security. Matt's lust slowly began to dissappear, as fond memories of the past poured into his mind as a result of this joining.

Matt thought to himself.

"M-Matt, a-are you fighting too?"Garurumon asked.

"No, he's not."Damion held up a shadowy hand.

"ARRGHH!!"Matt shouted, just as he cummed within Garurumon's butt.

Matt slipped out, cum dripping out of Garurumon's tailhole as a result. Damion put a foot on the boy's chest, and looked down at him. He mustn't have any more resistance. What was going on he thought to himself. These Digidestined were beginning to fight back! No matter how much power he used, they always managed to somehow regain a fraction of their senses!

"Errr..."Garurumon couldn't move his body.

"Look at you, what a pathetic creature."Damion said."Struggling to breathe underneath the weight of my heavy foot. I must pity are, after all, fragile."

"C-Can't breathe!"

"Stop it!"Tai fought back tears."Leave him alone!"

"Tears Kamiya? Never thought I'd see those."Damion said.

"Just stop it already..."

"Enough whining. The process continues."Damion smiled."Only this time, I got a special treat in store."

"Sorry Tai."Gatomon walked in.

"Gatomon?!"Tai yelled.


Gennai sat in contemplation, thinking what he should do against a devious foe like Damion. It was killing him inside, knowing those kids were suffering at his hands, that their minds were being twisted inside out and that things were quickly beginning to span way out of control. Something had to be done, but what?...

"Pardon the interruption Gennai."Leomon came in."I caught this one outside."

"OOF!"The Gazimon landed on the floor.

"Oh, you're one of Etemon's I see."Gennai turned around."It's quite all right, leave him to me Leomon."

"As you wish."Leomon smiled.

"H-Hey, I only wanted some fudge!..."The evil bunny Digimon began to sweat.

"Well then, have I got a deal for you."Gennai said."Come with me."

"Huh?"Gazimon looked at the old man.

"Well, what're you waiting for? The last days?"Gennai asked impatiently.

"Fine, I'm comin', I'm comin'...geez."Gazimon rolled his eyes, walking with the old man to his "secret place".

"You see, I just happen to be a collector of the world's finest flavors of fudge and since you're obivously a lover yourself, well..."

"Anything!"Gazimon's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the neatly wrapped fudge."Anything for one little bite..."

"Well then, my young friend. Tell me everything you know about Damion."Gennai sat down.

"Everything I know about Damion?!? You gotta be kiddin' me, I don't know anything!"Gazimon crossed his arms out of fear.

"All right, if you don't want the fudge I know a lion outside who's dying for some."Gennai said."Oh, I forgot he hasn't had dinner yet either."

"H-He doesn't eat Gazimon does he?"Gazimon looked out the door to see Leomon standing guard.

"Not usually, but he does make exceptions."Gennai explained."Do you really want to take that chance?"

"All right, I'll talk."Gazimon dropped to his knees."Just promise me you'll spare me Damion's wrath. He promised me a thousand deaths if I betrayed him."

"As he has no influence over you at this time, I suspect you'll be safe right here in my cottage under Leomon's watch. Now, tell me how he set that barrier even I cannot get through?"Gennai asked.

"His own mind energy of course! He told me he's grown so powerful that not even you will be able to put him down."

"I already know that. It's up to those kids."Gennai said."But how I wonder, do these Digidestined beat him without having their minds controlled?"

"Hell, I don't know, I'm just the hired help."Gazimon shrugged.

"I'm not stupid, little hairy one, not tell me how to break it!"Gennai grabbed him by the throat.

"UUHHH!!"Gazimon struggled to breathe."A-A mind stronger than his can...."

"Thank you."Gennai dropped him casually.

"Geez old guy, you've got a strong grip!"Gazimon wheezed.

"I take Polygrip."Gennai said.

"Isn't that just for dentures though?"Gazimon gave him an awkward look.


"Nothing, forget I asked."Gazimon sighed.

Gennai thought to himself.

"Hello Tai, nice night isn't it? Too bad there's no full moon."Gatomon said.

"Gatomon, you're still free?"Tai asked.

"Free as a canary, but don't quote me on that."Gatomon jumped on Tai's lap."You're such a hardcase, always panicking in a situation you can't control. Well, maybe it's time you just gave in and..."

"Gatomon, don't tell me you're actually agreeing with this creep!"Tai said.

"Why not, Tai?"Gatomon rubbed her head against his blue shirt."It's been far too long since I had good rubdown anyway."

"Gatomon, look at me!"

"I've been looking."

"You can't tell me you're really going to betray us and Kari as well!"Tai said.

"Me and Damion made a deal, the moment he came to kidnap you. I saw him sneaking away with you and ran up to stop him when he grabbed my head and starting killing me. I really had no choice, he offered to spare both myself and Kari if I shut up and let him do as he pleased. So, I have to do this Tai. Really, if there were any other way Tai, I'd go with it but there isn't. The moment I even think of betrayal...he will shut down Kari's mind."Gatomon said.

"How do you do that?"

"I know how to stay focused, unlike you as Kari has told me."

"Why is it always me?"Tai sighed.

"Oh, relax already and just enjoy this while you can. It's...Lord Damion's gift to you."

"I can sense the hatred in your voice Gatomon, but betray me once and Kari dies."Damion crossed his arms, smiling.

"I know that, so stop pestering me and let me get this over with."Gatomon whispered.

"Good to see someone humble in this group."Damion said.

"You won't need your bonds anymore."Gatomon slashed them open, freeing Tai.

"Y'know Gatomon, it doesn't have to be Damion's way."Tai said."I have no reason why he hasn't killed us yet, since he has all that power."

"Punishment, then pain."Damion's eyes glew.

"Ahh."Tai rolled his eyes then feeling a slight pain in the back of his head.

"It starts out small then expands throughout your tiny mind."Damion said."It's my "Clean Slate" erases all your previous memories literially making nothing more than a vegetable."

"I'm no vegetable."Tai sputtered.

"Keep that in mind then."Damion said."I've decided to give you a little pleasure before the hell begins."

Gatomon looked at Tai with tears in her eyes. She hated Damion with so much of her heart. All she wanted for was for him to die and this to be over with...but it wouldn't happen. Kari would die if betrayal became a notion for her. So, with a relenting will she ripped Tai's shorts off his legs and pulled his underwear down. Tai's mind began to become clouded, just as the others were.

Tai thought in his mind.

Tai felt a funny thing on the top of his prick. He looked down, seeing Gatomon slightly licking the top of his penis. Tai sighed, finding this actually quite relaxing. His nerves weren't tense anymore, his body was starting to aftereffect of Damion or was that Gatomon at work? In any case, the feline took a hold of the penis in her clawed paws and put down her muzzle on the manhood suckling away. Saliva dripped down onto Tai's young balls, and he shivered intensely as that warm pink tongue licked his prick all over.

The Digidestined leader couldn't picture himself in his mind doing this, but GOD did it feel like heaven! Gatomon's tongue was so warm and unlike that of a real cat's. Lucky for him as well Gatomon had no intention of stopping until she saw some precum out of that little ol' manhood of his. Tai lay back on the concrete ground and let Gatomon at him. He closed his eyes, feeling Gatomon swiping her taste snake over the surface of his penis over and over again. It was like a day in the sun almost, the pleasure was constant and the tongue nice, sleek, and wet with warm saliva coating his body.

"Mmmm....*purrpurr*"Gatomon muffled sucking on him, wetting his cock.

"Y'know Gatomon?"Tai said, relaxed."You wanna know something really secret?"

"Mmff!"Gatomon couldn't respond properly due to her not caring at the moment with cock in her mouth.

"I dreamed about this once...having sex with you that is. It wasn't like this though. We weren't wild animals in some jungle together, or under someone's control like puppets on a string. It was actually kind of romantic in a strange sort of way. Sora was mad as hell at me, but I didn't care, I just went ahead and asked you out in this dream and you accepted of course. We went out on a date, I had steak and you fish. We danced, and watched a movie together and at the end we did it together in bed with no regrets at all. I woke from the dream that night, not giving any real thought...but now that I'm actually here doing this, I find that...I have no regrets doing this either."Tai looked up."So go ahead Gatomon, do it. It's just...kind of pointless, y'know?"

"T-Tai?"Gatomon stopped sucking on his prick, pre-cum dribbling down her chin.

"Nothing Gatomon, absolutely nothing."

Gatomon thought to herself.

"...don't say a word, mommy's gonna buy you a mockINGbird!"Tai mumbled to himself, lost in a wave of pleasure.

Damion thought to himself, watching from afar.

Gatomon pushed spread her legs wide, and sat down upon Tai's penis slowly pushing her clitoris up and down upon his mighty steed. Gatomon mewwed feeling this penis penetrating her, but it did feel somewhat good to her. Tai was in a mixed up dreamlike state at the moment, not sure whether he was awake or not. He was somewhere in his fight still fighting, but that fight was diminishing. Damion only now was beginning to insert his control over the Digidestined, and nothing would stop him. Gatomon's tears shed continually down her face, as she sat herself further down on Tai's boner of a penis. Tai puffed out ragged breaths, taking all that inner pinkness that he could. He thrust deep, going far up inside Gatomon's pussy (no pun intended ^^) and cumming! White gunk dripped to the floor, and Gatomon mewwed softly looking over at Tai. He was still, not moving.


No answer.

"TAI!"Gatomon shook his body, not moving. He perked her ears and put it down on his chest. His heart was still beating, and breathing was normal.

"He has been broken."Damion smiled."Now, finally, Kari will..."

"WAIT!"Gatomon looked up at him."You're not hurting Kari! You promised!"

"You little fool, I promise nothing to sinners like you!"Damion screeched firing energy at Gatomon.

"AHH!!"Gatomon flew into a wall, dropping to the ground.

"Gatomon!"Kari cried out.

"Silent little one, you have been the main concern and always have been."Damion said."With your friends gone, I'll finally be rid of you and Gennai!"

"Why do you wanna get rid of me so bad? I haven't done anything to you!"Kari sniffed.

"Don't play innocent with me."Damion said."You are a Digidestined, and a particularly strong Digidestined at that."

"What makes you think..that?"Kari whispered.

"I know what makes you tick, and something inside you is hurting me."Damion put his head at a safe distance in front of Kari's."I cannot even touch you without feeling pain, something which should be impossible and yet is reality."

"You don't know what that is?"Kari asked.

"Yes. Precisely correct."Damion said."Tell me Kari, how well do you know your friends?"

"I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work!"Kari stood up."You can't scare me with your threats! When Tai wakes up he'll..."

"Do what? Complain about his love life to me? Your brother is a pitiful leader, a brave but stupid leader. A stupid leader would have never let himself get captured like he did."Damion said.

"K-Kari."Gatomon struggled to get up, blood running down her nose.

"Gatomon, stay back!"Kari yelled.

"Yes feline, stay back!"Damion snapped a finger lifting her body up mentally, and throwing her into the wall again!

"UHHH!!"Gatomon shouted.

"Stop it!"Kari cried, tears coming to her eyes."Stop hurting her!"

"Then simply give up to me!"Damion shouted."It's as simple as that! All you've had to do is give in to me, but you out of all these children haven't given in! WHY?!?"

"Still impatient, are you?"Gennai walked in.

"YOU! How the heck did you get in here?!"Damion shouted."No one but me or the Digidestined can get in, let alone go out."

"You haven't changed a bit Damion. I still sense the villianous intentions of all those Digimon defeated by the Digidestined within you, combined within to form you. You really dissappoint as a son, so don't expect your name to be on my will!"Gennai said.

"HA! That's a laugh, considering how you allowed me to be stolen by those replusive creatures in the first place. I was like any normal Digimon, without any parents. When you found me though, I felt...something in here."Damion said."Now that useless feeling is gone, thanks to the Dark Masters."

"You can still have that feeling Damion, it's not too late, but you must be willing to atone for your own sins tonight."Gennai concluded."Let the children go."

"Never, I am the decider of punishments old man and now you have brought my wrath upon your soul this very night as well!"Damion hissed.

"What were you once Damion? What kind of Digimon?"Gennai asked."I never got to see you hatch, but yet I still feel responible for you having kept a somewhat decent track on you through my eyes and ears in the Digital and Real Worlds."

"If you must know, I was a Renamon."Damion said."Male perferably."

"A Renamon, a rarity to see in the Digital World. None of the Digidestined have gazed upon one nor have I for that matter. I thought them to be only a myth, but then again who thought Digimon would exist?"

"Enough of your crap, why are you here?"Damion asked.

"Like I said, to stop you."

"Oh, c'mon old fool, I know you're here for something else."Damion said.

"Tell me what this thing is, my son."Gennai said."I'm interested."

"I asked you!"Damion demanded."TELL ME."

"So demanding, just like that foolish Ogremon. You never were the brightest in the book."Gennai said."I've been with you in spirit. I've watched your every move as best I could, but you suddenly up vanished four months ago."

"I came here, with the power you so kindly handed over to me while you were trying to purify me so to speak."Damion clenched his fists."I did not appreciate that at all. You didn't give me a choice!"

"You were in a egg, how was I supposed to give you a choice? I was trying to save you!"Gennai pointed out."You were an innocent caught in the evil Digimon's web, and now look at what you have become...a disillusioned fool who thinks he can judge anyone based on his own personal beliefs. You are no better than me or anyone else in the universe. I think it's time you accepted that, Damion."

"Accept it?"Damion said."I have no TRUE FORM you fool! I can't live! I barely keep myself together right now, the shadowy bits of data I am now. Not only that, I'm under constant pain anytime I go near that accursed child Kari! You think I want to live under your thumb?"

"I can restore you."Gennai quickly said.

"Lies."Damion shouted."PIG-HEADED LIES!"

"He's not lying."Kari coughed."He's told nothing but the truth to us, so why would he lie to you?"

"He's sinned by abandoning me to those Digimon, that's why!"Damion shouted."Get away from me girl!"

"N-No!"Kari said.

"Fine, then I'll...ARR!!"Damion twisted his head to look at Gennai.

"You'll do nothing of the sort Damion. I have power here now, it's over for you."Gennai said."Accept who you are, and let us help you. I have plenty of good friends in the Digital World who can restore you to what you once were."

"NO!"Damion said."I'm not going to listen to you, old man! Begone!"

"ARRGH!!"Gennai was teleported outside the building, just like that."Dammit."

Back inside, Damion glew with an aura of purplish black energy swirling around what was left of his being. This place was now breached. He would have to transport the very school to the Digital World itself. But how? He could do it, but it would require him to go outside the school, leaving the Digidestined unguarded. They couldn't escape anyhow he thought.

"Stay here if you know what's good for you. I'm going to settle this with the old man once and for all."Damion flew outside the school, data particles starting to come off him.

Back outside, Gennai stood in waiting. He knew, sensed that Damion was coming for him. He would more prepared than the man thought.

"So, old man, you don't run. I admire that."

"Admire all you want."Gennai said."It will not change the fact that you're denying your own fault."

"Fine, if you'd rather be data floating in the air, fine by me."Damion held up a hand in the air."I just wish you say I was right for a change."

"I cannot say that because you KNOW I am right Damion."Gennai shook his head.

"Swords then? I know you love them."Damion brought out a sword looking like Excalibur from King Aurther's tales.

"Swords it is."Gennai brought a magical staff.

"Mifesto's Wrath!!"Damion threw the sword, flaming right at Gennai's heart which the old man nimbly dodged.

"RACAHA!"Gennai chanted releasing three flaming tiger heads from his staff at Damion.

"URRH!!"Damion blocked with a mental shield."Impressive."

"Mystic Thunder!"Gennai shouted, releasing thunder energy at the shadowy form of Damion, not even hurting him.

"Come now Gennai, I thought you would've been stronger than this."Damion said.

"Young people."Gennai jumped up in the air, forming his staff into an bow and arrow."Fine, you want powerful, you can have this if you want!"

Damion stood there, not expecting much and flew right at Gennai as he pulled back the arrow. Gennai, anticipating his charge attack, waited for the right moment powering up his bow and fired!

"UHHH!!"Damion stopped in mid-air, the arrow going through his chest and sticking."I-Impossible, how did you do that?! I'm wasn't even solid when that a-arrow hit!"

"It's a MAGIC arrow, son. Perhaps you should back to school hm?"Gennai laughed.

"W-What's happening to me?!"Damion struggled, hardly able to move.

"Draining all that data out of your system. You're going back to what you were Damion before all this happened."Gennai said."Just let the arrow do it's job."

"NOOO!!!"Damion shouted, dissolving the arrow with his last remaining energies."NOOOO!!!"

"Stop shouting, I'm not...AARGH!!"Gennai was sent flying as Damion made an explosion in the air.

"OOF!"Gennai hit the ground, falling unconscious at that.

"Rrrr...that was close."Damion shook off the effects of the arrow."I do not want that pitiful form of mine any longer. I see now that THIS was always my true form...nothingness. Soon, every single on the face of this pathetic world as well as the Digital World shall be just the same. Then, only then, will all sins be atoned!"

Damion summoned a spear into his hand, and threw it at the school causing it to land on the roof. Energy sparked from the spear and without so a puff or fancy light show, the school simply dissappeared out of sight along with Damion. Leomon ran up to the site to see that he was too late.

"Gennai, wake up man!"Leomon slapped him.

"Ooh, damn boy."Gennai rubbed his head."Leomon, how are you here?!"

"I followed you. I grew bored guarding the house and placed one of my comrades at the door instead."Leomon said."I sensed you were hurt and rushed to your aid."

"How come you didn't help me fight Damion?!"Gennai said."You could've helped me..."

"I just got here Master Gennai."

"Oh, never mind! Help me up already, we have to go after those kids!"Gennai said."There's no telling what he has planned in the Digital World!"

"What do you have in mind?"Leomon asked.

"Well, we'll need backup most definitely. So, let's go get the rest of the Digidestined."Gennai said.

"I can send them an e-mail if you want."

"No, I think the direct method will work much faster this time, old friend. Come, the time to cancel Damion's place in the will has come."Gennai said.

"I'm still in there, correct?"Leomon asked.

"Oh, come now, of course you are."

"You're not mad about that remark I made about you having no hair?"Leomon blushed red in the face.

"What brought up that?!"Gennai turned around."I like my perfectly natural bald head thank you...just come on, we're wasting time."

Leomon reminded himself, wanting to be anywhere but here now...


Izzy's house, 4 AM in the morning...

"Izzy, I know you want to finish but can you pleaseeee turn off that light?!?"Tentomon shouted."You've had it on all night and I want to sleep!"

"In 10 minutes Tentomon, I'm at a crucial part of my research!"Izzy replied.

"You're playing Resident Evil 4."Tentomon eyed him.

"So sue me, I'm addicted to this game and it's Saturday anyway."Izzy rolled his eyes."It's not my fault they made such a wonderful game to begin with."

"You can worry about zombies later!"Gennai appeared in his room.

"AHH!!"Izzy yelled seeing Gennai.

"AHHHH!!"A dying scream came from the television, signaling a GAME OVER on the screen.

"Finally..."Tentomon fainted.

"Gennai, I almost had the greatest weapon in the game!"Izzy cried.

"That's great, but it's a second rate game anyhow."Gennai said."All games are, except the ones I make of course."

"You take that back."Izzy said.

"If we come out of this alive, I will plus interest."Gennai said."I need you to log on the Internet. Turn your television back to TV back as well."

"All right, all right..."Izzy picked up the remote, clicking the TV button."Whoa."

"This just in!"The bleach-colored reporter said on the set."An old abandoned school on the west side of town has suddenly dissappeared with no indication of cause. Scientists are baffled to explain how a school could just disappear like this so suddenly but we'll have more info as it comes back to your 4 AM cooking with Jean."

"The school Sora told me her Mother never wanted her to go...huh."Izzy said."I bet Sora's Mother will be glad to hear this. In any case, what is going on Gennai? Does the school's dissappearance have anything to do with it?!"

"You bet. I'll explain as we go on, but right now I need you to go to this address..."Gennai whispered into his ear.

"Oh...that's a long address, but I can type it."Izzy got to his computer.

"I'm never going to sleep again, I swear."Tentomon shook his poor little insect head.


File Island, in the DigiWorld...

Kari awoke with a start. She looked around and saw her friends sprawled out about the beach, all unconscious with a purple aura of energy around them. The young girl was still naked and on the sandy beach floor, Gatomon right next to her. Where were they she asked herself, surveying the area...that's when she saw the phone booths.

Kari thought to herself.
"Look at this Kari."Damion spoke, standing on the beach looking outwards, some resemblance of a tail waving in the wind."Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah, the Digital World is pretty."Kari got up, finding that she was able to move about on her own again.


"Why?"Kari whispered.

"Why is the question I ask myself everyday."Damion said."I remember little of my own time as a Digimon in the egg...who does? I remember feeling that warmth, that inner peace...until I was violated, violated by those monsters!"

"I'm sorry that happened Damion, but we can fix things for you, you just have to give us the chance to!"Kari cried.

"No, you don't understand Kari, I right now don't want to be what I was before. I've come too far to turn back on my self-proclaimed role now. I can never go back to what I was before, I know that for myself."Damion said."I've decided that I will rule as the being I am now, over a Digital World where there are beings just as myself with no true form."

"You can't do that!"Kari said.

"Why not?"Damion said."Give me one reason why I shouldn't do this, Kari."

"Is that why you let me stay awake, was that so I stop you?"Kari asked.

"Don't be stupid, little girl."Damion said."You are under me. You are the only I have been able to influence in anyway or Gatomon for that matter."

"Why don't you kill me then?!"Kari cried."If I hurt you so much, why don't you kill me?!"


"Y-You can't."Kari said."You can't kill me, can you?"

"..."Damion turned around, looking at Kari directly."No."

"I can stop you then."Kari closed her eyes, summoning her Digivice.

"You're good."Damion said."You are learning that as a Digidestined, you too have certain powers."

"Yes."Kari said."Now why aren't you trying to stop me?"

"Like I said, getting near you hurts me. But..."Damion's eyes glew."There are others who will do my work for me, like your brother for instance."

"Hello Kari."Tai said."You naughty little girl, staying up past your bedtime."

"Tai!"Kari looked at him, his eyes all white.

"What's wrong Kari, something the matter?"Tai smiled wickedly."Lose something?"

"We'll help you find it."Sora came over as well, with the same completely white eyes.

"In death that is."Matt said.

"Stay back!"Kari fell to the ground, holding up her Digivice."Don't make me..."

"You can't hurt us Kari, we know you're too soft to do anything like that."Tai said."Now be a good little sister and let me wrap my big warm big brother hands around your pathetic little neck, hmm?"

"GET OFF!!"Kari fired pink energy out of her Digivice at Tai's chest, sending him to the ground.

"AHH!!"Tai shouted in pain."That hurt, you little shrimp!"

"Master Damion, what do we do?!"Sora asked."She hurt Tai, you told us she would be easy!"

"JUST KILL HER!"Damion shouted, at the breaking point.


4:05 AM-Izzy's house...

"Well, it took me 32 seconds longer than usual, but I got the program up and running Gennai. What is this supposed to do anyhow?"Izzy asked.

"Stop gawking and just press Enter already!"Gennai said."We've got time to lose!"

"All right, all right..."Izzy said, pushing his finger into the Enter button."There...what, teleportation?!? Gennai, do you have any idea what this is going to do to my compu--oh boy."

With a few sparks here and there, Izzy's screen flash several colors of light and a portal to the Digital World was open! Not only that, the rest of the Digidestined; Joe, Mimi, and TK showed up!

"zzz..."Mimi was still asleep, lying on the floor.

"W-Wha...this isn't math class, and I'm not naked to boot!"Joe woke up from a very bad dream.

"Oh, hi Gennai."TK yawned."Yep, Mimi stills snores."

"NO I DO NOT!"Mimi jolted awake.

"Ahhh!!"TK jumped up.

"Sorry to wake you all up, but this is urgent. Your friends are all under the influence of a being of great power who calls himself Damion. He used to be a Digimon called a Renamon, but was corrupted by the data of all the past enemies you have encountered. He must be stopped."Gennai explained.

"So, what do you want us to do?"TK asked.

"Aim your Digivices at the computer screen. We're going to give Kari the help she needs, for she is the only one immune to his control."Gennai said.

"What do you mean?"Izzy asked.

"*sigh*Damion has mind control, now just aim them at the screen and push the little button on the right side!"Gennai said."All of you!"

"All right, all right..."Mimi held up hers, pressing the button."Oh, pretty!"

"Wow!"TK noted seeing an orange beam fly out of his into the computer screen.

"Prodigious."Izzy rubbed his chin firing the beam into the gulf of the Digiworld Portal.

"This is for you Kari!"Joe shouted."Knock him off his socks!"

"Good. Now it's all up to you, my dear."Gennai said.

"Can't you just go back to the Digital World?"Joe asked.

"No, I'm too drained from my last fight with him! He's holding all the cards now, so it's time to take the ace out of the pocket so to speak."Gennai shifted his gaze to the portal looking within.

Back in the Digital World...

"Kill her, kill her!"Damion said."I'll prepare my all encompassing attack in the meantime!"

"What attack?!"Kari yelled.

"A Grand Cleansing unlike any of which this world has ever seen!"Damion threw his hands up in the air."Using the power of the digivices of Tai, Sora, Matt, as well as you (once you are dead of course), I can harness the power from these children to evolve these Digimon to unseen heights!"

"You're going to kill them!"Kari yelled."A blast that strong will just wipe everything out!"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take."Damion said."As far I'm concerned, the lot of you have all sinned so all of you must therefore suffer. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No! How many times do I have to beg you?!"Kari got on her knees.

"Y'know what, you demented piece of trash?"A bruised up Gatomon walked into the fray."You're right, you're absolutely right. We've all sinned."

"You..agree?"Damion grew wide eyed.

"Yeah, I was evil once myself. I wasn't always that way though. It was when Myotismon found and trained me into a killing machine that I was that way. It wasn't until Kari that I changed...that I realized that I had been wrong about myself. There were times when I had tried to kill her, but I just couldn't."Gatomon sniffed."I felt something inside I had never felt towards another Digimon or human for that matter."

"Love."Damion said."We come to that again?! Your love cannot..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know you've heard it all before. The problem with the world is that there will always be someone like you who thinks things have to be a certain included. I'm going to flat out say it, I love Kari more than anything on this planet and you're not stand in my way of saying it or going through with it! Because, deep down, I hope...I know, she feels that way about me too."Gatomon looked to her.

"Gatomon."Kari whispered.

"Kari, no matter who you're with, be it human or Digimon, I just want you to know that I will always love you here."Kari put a paw to her chest.

"Don't speak like that Gatomon!"Kari picked her up and hugged her close."You know I..."

"I love you Kari, it's that simple."A tear came down her eye, swiping her tongue over Kari's face.

Kari looked at Gatomon with a sad smile on her face, and pressed her lips towards Gatomon's in a big surprise! It certainly was a big surprise to Gatomon, who stood there in Kari's grasp motionless, couldn't believe what was happening. Damion looked at this display, enraged and glowing with a blue aura of energy. Angry beyond belief, he fired a barrage of energy spirals at the two! The digivice in Kari's right hand reacted and formed a shield that deflected the attacks!

"NO!"Damion shouted."NOOO!!"

"Ready Gatomon?"Kari asked.

"Just let me at him so we can go home."Gatomon smiled, jumping to the floor.

"About time I got some decent fight out of you."

With that, Kari closed her eyes concentrating and managed to digivolve Gatomon to her Ultimate form of Angewomon. The angel glowed with a might unparalleled to any in the Digital World, save her own. Angewomon flew into the air, and stood a safe distance from the now flying Damion who just gave her a blank stare.

"Do you have nothing to say before your death?"Angewomon said.

"You are only one. I am much more."Damion formed a ball of energy in his hand."Come on, I'll offer you a free shot."

"Your choice, my friend."Angewomon targeted Damion with her arrow."CELESTIAL ARROW!"

With the flick of her wrist, Angewomon released the arrow in her bow sending it flying at Damion who stood there just smiling. Of course, Kari knew what this meant...he wasn't going to be stopped that easily and the momentary stopping of the arrow just inches from his chest was that indication.

"Uhh!"Angewomon was taken aback from the sudden stop.

"Don't be surprised."Damion said."After all, what made you think you even had a free shot in the first place?"

Damion took the ball of energy in his hand and applied to the arrow, repowering and turning it into an arrow all his own. The man formed a bow in his hand and placed the arrow inside, aiming it right at Kari.

"Finally...I have what I need, to kill that child."Damion said.

"What?!"Angewomon shouted.

"I've been studying you all as I was messing up your minds! All this while I was studying WHY Kari was immune to my power...I found out the simple and obvious truth:Gennai. The old man made her that way, right from the start! He made the eighth child so special, so powerful, that she'd be the last hope, the last resort if the seven other Digidestined fell!"Damion gritted his teeth."Well, HALF that force is out of comission. I don't care for the other half, as they are useless anyway!

"O-Old man?"Damion asked."Where are you?"

"Backup huh? I think you're a wee bit too late for that Gennai!"Damion shouted."When I fire this powered-up arrow, Kari will finally be no more and I can finally unleash the power of the Digivices!"

"Finally? You mean, Kari's been some sort of barrier preventing you from accessing their true potential?!"Angewomon looked down to her.

"Yes, that's it precisely dumpling."Damion said."Now, do me a favor and go to sleep."

Angewomon instantly transformed back to Gatomon upon a wink of Damion's eyes and fell to the beach, right into Kari's awaiting arms. Kari began to cry, digging her head into Gatomon's fur. She never wanted things to turn out this way...she couldn't, wouldn't believe things would end this way! She had to do something, anything...but what?!

Gennai asked.

"Of course I do, old man."Damion pulled back."Why wouldn't I?"

"That is who I am now, old man! I accept that!"Damion shouted."Why can't you accept me for that?!"

"You mean, I'm not even..."

"I-I have no..."



"My choice?"Damion put down the arrows.

"Huh?"Kari opened her eyes."What's..."

"WE choose to kill Kari!"Piedmon's voice came out."Nice seeing you again, too bad making you a keychain just isn't possible!"

"NO!"Kari held up her digivice, firing a pink ray of light at the arrow dissolving it, and hitting Damion in the chest.

"AHHH!!!"Damion shouted, the pain overwhelming him."T-The pain!!"

"This is for torturing Tai!"Kari fired another beam/

"UHH!!"Damion was hit again, this time in the face.

"This is...huh?"Kari saw a three combined blasts from the Digivices hitting Damion.

"ARRGHH!!"Damion shouted, unable to move."T-This..."

"...IS FOR GATOMON!!"Kari held up her digivice, firing an immense beam of light that completely enveloped Damion!

"AHHH!!!"Damion shouted dissappearing within the field of light.

Gennai, finally recharged reappeared instantly within the Digital World seeing the sight before his eyes...the true power contained within Kari's digivice, being unleashed upon the evil of the Digital World all at once. Seeing Damion suffer under all that pierced his heart literially. Gennai ran out and yelled for Kari to stop, and looking over to him she did letting a newly formed yellow Renamon hit the beach with a poof of sand.

"uhhhh."The Renamon that was known as Damion moaned."S-She did it, she did it...I'm finally free of you."

The combined voices of the Dark Masters screamed amongst all that data.

"Stay back young one, and let me handle this."Gennai came over."You and Gatomon attend to Renamon, while I deal with this data."

Gennai smircked.

Gennai laughed.

The scattering data shouted.

Gennai summoned a standard computer keyboard and pressed delete simply erasing their data from existence!

The data yelled dissappearing.

Gennai opened his eyes, noticing one's data was missing.

Gone, nothing was left of them save the open sky in front of Gennai.

Gennai went wide eyed.*

*If you've watched Digimon Adventure 02, then you know.^^

With all said and done, the newly formed Renamon sat up unhurt and unharmed. He didn't lie the Renamon thought. He restored him, just as he said he could. It hurt, but then again he was glad to be free of that evil at last. His new ears stood up straight and he turned his head to see Kari and Gatomon, staring at him sheepishly.

"A-Are you okay?"Kari asked.

"It's all right, you do not hurt me anymore."Renamon said."Come over and sit if you like."

"Okay."Kari said, Gatomon standing in front of her just in case.

"Your friends are asleep, recovering from their mental "rape"."Renamon explained."They will be back to normal soon."

"Thank goodness."Kari sighed with relief, now that things were finally settling down."It must have been horrible for you."

"Yes, it was horrible for me. I'm trying to figure out if I even still exist."Renamon explained.

"Of course you do. You've always existed."Kari laughed."Well, ever since you were in an egg."

"An egg that was corrupted by evil."Renamon put his head in his hands.

"Come on Mister Renamon, don't cry."Kari put her hands on around his body.

"Kari's right, it wouldn't be good for your evil reputation."Gatomon snickered.

"I hate that."Renamon shook his head."I hate who I was, and what I almost did."

"That, by all accounts Renamon, was not nor ever has been you. You have just been truly born."Gennai smiled."I'm sorry for what happened to you."

"No, I..."

"Hey Kari, what do you say if we...*whisper whisper*"Gatomon whispered into Kari's ear.

"I don't know Gatomon, but it sounds like the thing he could use right now."Kari looked at him.

"W-What?"Renamon looked at the two of them.

"Oh boy."Gennai turned around in the other direction.

"You've never been laid in your life, have you?"Gatomon asked.

"Of course he hasn't, he was just born Gatomon!"Kari shook her head.

"Sex, right here, right now?"The Renamon got up, looking at the Gatomon awkwardly.

"Yes, I think it's time you had some. You've been through hell and back, told what to believe in and never making your own choices! Well, I have one for you:you want to have me and Kari or not? We won't force's entirely up to you."Gatomon asked seductively.

"(Gatomon..)"Kari whispered.

"Just work with me Kari."Gatomon said."Believe me, we just want to make you happy."

"..."The Renamon stood stock still, feeling a slight twitch in his new sheath."W-What's this feeling?"

"It's called getting an erection."Gatomon crossed her paws.

"I-It feels...good."Renamon instinctively rubbed it with his paws."Oh!"

Gatomon thought to herself."Would you like some help?"

"Help?"The Renamon asked.

"God, you're not THAT dense are you?"Gatomon shook her head in dismay.

"Well, okay..."The Renamon sat down, wanting to explore this feeling in his lower regions more."AUUHH!! W-What're..."

"I'm rubbing it for you, so just relax and get on all fours for me okay?"Gatomon said."We're going to give you a double dose. Kari, I know you're tired but could you?"

"Sure, no problem.^^"Kari smiled, anxiously getting behind Renamon's rump.

"Hmm?"Renamon looked behind himself to see what was going on.

"Would you just relax? I'm trying to get that little prick of yours out!"Gatomon complained.

"All right, all right."Renamon said."Forgive me, as this is my firsttt...time!"

Gatomon, rubbing the Renamon's furry ballsac looked at it in awe and appreciation. For a Digimon, his ballsac sure was well-rounded. No wonder he was so such a sought after Digimon not to mention rare! Female Renamons were naturally more powerful than the males, but the males while somewhat weaker had the capacity to sustain large amounts of data within their bodies making them very much sought out. That didn't mean they had small dicks though.^^;;

"Wow."Renamon looked underneath himself, seeing Gatomon lick at the opening of his sheath, the point of his dick popping out before his very eyes. It was jet black all around the tip, pink all around the sides with spots of black all around as it came out steadily before Gatomon's eyes.

This Renamon's dick was something out of heaven thought Gatomon, as did Kari who was standing behind Renamon getting a glimpse of that treasure close up. Both partners looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement...this Renamon was definitely someone with some length on him! Meanwhile, "Damion" couldn't help but feeling something warm inside his very being.

He'd never have anyone give him a BJ before let alone a good rimjob (which hadn't even gone on yet), so this was something to appreciate and think about. Was this truly how they expressed love for one another, through this concept of sex? Any question dissappeared from his mind, let alone any doubts as Gatomon took off her gloves and placed her mouth on his sex, sucking on it with her soft and spongy tongue.

"OOOOHHH!"The Renamon gasped out loud, not believing what he was feeling at that moment on the end of his manhood.

Gatomon sucked that baby down, running the surface of that organic tube in and out of her mouth in incredible motion, all the while rubbing his ballsac of white and swallowing the precum that flowed from it like honey in a flower. His pre-cum was unlike anything Gatomon had ever tasted in her life! It tasted of the most exotic of flowers, and she just had to have more as she licked the tip of his penis begging for more, demanding it even!

Kari, wanting some of that too but knowing her assigned duty took her place behind the Renamon's tail and took a hold of it, lifting it up with her tiny hand and looking at the white gaping hole in front of her.

Kari looked at it.

The little girl smiled and casually licked the surface of the donut-shaped anus relaxing the fox's thighs and allowing for smooth entry inside. Kari extended her tongue outwards and pushed herself inside that delightfully handsome Renamon's ass and gosh was she surprised as well! His ass had the same exact taste that Gatomon was drinking from the prick! Kari, in her delight, pushed and wiggled her tongue fully up that kitsune's tailhole and let it sit there, letting the taste hit her taste buds. How delightful she thought to herself, loving it at every moment.

Gatomon continued her motions meanwhile, massaging and lubing his parts with her tongue. The vixen's eyes rolled up into the sky at the utter delight he was feeling from both sides. He loved the fact that he, someone who had tried to deny them this, was now giving to him. Renamon, on the verge of cumming from being blowed and cleaned out, stood his ground some more. He wanted to do one of them as well now...he felt confident, he wanted to explore more.

Renamon was surprised.

Renamon looked back, seeing how innocent she was. She was not even past her prime, and yet her she was licking him out of love, out of pity. The Renamon smiled, letting Kari enjoy his ass. Speaking of Kari, the child continued her feats licking and lubing him, admiring his round cheeks. He WAS handsome, Kari thought, blushing to herself but she knew there was ultimately only room for one in her heart looking at Gatomon.

"S-Stop for a minute."Renamon gasped.

"Why?"Gatomon said, taking her mouth off the prick.

"Yeah, why?"Kari lifted her face up from underneath that tail.

"Come here Kari."The Renamon said, getting in a sitting position.

"Okay."Kari came over, sitting down upon Renamon's lap.

"When I...or "Damion" said that you sinned, well that part of me was wrong to say that. We all make mistakes, but the only sinners in this world or the Real World are beings like the Dark Masters who seek to manipulate and control us, telling us what is right and never letting us decide for ourselves. You two gave me back my freedom. The least I can do for you is give you something few Renamon ever give to others..."Renamon said picking Kari up in his arms."My love back."


"It's okay Gatomon, he won't hurt me."Kari smiled.

"Anytime you want me to stop, just tell me."

"Just go ahead, I want to feel this to the fullest extent."Kari smiled.

Renamon, his boner sticking up like a soldier at daybreak, gently pressed down upon her virginity taking her without measure.
The vixen's eyes went out of their socket at her tightness, her fleshy hot opening gripping his head. The Rena pushed with his might back and forth while holding onto Kari's body tight. Tears of happiness went down Kari's eyes at this, having felt the love from this Renamon's prick in her system. It was a little much for her to take, but she didn't care! Somehow, someway...she felt no pain only joy! For the scant moments she was with this fox, Kari truly felt happy in ways only she and Gatomon felt when they were together. Gatomon watched in awe, wishing she were Kari at the moment as well. Renamon, knowing the time had come, closed his eyes and let his seed flow into her, spilling right on out of her and all over the beach.
Kari was red in the face and looked at "Damion", the face that all in the same day had shown her hatred and the most love she had ever felt in one moment save from her brother Tai or Gatomon.

"Thank you, for giving me a chance."Renamon licked Kari's face and gently placed her down on the beach.

"No, thank you."Kari sniffed."If you hadn't "punished" us, me and Gatomon wouldn't have realized our true love for each other."

"Kari?!"Gatomon looked at her.

"Yes, Gatomon, I love you too."Kari got opened her arms and Gatomon ran over hugging her partner in tears.

"Oh Kari, me too."Gatomon sniffed rubbing her head against her.

"Will you come back with us?"Kari asked.

"I want to, but I don't know if I should."Renamon looked down."Considering all that's happened, I'm not sure your family would appreciate what I did."

"It'll be our little secret, between us."Kari smiled.

"Oh, really?"Tai surprised the lot of them.

"Tai, I can..."

"Forget it."Tai held up his hands."I'm not going to hate you because of what was on that tape Kari nor am I going to hate Renamon because he was a victim. I'm your big brother, and besides...I have something I ought to tell you as well."

"Oh boy."Gatomon sweated.

"Don't tell Sora, but me and Biyomon well, y'know."Tai made weird motions with his hands.

"You know I'm going to tell Sora, besides I already told her about me, Agumon, and Biyomon and she was all right about it."Kari smiled.

"You couldn't tell me first?!"Tai looked at her.

"Well, I know how you take things so I thought ahead."Kari put her hands behind her back.

"That's my Kari."Gatomon smiled.

"Are things like this all the time?"Renamon wondered.

"You'll get used to it."Gatomon told him.

"All right, I'm officially bummed out here."Tai dropped to the ground with all the others.

"Poor Tai, so tired he can't even stand up."Kari giggled.

"So."Gennai walked over, looking at Renamon."You've finally come back, how does it feel?"

"Good, Father. Good."Renamon nodded.

"Now, now, don't get all gushy on my account...oh, what the heck!"Gennai ran over and wrapped his arms around Renamon.

"URR, not--so--*tight*!"Renamon hissed.

"Oh, sorry! I forgot how strong these old arms can be!"Gennai laughed."Well, look at you, all grown up."

"I was just reborn."Renamon said."I still have a lot to do, and a lot to learn...which is why I'm going back to the Real World with the others. Perhaps I can learn more from the Digidestined."

"You will, in time."Gennai said."For now though, this is goodbye. Once again, I'm sorry for letting you go through all that in the first place."

"It was none of our faults Father, save the evil of this world."Renamon smiled."Let's depart on good natures."

"Agreed."Gennai said."Goodbye."

"Bye Gennai!"Kari waved as she, Gatomon, and Renamon dissappeared.

Gennai said.<...and maybe, just maybe, find someone to be with for the rest of your life in happiness.>


7 AM, that very same morning...

Tai slept soundly at last with the covers right over his head, reminding himself it wasn't a schoolday but forgetting something very important today.

"WAKE UP, IT'S SUNDAY!!!"Kari shouted.

"Kari!"Tai woke up with a jolt."Don't do that!!"

"But Tai, you forgot we're all going out today and that we have to introduce Mom to Renamon, who's sitting out in the living room by the way with Gatomon."

"Oh-kay."Tai shook his head, finally convinced he wasn't getting any sleep."Mom's not going to like this one...huh?"

Everyone in the Digidestined was in his living room, talking about what happened that night...Izzy theorizing what ever became of that school, Matt talking about how he was going to form a band and such, Renamon discussing the philsophy of life with Tai's mother.

"I never knew Digimon were so...educated!"

"Renamon are special."Renamon smiled.

"Ah, that would explain Agumon not knowing the difference between a root and route."Tai's Mom smiled."Oh, hello dear...did you sleep well for the short time you were in bed?"


"I've been talking to Renamon here and he told me what happened dear."Tai's Mom shot him a glance.

"H-He did?!"Tai gulped.

"Yes, and he says he appreciates you for saving him from the presence of Damion as well as our young Kari."Tai's Mother smiled."He's asked to live with us for awhile until such time he's ready to go back to the Digital World."

"You're okay with that?!"

"Of course, I needed someone to help me out around the house anyway."Tai's Mother said."That, and he loves philosophy!

"Great."Tai fell to the floor.

"Tai?"Izzy felt his head."I think he could use some of your soup, Mrs.Kamiya."

"NO!"Tai got up."I'm fine!"

"Are you sure, dear?"Mrs.Kamiya looked at him.


"You sure look red though."Sora looked at him.

"Yeah, like Mimi's hair when she tried to color it purple!"Palmon laughed.

"HEY!"Mimi laughed, covering her face with her hat embarassed.

"Purple?!"TK said.

"I was going for pink!"

"No, you specificially said purple!"Palmon remembered.

"Shut up already!"Mimi groaned.

So, as it turned out, Tai's Mother was convinced all that had happened that night was that a possessed Renamon had kidnapped their children and their Digimon saved them when Damion had transported them to the Digital World though the story was still kind of sketchy. Renamon left out the sex part on purpose, because he and the Digidestined knew what would happen should their parents ever find out.

The Digimon would be seen as nothing more than savages to be destroyed, or locked up, or whatever method was available to get rid of them with. So for now, Tai thought things couldn't be better than they were.

"Quiet Mimi."Tai's Mother shushed her."It's impolite to be loud like that when you're with company."

"Yes ma'am."Mimi said.

"Tai, why don't you get dressed?"Tai's Mother asked.

"O-Okay."Tai moaned getting up.

Renamon looked at the boy as he dragged himself down the hall back to he and Kari's room. He'd done so much to him that night, but he was still the same nonetheless. They truly were Digidestined, Renamon thought to himself.

"Excuse me a minute."Renamon got up.

"Come back soon, I want to talk about Aristotle's philosophy of the ultimate pleasure..."

"Study, yes, I know."Renamon smiled."Just give me a few minutes, Mrs.Kamiya."

"All right, but don't talk to my son too long. He hates long speeches, especially from his Mother."Tai's Mother giggled.


"There's just some things Mothers better hurry up before Tai decides to nod off again."

"Okay, I will."Renamon smiled to himself walking down the hall and peeking slightly into Tai's room.

"Maybe I can sneak in ten more minutes..."Tai was mumbling to himself beginning to climb into his bed.

"Tai?"Renamon asked."I know this isn't probably the best time, but..."

"Go ahead, better to get it off your chest now than later."Tai climbed into bed and looked at the Renamon.

"Could you ever forgive me for what I put you through?"Renamon asked."What I put your sister and the others through as well?"

"Have they forgived you?"Tai asked.

"Well, yes, but..."

"Then we're fine."Tai waved his hand in the air.

"But, I put you through hell and back in the name of own agenda!"Renamon told him."How can you forgive me for what I did to you so easily?!"

"It was Damion, not you Renamon."Tai said."Besides, you make my little sister happy and that makes me happy."

"Well, yeah, you're right there."Renamon peeked out to see Kari laughing with the others about Mimi's hair.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you've only begun your life after all."Tai smiled and closed his eyes, dozing off.

"Good night."Renamon turned off the lights.

[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."

Messages In This Thread
Read the full Megalemon HERE - by Renafan - 02-08-2005, 02:47 AM
Finally, the rest! - by Renafan - 02-08-2005, 02:49 AM