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Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only)
"I do, Mistress," Mai said, as she stood up and walked over to Laura. "Laura, I'm so sorry. I've talked with Mistress, she says that I will share the position of personal slave with you from now on," she explained, wanting to hug her lover. "Oh...Laura, I'm so sorry..."


"Then I promise to fuck you when I'm done with this cute, slut. Why don't you make yourself useful though and give her a hot kiss?" Kiva moaned, grabbing Z's tits and playing with them as she bounced on his cock.


"I love you, my slutty sister," May moaned, kissing her 'sister.' They would soon find themselves surrounded by tentacles from their Master's back, with many men watching.

"Ready to be gangfucked, sluts?" Kiva asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only) - by MasterZero - 08-08-2010, 06:28 PM