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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"I have many spells, but none of them can solve all our problems...there is one that might help us. To the west of this spot is what is called the cursed woods, a part of the forest that even the elves do not enter. It is owned by a Dark nymph and her kin, nymphs who were corrupted with dark fire in the early days of the wood and wrecked havoc across the land from their place in the forest, spawning all kind of vile monsters. Some of the humans even think we were born in such a way, though it is a lie. In any case two warriors of evil set out to destroy them and claim their power. The first was a monster of sword and fire, a warrior of unknown origin who sought to be feared by all. His skill is legendary, and his name is lost to time. The other was a madman, or a saint, or a demon, it is unclear. He was a warrior of comparable skill, but was made famous for his coffin. Wherever he went he dragged a large coffin with him, which he used to stuff all the evil he conquered into. It is said the mere presence of the coffin is enough to turn pure hearts black and repel even the most potent light in its darkness. They both came, one to destroy, the other to capture, and both were defeated. But it is said that their battle saw the destruction of all but a few of the Dark nymphs, and those who remain stay to imprison the two in stone, fearing that should they leave the forest, their spell will be undone and both warriors, now stone, will be freed and destroy them. If we venture there and free at least one of them, it is possible that he would help us drive the humans away." The Shaman looked unsure however. "Still, it is dangerous to venture so far into the cursed woods, and the nymphs will retaliate. It will be dangerous, but if we can free one of them and set them upon the humans we would probably not even need to enter the battle field. Besides, these warriors never bothered the orcs." The shaman thought again for a second. "There are...other options for allies, but I can at least confirm that this legend is true."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 10-21-2010, 01:29 PM