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Mephisto Academy (private for MasterZero)
Raziel shrugged off the the girls response guessing that the old saying about not judging a book by its cover. He got into the truck and told his dad where to drive to. Soon the two men were at the dorms and they both got out of the tuck this time. They got a box of clothes each started heading toward the dorm.

A powerful female kitsune wearing a expensive luxurious silk kimono, walked out of the dorm, with a smile on her lips. She had just finished up preparing her son's dorm room, she even did his female's side of the room up right as an incentive to help her son get adjusted to his new school. The the vixen walked along the pathway the older students who knew who she was stepped out of her way as several males gawked at her. Soon she saw her mate she left so long ago and realized the other person must be her son. "Hello Jacob and Raziel," she said with a toothy smile.

Jacob put the box down and walked over to Lilian and hugged her tightly and exposed his neck just like he would when they were together. The vixen muzzles him deciding not to take his offer. "Oh how I missed Lilian," he said as he kissed her on the lips softly. They still acted as they were still in love with each other. Truth be told they had each other phone numbers and kept in touch regularly.

"I missed you too," she said as she returned the kiss; but soon they broke the embrace. She looked at her son for the first time since he was ten months old. She wasn't quite sure what to do to him, just wanted him to be able to stand on his own two feet as a half vampiric demon. She knew that required tough love but she knew he was human to that can either be a blessing or a burden; because demons don't feel the same way as mortals do.

Raziel walked over to his mother he was still standing a few feet away he wasn't sure what to make of her. On the one hand he just wanted to yell at her and demand why she left them so long ago and never tried to be in his life. Yet on the other he was a boy just meeting his mother he wanted to hug her hear her say everything would be all right; but he knew she was a demon and they were different than mortals. He sighed totally unsure what to do.

Lilian didn't try to show sympathy to her own child she was assistant Head Mistress. "Well let go see your room, I got it decked out for you. You have to keep your grades up and make sure learn to use your powers quickly or you will be in a world of pain if you piss off the wrong people," she explained letting her own son realize she was going to personally fight his battles for him. "I will also explain what you are and help you come to terms with it," she said as turned around. Then all three of them walked on into the dorm as she lead the way to his room.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Mephisto Academy (private for MasterZero) - by Casey the furry one - 08-24-2010, 12:50 PM