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Love in times of Peace. (Agumon x Commandramon)
After all the almost torturous days of waiting, stalking, and peeking over your shoulder the time has finally come and lemme tell ya... loved the story! <33

You got my character's personality down to a T and I really liked the diologue exchanges. The A.R.T group was a nice and creative touch and of course the romance/sex scene was awesome and nicely made. I'm officially a hardcore supporter of this pairing. XD

Cheers, thanks again for taking my request! I really enjoy reading your stuff DMX and this is definitely no exception, keep up the amazing work.


PS: -Gives you a month's supply of t-bone steaks-
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Love in times of Peace. (Agumon x Commandramon) - by DatRyebread - 10-02-2010, 12:29 PM