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Read the full Megalemon HERE
Again, I apologize...this board must have a limit or something, so I spilt the lemon up in two posts. Enjoy^^

Disclaimer-This is a lemon, or adult fanfiction designed to entertain the fans of "Digimon:Digital Monsters". This story is meant in no way to make profit or sully the characters' images. It is purely out of fan appreciation for the characters and is intended for an adult audience only, so no under the age of 18 shall read this.

Renafan presents...

A Birthday Gift for _agz_^__^

A sequel to "Memories Are Nice, But That's All They Are"

A Megalemon by Renafan

"Partners Of The Heart"

Six months after the ending of Digimon Adventure, things were back to normal for the Digidestined but now things begin again just as they ended those six past months ago.

2 AM in the morning...

My heart is pounding at a fast rate and will not stop.

W-Where am I?

My head hurts...

"Wake up, chowderhead."I heard someone say as a sweaty hand slapped my face.

I brought my head up, felt the ropes tightened around my body as I sat on the floor in a very dark place. I couldn't make out where I was or who was in front of me. The light, if there was any, was very dim. The man (at least he looked like one) stood over me, his glaring eyes piercing my body. I felt scared out of my underpants at that moment. I wanted anybody, somebody to be with me.

"No one's coming to save you Tai."The man told me."You're all alone here."

"W-Where's my sister?!"Tai screamed."Where's Kari?!?"

"Patience, young man. I don't take very kindly to harsh words out of young lips such as yours."The man said.

"Who are you?"

"The name is Damion, and I'm here to make both you and your sister pay for your sins."The man said."My kidnapping you was only the first step to your punishment."

"What did we do??"Tai screamed.

"Oh-ho. What did YOU do?!?"Damion flicked his fingers."Remember this?"

"The tape...that Kari made for my birthday."Tai whispered."How did you?!..."

"It was easy to grab it as I kidnapped you in quiet. You sleep like a baby in bed. Kari was so unaware of you, such an innocent looking child I must admit but so full of sinful desires underneath that disguise."

"What're you talkin' about?!"Tai screamed."My sister would never..."

"Never do what?"Damion said."Do anything that's considered by humans to be "bad"? Against taboo?"

"What the hell are you getting at man?"Tai demanded to know.

"You're both guilty."Damion crossed his arms."Just because you're both Digidestined does not make you free of any sins of the past. You will pay for your sins and then die an unholy death as prophesized by me."

"You're crazy."Tai said."Ceritificably crazy."

"Keep talking."Damion put a gun to Tai's neck."You know what the result will be should you utter one more word."


"Good."Damion took the gun away."Now we're getting somewhere. Let me have a seat, and tell you a story about two mon and a young Digidestined who did the dirty while you and Sora were playing let's go on a date..."

"W-What?"Tai raised his eyebrows.


The Kamiya Residence, now...

"Hmm?"Kari rubbed her eyes, sensing a void within her and Tai's room."Tai?"

Kari looked down on the bottom bunk to see no one there. The little girl jumped down from her bunk, and looked around the room and under the Tai. Maybe he was getting a midnight snack? Nope, no one in the kitchen but Gatomon mewing in her sleep. Agumon was away with Biyomon on a date, and they said they were staying over Sora's.

"TAI!"Kari yelled out. Nothing.

"Where are you?"She whispered.

He never goes outside at night, never. He knows the rules while Mom and Dad are away. Something was wrong, something was definitely wrong.

"Who's there?!"Kari turned around.

What predictable vision you have, young one.

"W-What?! Who's talking?!"Kari looked around, hearing somone but not seeing them.

Don't worry, you haven't gone crazy. I'm Tai's kidnapper.

"Kidnapper?!"Kari shouted."Why would you?..."

You have both sinned. You must pay.

"Pay?! For what?!"Kari yelled.

Shh, don't wake the neighbors now. They'll think you're crazy.

"Just tell me what you want, you bad man."Kari clenched her fists."What have you done with Tai?!"

"Kari?"Gatomon sprung her ears up.

I want you to come to the location I put into your head just now. You will find Tai here as well as myself. I'll tell you what your punishment is then.

"W-What if I don't come?"Kari asked."What if I tell you I want you to bring Tai back and leave us alone?"

Then I'll tell you that you have six hours before sunrise. You don't come before then, Tai sleeps with the fishes. You will join him not long after that, understand? Oh, and bring those Digimon you love banging so much all right?


You will do it, or Tai suffers first.


Good girl. I'd call your friends now, if I were you. The clock's ticking. Tick-tock, tick-tock.

"Wait, what punishment?!"

"Kari, who are you talking to?"Gatomon rubbed her head against Kari's body.

"Someone who kidnapped Tai. He wants me to bring Agumon and Biyomon with me as well as you."Kari ran her hand through her fur.

"Tai's been kidnapped?! How do you know?"Gatomon yawned.

"The man spoke into my head Gatomon, that's how I know. Plus, Tai never goes out at night, not even for chocolate milk."Kari said."Someone had to have taken him, and I know where."

"If I go with you to this place, will we find Tai there?"

"Yeah."Kari said.

"All right, let's call Biyomon and Agumon. I'm sure they can help us out."Gatomon said."Kari?"

Kari just stood, looking out into the night sky. Someone had taken her brother because of that night of sex she chose to have. A single tear came down her left eye and she dropped to her knees putting her hands into her face. She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it. Gatomon wrapped her arms around her partner and cooed her. It broke Gatomon's heart to see her partner in anguish like this, crying her poor heart out. Something had to be done in a matter of hours, and this was time neither could afford to waste.


Sora's apartment in downtown...

The bathroom being an unoccupied place and filled with nothing but privacy, Biyomon and Agumon hurried into there hoping to get some private time together.

"Are you sure this is the right time and place to do this Agumon?!"Biyomon said."Besides, it's two AM in the morning for crying out loud!"

"We're in the right mood! Let's just get down with it, okay?"Agumon said, rubbing his sheath.

"I don't know, it just doesn't feel right anymore."Biyomon said.

"What, our relationship?!"Agumon asked."Don't tell me you want to break up just because of that new self-help book?"

"No Agumon, it's Kari. Ever since our little moment together, I've felt...well, kind of attached to her."Biyomon blushed.

"Biyo?"Agumon looked at her.

"Don't deny it either Agumon."Biyomon poked a claw in his face."I've seen you looking at Kari every chance you can get."

"All right, I'll admit I am rather fond of her altogether. I never thought humans and Digimon could go THAT deep."

"Y-Yeah, and yet I'm afraid of what might happen to her if Tai were to find out."Biyomon said."We'd never be able to see each other again."

"What makes you say that? I'm sure Tai would understand."Agumon said."Trust me, I've known him as a partner since I met him, and he loves Kari more than anything."

"What about this though, Agumon? Do you really think that something considered "disgusting" among humans would be all right with Tai and the others?"Biyomon asked."We have to get realistic here Agumon, this is serious and I don't want anyone hurt because of our actions with Kari."

"Don't worry, relax."Agumon put a paw on Biyomon's shoulder."I'm sure things will just work"

There was a knock on the door, and Biyomon and Agumon looked at in each other in fear not knowing what to do. Agumon dived into the tub and pulled the curtains, while Biyomon went to the door, opening it. It was Sora, her eyes drooping and her facial expression not a very happy one.

"Biyomon, it's for you."Sora yawned."Kari, says it's an emergency."

"Sora?"Biyomon asked.

"I'm asleep, we'll talk about it in the morning..yawnnn."Sora walked in the other direction back to her nice, warm bed.

"Poor Sora, never getting enough sleep."Biyomon shook her head."Hello?"

"Is this Biyomon?"

"Of course it is silly."

"Biyomon, can you come over tonight?"

"What for?"Biyomon asked.

"Tai's been kidnapped by a bad man, and I need you to bring Agumon with you too."

"Wait, what do you mean "a bad man"?"Biyomon shifted her eyes."Are you sure this isn't a joke Kari?"

"Please, just come over, there isn't a lot of time!"Kari cried into the phone.

"Kari?"Biyomon asked.

No response.

"We have to go."Biyomon put the phone down.

"To bed?"Agumon asked.

"To Kari's, she sounds like she's in trouble."Biyomon said.

"What kind of trouble?"Agumon asked.

"She says Tai's been kidnapped."

"C'mon then!"Agumon jumped out of the tub."We have to go!"

"Whoa!"Biyomon moved out of the way as Agumon ran past."What's the rush!?"

"Kari never lies!"Agumon said."Now, c'mon!"

"You're right, and she'd never joke about this."Biyomon said, thinking about her.


A half hour later, at the Kamiya Apartment...

"They should be here any minute Kari."Gatomon looked up at the clock.

Tick Tock

"You hear that?!"Kari looked up.

"No Kari."Gatomon said.

"Kari?"Biyomon peeked in the window."Are you there?"

"Biyomon!"Kari ran over to the window, opening up the latch."You could've come in the front door, y'know."

"It was Agumon's idea."Biyomon said, jumping down on the floor.

"I just don't want to wake anybody!"Agumon screamed.

"Shh!"Kari put a finger to her mouth.

"Kari, are you all right?"Biyomon walked over to her, wrapping her wings around her."You face is filled with dry tears."

"The man, he took Tai!"Kari hugged Biyomon back."He said he'd made us both pay for our sins!"

"Your...sins?"Biyomon asked with a confounded look on her face.

"He knows."Kari sniffed.

"How?"Biyomon looked into her eyes.

"I don't know, he spoke into my mind, told me to come to the location he put into my mind."Kari sniffed."Oh Biyomon, I-I don't know what to think, what to do, I'm scared."

"It's okay Kari, you've done nothing wrong. Listen to me when I say this:whatever we did together was for love, right?"Biyomon asked.

"Y-Yeah."Kari sniffed."What else would it be for?"

"Kari?"Gatomon asked.

"We had sex together Gatomon."Kari sniffed."I d-didn't want to keep it from you, but I..."

"I already know, you can't keep anything from me Kari."Gatomon said.


"You just told me, see?"Gatomon purred.

"Gatomon!"Kari cried.

"I-I'm sorry, Kari, I just meant to say I'm okay with it."

"You are?"Biyomon looked at her.

"Yeah, though I wish you had told me sooner."Gatomon crossed her paws."It's not good to keep something like this hidden from those you care about Kari, especially your own Digimon."

"I didn't want to hurt you Gatomon."Kari said."You're my best friend."

"You're mine too Kari, I just wish..."Gatomon looked back."No."

"What is it?"Kari asked.

"Nothing important, just...can you promise me you'll always try and be honest with me from now on?"Gatomon asked."As your partner and best friend, please?"

"All right."Kari said, lifting up Gatomon."I love too Gatomon."

"I love you too Kari."A tear came down Gatomon's left eye.
"Aww."Biyomon put her wings together.

"All right, so where do we find Tai and this "bad man" Kari?"Agumon asked."You said he put the place in your head?"

"Yes."Kari said."It's an old abandoned school not too far from here. Mommy told me never to go near it, but..."

"It's okay Kari, we'll all be with you."Biyomon said."Besides, we'll prove to him that's he no better for threatening you and Tai like this."

"You're right."Kari smiled.

"That's it, no more tears now."Biyomon perked up."Agumon?"


"Aren't you going to open the door for all of us?"


"Ever hear the phrase ladies first?"Biyomon stared at him.

"Oh, sorry!"Agumon ran over to the door, opening it.

Gatomon thought to herself.


Back at Sora's...

"*yawnnn*"Sora rolled over in bed."Oh, where did those two get out to now? I hope they're not doing it in the tub again...Mom will freak if she ever saw Digi-semen all over her drapes."

She would, wouldn't she?

"Who's there?!"Sora got up, looking around her room.

You filthy little whore.

"What?!"Sora asked."Where do you get off calling me a whore?!"

You Digidestined have no manners whatsoever for the sleeping do you?

"Like you're one to talk."

Enough brat. Come to me.

"Why...what's this place you're putting in my head?"

Remember that school your Mother told you NEVER to go, or she'd ground you for life?

"S-She...get out of my head!"Sora grabbed her ears."You have no right digging in there!"

I have every right. I am a decider of right and wrong, and you are in the wrong. Every one of you Digidestined. Come to my little abode. We'll talk then.

"Huh?"Sora looked around, the presence of that voice no longer in her head.

"Sora?"Sora's Mom opened her door slightly."Honey, could you keep the yelling down just a teeny bit?...I have work in the morning so..zzzzzzzz."

"Okay Mom."Sora smiled.


"Want to hear a little story?"Damion leaned against a wall.

"Why are you so concerned with hiding your face? You can't be THAT ugly underneath all those shadows."Tai said.

"Amazing, considering your perdicament, you keep on chiding away at me hoping I'll get mad and show a sign of weakness. Resourceful, even in your decapitated state."Damion observed.

"Yeah, well don't expect any less!"Tai shouted."As for what you told me about my little sister, I don't believe a word of it! She would never do anything like...that."

"How can you be so sure? Do you really know her young Kamiya?"

"Of course I do!"Tai shouted.

"No, you don't. You too concerned for her well-being and for Sora's approval to really know what's she feeling."Damion said."You are not unlike any other human brother or sister, always trying to best the other."

"There you go again, assuming about us."Tai said.

"I'm not assuming boy, I'm stating pure fact. In case you haven't heard, I can "dig" into your mind and take out your memories."Damion said."The good and the bad all wrapped up in one nice little bundle. Now do you want that little story or not?"

"Like I have a choice?"Tai grumbled.

"That's right, you're starting to get it now I see. Not as dumb as you look huh? Well, here it is for what's it worth: Once upon a time, there were eight Digidestined and their trusted Digimon friends. Through trials and tribulations in the real and Digital World, these Digidestined defeated their powerful enemies that threatened all life as we know it. Each of these enemies were turned into nothing but little fragments of data and thus their eggs sent back to Primary Village, where they could be rehatched. What happened to that old shattered data one would wonder though? Why, it all went into creating a new egg...but not just any ordinary Digiegg."

"Another Digiegg?"Tai asked.

"A Digiegg filled with the power of all your enemies Tai Kamiya. All the Digimon you ever defeated have been uploaded into a single, powerful Digiegg...a huge, adult human sized egg which gave birth to your final enemy, your true"

"Y-You?!"Tai looked at him.

"How do you think I read your mind, twit?"Damion said."I am the final product of all that you defeated, reflected back at you all at once."

"Then how come you say you're a judge when you were born from the data of our enemies?"Tai asked."How can you be any better than us?"

"My story is not finished Kamiya."Damion's eyes glowered."I was born of evil data, but with a different purpose. I did not seek to rule or subjugate the Digital World. No, that would be far too easy for one such as me. Instead, I sought to do what no other would:completely eliminate the Digidestined and render them no better in spirit than their enemies."

"How'd you get here?!"Tai demanded to know.

"This school was the gateway. I'm not sure how, but this school is tied to me somehow. I was able to come here to the real world and seek you out, find out about all of you, spy on you for a whole month and plan my attack...which began tonight with your kidnapping."Damion began to float in the air."Your sister will be here soon...and that's when the REAL fun shall began."

"What kind of sicko are you?!"Tai shouted."She's only a little girl for christ's sake!! Leave her out of this!"

"She's Digidestined, so she shall die."Damion said."Nothing more to it than that. You should've known that this day would come Kamiya. Too bad for you I suppose."



Ten minutes later...2:50 AM

"We're almost there."Biyomon announced."Are you sure this is the place Kari?"

"Yes, that's it!"Kari ran ahead of the group.

"Kari, wait!"Gatomon ran after her.

"Gatomon, Tai's in there!"Kari stopped."He's gonna die if I don't go."

"Stop and think for a minute. This guy...whoever he is...could be playing with you for all we know. I know Tai's scent and he's not anywhere near here!"

"That's not true! He's around here Kari, I can sniff em'!"Agumon said pointing towards the school.

"Kari..."Gatomon grabbed her the shoulders.

Come in or die.

"I'm going Gatomon, whether you want me to or not."Kari shook herself free of Gatomon and ran with Agumon."Come on you guys!"

"Kari."Gatomon whispered.


"Shut up."

You know I'm right. She only cares about her two fuck pillows're nothing more than yesterday's dung to her now.

"That's not true, and you know it."Gatomon said.

You will keep your part of the bargain Gatomon, that is, if you want your partner to stay alive long enough to see tomorrow's sunrise. I hear it's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow.

"All right, I'll do what you say."Gatomon dropped her head."Remember, I'm only doing this for our friendship, nothing more."

Whatever you say, my little jealous slut.

"Uhh!"Gatomon stopped."You eat those words!"


"Great, dissappeared again as usual."Gatomon closed her eyes.

With slow steps, Gatomon made her way towards the school...and her eventual betrayal.


"TAI!"Kari shouted pushing the school entrance wide open.

No sounds, no breathing...just creaking wood and dripping water from a leaky roof. The school was virtually abandoned...only empty classrooms and a crisp one dollar bill in the principal's old office remained. Kari just stood there, in her Gatomon pajamas scanning for any signs of her brother...nothing. This school was named Minaimoto School, after the great Kouiyra Minaimoto who died saving dozens of innocent school children on a school field trip to the local city zoo. It was strange being here, in a place that parents forbid their children to go to.

"Hey...I sniff em' down this way!"Agumon said.

"C'mon Kari, let's go find Tai."Biyomon tried comforting her.

"All right."Kari sniffed."Oh Biyo, was what we did that wrong?"

"In this world, it would be considered evil and unjust what we three did together. It would be considered "bestiality" as I've heard on the news sometimes. What we share together Kari, is our own, and no one can stop us from loving each other just because they think it's wrong, okay?"Biyomon said to her.

"You're right Biyomon, I have to stop thinking about this so much. How we love each other shouldn't matter, but we also have to deal with the fact that it does in this world. It's just a matter of if...huh?!"


"TAI!"Kari and Biyomon shouted running down the hall, looking for the source of the scream.

"You guys! Down here!"Agumon waved a clawed hand in the air.

"Big brother!"Kari came into the classroom, covering her mouth seeing Tai unconscious, blood dripping out of his nose.

"Do not worry, he will awaken soon."

"You! You're that voice that spoke inside my head!"Kari shouted."Where are you?!"

"All around you, where you cannot place you filthy hands upon my being."

"You're the only one who's filthy for resorting to levels this low!"

"I will make the only judgements this night, thank you."Damion appeared in his shadowy form."Meet your final enemy Digidestined, a being made of old and corrupted data with unlimited mental power...the power to make you suffer and do whatever I wish."

"Biyomon?"Kari was shivering.

"Leave her and Tai alone."Biyomon wrapped her arms around Kari."She's done nothing wrong."

"So says the sinner before me."Damion taunted."You are just as unpure as these Digidestined, you disgusting excuse for a Digimon! You claim the girl has done nothing wrong, but the girl has partaken of acts which are taboo in this world! You were part of this act of so-called "love" and shall take the fall with her."

"No one's gonna fall but you! PEPPER BREATH!"Agumon breathed out nothing."huh?"

"Your attacks are useless while in my Digital Disabling Field, projected by my mind using invisible means of course. This school was the perfect spot to lure you all in. Now, let your punishments begin!"Damion said.

"Punis...oohhh..."Biyomon groaned in pain, grabbing onto the sides of her head.

"F-Feeling not so right in the world..."Agumon dropped to his knees, shaking his head.

"Biyomon? Agumon?"Kari looked back to each of them.

"K-Kari, run!"Biyomon shouted."H-He's gonna...AHH!!"

"You will be going nowhere until I say so at least, little girl."Damion put his shadowy hands behind himself."Don't worry yourself, I'm not going to have them rape you or anything like that...I'm not that low as you may think. I'm just going to make them recreate the situation with a little editing from me for Tai to watch right before his eyes."

"N-No, don't do this!"Kari shouted, as Agumon and Biyomon grabbed at her."Fight him!"

"W-We're sorry..."

"...we don't have a choice!"Tears came down each of the Digimon's faces as Agumon and Biyomon tore off Kari's pajamas, forcing her to the floor.

"Time to wake up my boy."Damion snickered, snapping his finger."Time to witness firsthand your sister's deceit!"

Kari opened her eyes wide as Tai awoke and dropped his mouth open in shock what he was seeing...Agumon getting behind a naked Kari, ready to mount and pierce her already dripping cunt while Biyomon was shaking her ass in front of Kari getting her ready for a good anal licking. Tai shook his head, forcing himself to believe that somehow this was an illusion and he would wake up, and none of this would be true. Unfortunately, it was.

"Enjoy the show."Damion stood behind him.

"You creep, let em' go!"Tai shouted.

"No, you will watch what you sister did."Damion said."You have no choice in the matter but to witness the truth."

"Not if I close my eyes!"Tai replied trying to close them but to no avail."U-UHH!!"

"Don't tempt me Kamiya."Damion said."You WILL watch."

"K-Kari..."Tai sniffed.

Kari looked at Tai and then looked back in shame, not wanting to look at his face out of guilt. Kari felt Agumon's smooth dick penetrate her pussy, and she despite her mental pain felt pleasure out of it. She decided to give in instead of fighting...Damion was obivously as powerful as he claimed, taking down Agumon and Biyomon just like that and getting them to do as he wanted.

"Oohh..."Agumon's eyes went in different directions, his pink prick feeling the pressure of Kari's small dripping cunt pressing on his dick.

Agumon pushed in some more, humping in with his legs and back to get a good length in there. Kari pushed back, helping him out and then, to pleasure Biyomon at the same time, put her tongue into Biyomon's awaiting tailhole while inserting two small fingers into her sticky canal. Biyomon's feather's ruffled at Kari's young touch, and shivered with excitement, letting her have it!

The young one pushed her tongue further inwards, tasting the bird's ass. It was a wildly exotic taste for Kari, one she hadn't had in a month, but it was still just as exotic as the first time she'd taken a taste. Kari closed her eyes, letting the Agumon humping her from behind go deeper into her. Maybe she'd forget about the brother who was watching her in awe, the cackling man who's only purpose it seemed was to judge them and make them miserable just because they were "sinners". Kari kissed Biyomon's butt, taking her tongue out of the hole. She relented, this just wasn't right to her. This seemed so forced to her, and it downright was. This wasn't the love they experienced that night together, this was just plain out forced sex between human and Digimon.

Biyomon didn't care about that at the moment though, she only felt the lust Damion had summoned from within the darkest corners of her mind and forced Kari's face into her rump. Kari stuck her tongue back into that tight little tailhole, resulting in a satisfied Biyomon smiling to herself as Kari cleaned her out. Agumon sighed, rocking back and forth as much as possible in his own time not having a care in the world but his own penis and two sacs. That sweet feeling those fleshy walls were giving his penis was all that mattered. Tai's little sister was the best he thought...he wanted that pussy, nothing but pussy!

Lust is your world now slave.

Lust. That's all that mattered. Who the fuck cares if she gets a little hurt in the process anyway?! Agumon grinned to himself and pressed deep into the little girl's cunt, the massive pressure on his prick raising higher than ever before! Kari screamed in esctasy and he cummed deep within her, releasing his semen into her young system. This didn't bother Biyomon none, and pushed her butt even further back, even letting a little fart in Kari's face.

"uuhh..."Kari gagged.

"See Tai Kamiya?"Damion said to him."Nothing but animals these Digimon you so cherish are. Agumon seeks nothing but cunt and Biyomon wants her precious little ass licked out. That's all that matters to them, isn't that right?"


"Am I wrong?"

"N-No."Tai looked down.

"Hm?"Damion looked at him."What's this? Have I actually awoken something in you, Tai?"

"Y-Yes, you have."Tai looked down in despair.

"You're lying."Damion picked him up by the shirt."You aren't willing to repent, you are a boldfaced liar."

"I know, but you're no better you goddamn piece of street trash."Tai spit in his face.

"You little!..."Damion threw Tai to the ground.

"AHHH!!!"Tai grabbed his head in pain.

"Consider yourself lucky I don't fry that pathetic excuse for a brain of yours now."Damion clenched his teeth."This night is far from over!"


"There is it, the place."Sora walked up not too far off from the school."Should I go in, or not? That dark voice lead me here...told me my friends were here and waiting."

"That's right."An old man appeared before her.

"Gennai!"Sora jumped up."Don't do that! You scared the living heck out of me!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you like that...I'm not that scary am I?"Gennai asked.

"N-No, just don't appear like that out of nowhere again, okay?"Sora asked.

"All right, all right...don't get your panties in a knot."Gennai waved his hand in the air.


"Nothing, just old man talk. Give me a minute."Gennai snapped his fingers."There, we can have some privacy."


"Of course, Damion's ears are all around this place. You don't think we'd be able to talk without him being able to hear, do you?"Gennai said."Enough of this nonsense though, right to the point now."

"What is it and how are you here? The Digital World is...was only open that one time three months ago that allowed the Digimon to come here again."Sora explained."It's not like you just waltz back and forth as you choose."

"Young lady, you forget who you're talking to here. I am the grandmaster of the Digital World, and therefore have certain rights and privilages, including easy access to the Real World."

"Huh? Then why.."

"The method I use is too complex for your mind to fathom I'm afraid, as it's only meant for one person...namely myself. Plus, it helps save on my electric bill, but that's beside the point. I'm here to explain Damion to you before you and the others face him."Gennai said."Well, before you join them anyways. Even as we speak, Damion is trying to exert his will over Tai and Kari, trying to bend them. They are resisting I sense, but they will not be able to hold out for long. Damion is indeed very strong, but not as strong as he thinks he is. He CAN be killed, but..."

"But what? Gennai!"Sora yelled."Tell me what the hell is going on here!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. You don't know who Damion is do you? He's that voice that lured you down here into his convenient little trap. The little runt thinks his old man is unaware of what he's doing, but he's not going to get away with this, that's for sure."
Gennai clenched his teeth.

"'re that guy's father?"Sora said."All right, this is too much for me right now...explain it all to me later! I gotta go help them!"

"Wait a minute!"Gennai shouted.

"I'm sorry, I have to go!"Sora ran out of the field and up into the school.

"Young fool...she doesn't know what's she getting herself wrapped into."Gennai shook his head."I must figure out a way past his field."

Running with all her might, and worried as hell about Tai (albeit still mad at him for missing an important date last Friday) and the others, she steamed up the tar covered ground and slammed open the doors to the school, screaming out her friends' names. No response.

"Guys, where are you?!"Sora called out."This isn't funny!"

What makes you think this a joke, little Sora?

"Little?"Sora looked around."All right, you can quit it already. I know who you are...Damion, isn't it?!"

Yes, though I am surprised you learned my name so fast. Who told you?

"That's not for you to know."Sora said."Where are my friends?!"

Don't be too fast to be so brave when your punishment is coming right up. Oh young Sora, how you've been naughty lately, ignoring Biyomon to a fault. You two have never been really eye to eye have you?

"What're you talking about?"Sora asked."We've always been great friends!"

So you say, but what about early on? When you first met, specifically right around when she first digivolved?

"T-That was just a misunderstanding between us. I only wanted to protect her, like she was protecting me."Sora said."That's what makes us equal..."

Equal? You know as well as I do that humans and Digimon will be never be equal in terms of friendship. Digimon are naturally more powerful than human beings and therefore are needed to protect them. Biyomon doesn't need a weak friend to protect her. That's what you feared back then wasn't it?

"W-What're you saying?!"Sora stamped her feet into the ground."I-I never demanded she..."

That feeling of weakness still burns brightly within you doesn't it, Sora? I've seen it these past few months...the signs are all too appearent. You feel too weak for Tai sometimes, your ignoring Biyomon every time she wanted to go with you on a walk or a trip to the local mall, even with your Mother...

"THAT'S IT! Don't you DARE bring my Mother into this! You have no right to judge me or Biyomon! I may be weak as you say, but at least I have friends like Biyomon to help me stand up to jerks like you!"

Hmmph. You can't even stand on your own two legs without the help of one of your so-called friends. Come on then, prove to me you're not as weak as you don't deny. Show me your strength Sora, defeat me.

"Fine!"Sora ran down the hall, taking the villian's bait.


"Good news."Damion said."In addition, we're going to have a very special guest tonight. Everyone, I'd to present the next sinner on the list tonight...the ever so beautiful Sora!"

"SORA?!"Tai yelled, seeing her run into the room.

"Tai, what is going on?!"Sora held her hands to her mouth, seeing Kari naked and Tai's nose dripping with blood.

"oohhh..."Biyomon moaned as Kari licked the inside of her pussy out."S-Sora, I'm so glad you're here to see us! Errg.."

"They still resist, but they'll give in soon enough."Damion smiled."Why don't you join us girl?"

"No thank you!"Sora ran out.

"I'm afraid you're going nowhere my girl."Damion held out a hand.

"AHHH!!"Sora grabbed her head in pain."G-Get out of my head!"

"Oh, would you all stop complaining? It's getting rather annoying."Damion sighed."What's the matter, Sora? Not as strong as you thought you could be?"


"Monster, animal, yes I've heard it all over two hundred million times my dear. Like Tai, Kari, and these arrogant animals that call themselves Digimon before you, you refuse to acknowledge that you are indeed in the wrong and that I am the judge here."

"You're no judge I know!"Tears poured down Sora's face in pain."S-Stop it already..."

"I can't I'm afraid, not until you've removed those garments of yours. You're going to be embarassed for your sins to the world my dear."Damion said."Come on now, I haven't all night."

"Auuuhh!!"Sora dropped to her knees, the pain turning her head red."S-Stop it! I'll do anything, just please...stop hurting me!"

"Then do as I say. It's as simple as pie dear."

"Y-Yes...simple as pie."Sora stood up, removing her night clothes and throwing them aside on the floor of the classroom."Anything you desire, Mr.Damion."

"Very good, you're learning you place Sora."Damion's eyes glew."Now, to learn who told you...uh!! No, impossible, it can't be!"

Gennai. A name Damion held with hatred in his mind. The Dark Masters absolutely despised him, as Myotismon hated his guts. Something had to be done here. Gennai was aware of his plans, so he had to move fast if he was to succeed in ending the threat to his life. He had to judge this world, cleanse it of all sin...such was his duty. He hated the fact that he was created from the very data of the Digidestined's enemies...he was so full of despair, and lonliness. He didn't need a companion though, he needed vengenace...vengeance against Gennai for bringing him into this world. What better way to get back at him that striking at those closest to him?

Damion looked to one of his objects of hatred, Kari. The girl was so unaware of the potential power she carried within her, which is why Damion was keeping a good eye on her. Nothing would escape his sight from here on in. He carried all the cards, and now it was time to play his next hand and collect. Sora would be the next to receive judgement, and once again Tai would watch in horror.

"Now Kamiya...back to your seat."Damion ordered him.

"AHH!"Tai flew back into his seat, telekinetically tied back up."My bonds!"

"Back on you."Damion said."Now's it time for the second show."

"Sora...not you too."Tai's eyes closed.

"You never learn, do you?"Damion forced Tai's eyes open."OPEN THEM KAMIYA, AND WATCH!"

"uuhh"Tai tried moving, but to no avail.

It was no use, watching his little sister being subjected to forced sex was one thing but his girlfriend was another and he just wouldn't have it. Tai began to fight against Damion's control once again, forcing the man out of his head but once again to no avail. The guy was just too strong for him, his telepathic powers beyond figures even Izzy would find hard to calculate. An aura of pure raw energy surrounded Damion's body, and he stopped Kari's licking of Biyomon, and had Biyomon walk over to a ready and naked Sora.


"Yes, that's it."Damion said.

"Sora, you know I only want to protect you, right?"Biyomon came over, looking at her.

The two stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the move. Biyomon had never seen Sora in this element before...a naked one at that. How to approach this one? Of course, were they in their right minds Sora and Biyomon would be quick to hide their most inner private parts (Sora's had that effect on Biyo). Now though, with their inner lustful feelings unlocked, Sora wasn't ashamed anymore...she was more than willing to bare it all in front of her partner. More than willing to do her as well.

"SORA! Stop this, please! Don't give in to him! You're stronger than this, and you know it!"Tai screamed.

"Look at you, trying to get across a point as useless the screaming you're producing through your vocal chords. In case you don't understand boy, she CANNOT hear you. She's under my control."Damion smiled.

Biyomon stood there, an inner urge driving her mind right there and then. She would finally have Sora...the way she perhaps always it to be, in the darkest place of her mind. Then again, how could she do this to her friend? She was her partner for crying out loud, not her owner.

"I-It's...okay, Biyo...I can't...control this...any more t-than I...can, so let's enjoy this....o-our way huh?"Sora said, bending down and wrapping her arms around Biyomon.

"W-What?"Damion said.

Tears came down Biyomon's eyes, and she wrapped her wings around her partner wanting to react and tell her that she loved her just the same and they could all go home together, and forget this...but it wasn't going to happen. They had to face facts...and accept this. Sora looked over to Kari, who was kneeling her head down on Agumon's newly erect prick and beginning to suck on it for what it was worth.

Agumon was not one to be satisfied so easily, and here was no exception. Kari shifted her gaze slightly to Sora, tears continuing to come down an already water filled face. Agumon grabbed Kari's head with his claws and pushed his prick into her mouth, sighing with the utmost sigh of pleasure. This sucking Kari was giving him was really turning the dino on, and so Kari continued his rushing turn on for him.

Meanwhile, Sora broke her embrace with Biyomon and proceeded to do what she must for, for Biyomon. It was getting harder just to think. No matter, just pleasure Biyomon already Sora. Biyomon turned herself around, and spread her anus for Sora. Sora gulped, as this was a first for her. She had hoped that her first time would be with Tai, but this would do just as well she supposed. With puckered up lips, she lay one on Biyomon's butt, kissing her Digimon's butt as she so deserved for her service.

Sora stuck out her tongue and proceeded to push it into that gaping hole, and instantly found a surprise taste awaiting her in Biyomon's ass. Sora was in shock at the wild flavor, and pushed her tongue further into her partner's feathery ass. It was so addicting, so flavor full, that she just couldn't get enough of it! Biyomon squawked out a yelp of esctasy like none other before her, and leaned backwards into Sora's face not believing that Sora knew her most sensitive spot! She could hardly believe her luck, that Sora was the one pleasuring her!

Kari continued her sucking on Agumon's penis meanwhile, taking a break to take a breath and looking at Agumon's rock hard and saliva covered penis, was going to continue...that is, until Agumon brought his head down to Kari's head, sniffing at it. All sense of normal intelligence was gone from his face. He now seemed like a savage beast, only looking for some cunt and a little meat here and there. Agumon opened his maw, and caressed Kari's face with a huge tongue. Kari rolled her eyes at the feel of that tongue and kissed it dearly back.

Agumon grunted and rubbed his dick against Kari's face, mumbling soft tones in the process. Kari closed her eyes, and felt the rubbery prick against her face. It was soothing in a way to her, to feel her lover's prick against her face. She loved this Digimon, no matter what state he was in and would do anything for him as she would do anything for Tai. Nothing would stop her from pleasuring Agumon...not even a bewildered brother.

Kari took Agumon's penis in her hands, and proceeded to suck on it again, much to Agumon's joy. Kari licked and suckled the lollipop in her mouth, enjoying it's randy taste in her mouth. Precum dribbled down her throat, as she rubbed his scaly balls in the process.

"Rrrr..."Agumon grumbled feeling his penis starting to rumble in Kari's mouth.

Sora, her tongue still in Biyo's ass, was enjoying herself immensely and almost starting to forget about Damion's presence in her mind (just as he wanted it to be), lifted a hand and felt something sticky below the bird's anus...what was this stuff? Sora looked down, and saw Biyomon's dripping little cunt. Precum was rushing out of there! Boy was that girl wet Sora thought to herself in shock...have to help with that, right? Sora sniffed at the stuff...sweet smelling. Hmmm, maybe one little lick?

Sora took one little lap across the entrance to that soft, fleshy entrance...boy, was it tasty! Just as wild and flavor-filled as that ass! Sora gladly stuck her tongue into her friend's entrance, Biyomon shouting out in ever increasing joy and flapping her wings! With two fingers, she spread the bird's pussy and licked out the little cunt enjoying the fresh precum coming out. Biyomon, hardly taking this any better than Agumon with Kari, was on the verge of cumming when she stopped for a moment and urged herself on. This moment had to last as long as possible.

Suddenly, something went up her tailhole! Biyomon looked back, and saw Sora's finger inserted into it moving all about in there.

"Oh Sora..."Biyomon cried."you remembered."

Tai shook his head, this just wasn't happening! While he SLIGHTLY liked the fact that Sora was naked before him, this was just too sickening to him what Damion was having them doing! This was forced, manipulative sex! Damion looked back to him and just gave him a hard stare as if to tell him he was wrong...just whose trial was this anyway?

Biyomon and Agumon closed their eyes both, and let Kari and Sora have them both. Kari took one last big lick of Agumon's penis, causing the dino Digi to explode all over the girl before her! Kari fell back on her butt from the force, naked and now covered with Digi-cum. She didn't care though...if it made Agumon happy, it was okay. Sora stuck her tongue all the way that sticky, hot entrance...sending Biyomon crying out as she exploded in Sora's face with hot sticky cum! Sora lapped her around her face as she was smothered with the stuff, never sensing the demonic presence fully taking over her mind.

"Well, my little girls...I hoped you enjoyed yourselves. Now is the time to call upon another guest young know him very well. May I present your best rival..."

"No, please, not Matt..."



"Matt and Garurumon!"Damion announced with glee.

"What have you done to them?"Tai demanded to know in a increasingly serious tone."What's the whole point to all of this?!?"

"It's simple Tai."Matt walked out naked with Garurumon alongside him."He's breaking you. You are our leader, the spearhead of our group. Watching us like this combined with a little taunting will eventually cause you to succumb."

"Matt, what are you saying?! You'd never stoop this low, never!"Tai yelled in desperation.

"Get real, Tai."Matt leaned against Garurumon's leg."It's time to get the clue buddy...Damion has us right where he wants us.
He has us right under his thumb, which I think you should accept."

"ACCEPT?! You think I'm going to accept the fact that he's making my friends do what he wants because..."

"What Tai?"Matt walked up to him."Is there something you want to tell us?"

"T-That.."Tai began to sweat.

"I can feel it in your little human bones. Your blood pressure is raising, your body trembling, the heart in your very heart beating faster and faster. It's really happening little're losing."Damion smiled."You think this little sex show is just for me to get off? I can do that any day of the week to an unsuspecting female on the street or Digimon. I'm opening doors in their minds they don't want to...I'm opening up those dark feelings humans deny they have and find unnatural. Oh, they're there all may not see them, but they're there in the back of your mind, in the deepest corners. Everyday, you tell yourself you'll do better, that you'll make yourself great. But when you feel that rush of lust and desire coming into that little body, where does all that feeling of greatness go? It's forgotten. It's shoved aside just so your little body can feel the inside of a cunt or know the taste of one at least."

"It's true Tai. I've always been after Sora's little tight cunt all these years and you never even realized it."Matt smickered."That's why I'm cool and you're an ass...because I actually had the guts to secretly ask her out ONCE."

"You didn't tell me?!"Tai asked."You knew I was love...I mean, oh what the hell! You know how I felt about her, how could you?!"

"Hey, when you want pussy you go after it. Simple as that really."Matt winked.

"Matt...stop this! You're not like this, I know you're not!"Tai tried reasoning with him.

"Oh, shut up!"Matt punched his friend across the face.

"OW!"Tai shouted, blood spilling down his nose."Matt..."

"He's mine."Damion smiled."As Sora is now. All who remains is Kari, but she'll succumb soon enough."

"STOP! I don't want this anymore...just let her go, I'll give in, just stop doing this."Tai dropped his head.

"Sorry, but no."Damion said."I don't make deals with sinners like yourselves, and you all had it coming. Live with it already and accept your punishment. Besides, I'm at least giving your friends a few fleeting moments of sex together until their timely demise. You can at least appreciate that, seeing as how humans like that."

Tai asked himself.
"I wouldn't think out loud's not good for someone who can hear thoughts as clear as when some lady shouts in the supermarket for better service."Damion stuttered."Loud and clear, Tai. Loud and clear."

"Yeah, damn me all you want. The only result is the one you see in front of you, and the tape (a part of which I edited just a teensy bit for purposes all my own) will be the final insult before the end. To think, this started out as a gift to you from Kari.'s no more than the tool that will finally break you."Damion smiled.

"WHY?! Haven't you broken all our spirits enough?!"Tai asked."Haven't you twisted all our thinking, especially my sister's...enough?!"

"No."Damion grabbed Tai by the neck."Your breaking must be absolute and complete. As even a speck of willingness to fight stills exists within you, your defeat is not complete. Only when you and all of them have fallen and completely submitted to my testaments, will YOU break."


Shortly back inside Gennai's house, in the Digital World...

"I am back."Gennai walked in.

"I thought you went to prevent Sora from entering that school!"Leomon got up, putting his sword away."No one came by. It's been all too quiet in the Digital World these past six months without the Digidestined around or even the Dark Masters for that matter."

"I have a feeling things are going to escalate quite fast my old friend."Gennai cracked a small smile."That bastard son of mine has the tenacity to invade the Real World..."

"Why do you insist on calling him your son, Gennai? He not like you, as he was born from a Digiegg and you are unique."Leomon said.

"True, but he is far beyond a Digimon in terms of evolution."Gennai said."I should've been aware of his presence, but he always blindsided me every chance he got. No more, there are more threats coming and the Digidestined must be ready for them...with or without my help."

"Don't speak like that, it's not good for your blood sugar Gennai."Leomon put a big, strong hand on his shoulder.

"I appreciate your sentinment, but my blood sugar is just fine thank you. It's my health insurance I'm more concerned with these days. Damion must be stopped! The poor fool has no true form, he's only a strong collection of old corrupted evil Digimon data that the Digidestined defeated...a fallback plan Devimon had in mind appearently."Gennai said.

"Devimon?!"Leomon growled.

"Have no fear my friend, Devimon is long gone from our's his power that lives on in Damion as well as that of all the other past threats our young friends have fought. Devimon thought to make a Digimon with the same intentions as his own but of course he didn't really succeed and his data was absorbed into the egg, as such was its purpose. I found about this egg shortly before the Digidestined battled him that final time, the time when Angemon first digivolved and was turned back into an egg himself."Gennai said."I saw the dark egg that day...and wanted to break it and let whatever resided within to die.
My heart told me otherwise and like a fool, I brought it back here so it would be safe. But, soon, it fell into Etemon's hands when one of his agents stole it and so it went it on, in secret, going from each villian to the next, until their data was absorbed into the egg as a result of their defeat."Gennai revealed."Within time, and without my knowing, Damion hatched but not with the intention Devimon originally had in mind. When I had taken the egg, I took out all the negative thoughts Devimon had implanted within and replaced them with noble ones but an attack broke outside my home during this, and the process remained incomplete which mixed with more evil data became the twisted being known as Damion."

"Things were beyond your control Gennai. There's no need to feel sorry for yourself now."

"Hmmph, I am not! I'm going to come up with a plan and save those kids...but in order to do that, those kids must hang in there for whatever little time they can! Continue your guard here, right outside my house and act as if I never left."Gennai said."Damion may not have a mental presence in the Digital World, but it doesn't mean he hasn't any allies here either."

"I will do my duty."Leomon bent down on his knees.

"Good."Gennai said."I think I'll go have some tea, maybe that'll help me think..."


"You know, I am going to be perfectly honestly with you Kamiya. I take no joy in what I am doing to you and your friends this day. In fact, I wish it could be the very opposite."Damion said."I wish things could've been different, but I'm afraid there are forces beyond even my kin that will not allow that."

"Huh?"Tai looked up.

"Keep that in mind as you take your fall."Damion said."Don't get me wrong Kamiya, I AM Evil but that doesn't mean I have to take joy in it either."

"Isn't this what you wanted?!"Tai shouted.

"This is what your enemies want Tai, not me."Damion closed his eyes."I'm not quite sure what I want anymore...maybe we'll find out at the end of all this, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah..."Tai shook his head.

"You're getting boring to taunt anyway Kamiya. Matt, if you please?"Damion said.

"As you wish, Lord Damion."Matt and Garurumon bowed, stretching out."Well Tai, just you, me, and Garurumon here to have the ultimate fun...too bad you don't get to join in. I would've saved you a spot, seeing as how you're such a dear friend to me."

"You're not Matt."Tai said."Don't even talk to me."

"HEY BUDDY!"Matt grabbed Tai's shirt."Pay attention, or I'll have to wipe that grim look off your face myself!"

"Just try it Matt, go ahead."Tai said."I know you could never really do it. Sure, we've had our bouts in the past but when it came down to it, you never would hurt your friends."

"I...ah, you're not worth it!"Matt pushed Tai away."Let me show you for old time's sake how much I've changed thanks to Damion."

"Damion!!"Tai yelled, ignoring Matt.

"Damion, make him pay attention please."Matt said impatiently.

"All right."Damion sighed, snapping his fingers and breaking him to attention."There, happy?"

"Delighted."Matt squeezed Tai's nose."We're gonna have sooo much fun, isn't that right Garurumon?"

"Yes Matt."Garurumon walked over to him, his white furryness towering above Matt's puny human body.

Matt looked up to Garurumon, as Garurumon did down to Matt. Their eyes met, in a strange gaze. What was this Tai thought to himself, what's going on here? Why aren't they doing it like they said they were going to?

"Hmmm, I see you're still resisting me."Damion bent down on his knees before Kari."Maybe I should bring out your partner sooner than I intended."

"G-Gatomon?"Kari asked.

"Yes, Gatomon. The Digimon you have so easily decided to ignore to have sex instead with Agumon here as well as that little pink bird, Biyomon."Damion said."You have such a strong mind for such a small body. I admire that, sinner that you are."

"J-Just leave her out of this."Kari said."She doesn't deserve your punishment."

"Why is that young Kari?"Damion looked into her mind."What makes you think that any of you Digidestined will escape?"

"I don't intend to run anywhere, you bad man."Kari said."I take my punishments, unlike Tai who tries to dodge them at every chance he gets."

"How brave, and yet so stupid. Bravery in the face of futility must run in your blood young one."Damion said.

"Why can't I see your face?"

"Uh!"Damion turned around."What?"

"Why are you so scared of? Why can't I see your face?"Kari asked."You just look like a hollow shell to me, like an egg without the yolk."
[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."

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Read the full Megalemon HERE - by Renafan - 02-08-2005, 02:47 AM
Finally, the rest! - by Renafan - 02-08-2005, 02:49 AM