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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Aqua Castle: Audience Chamber)

Alexander really didn't like the sound of all this for some reason. He closed his eyes and contacted someone all the way in Restocasia, keeping his thoughts shrouded in a magical veil which was only strengthened further and made impenetrable by the person he was contacting. Lord Altinor, can you hear me? Alexander thought at the person.

Of course I can, young Alexander, Lord Altinor replied. He was the master of all of Restocasia and used to be the king of the continent of Emaldia before the appearance of humans. To what do I owe this pleasant contact? afraid of something I have just heard, the young boy responded uneasily. It involves the gods.

Altinor kept his cool. What about the gods? You do know most of them are slumbering, correct? There should be no business concerning them.

Well, we've known Torcrea has been one of the first to awaken, a long time ago, but I have reason to believe now that Raicostra has awoken as well.

The God of Thunder? Altinor's laugh echoed in Alexander's mind. Surely he doesn't have enough power to awaken on his own. Then again, the gods of Alidaire's elements have the most power; I cannot say that I am surprised.

Alexander gulped. believe he has awakened?

Sure, but I do not see what you are so afraid of, young Alexander. I can sense your fear; even now it causes me to shiver.

He is defying Torcrea's laws of life and death.

Altinor was stunned. Alexander, please tell me you jest. Have you not imagined that... The lord paused. Yes. Of course you have. At this critical point in time, there would be no way for Torcrea to give his favor to any god, especially one who has awakened which in itself is defying his will. not good. Alexander, you must do me a very important favor. Wherever you got this information from...I need you to stick with it. You will be my spy. Do you accept?

Alexander would have felt honored if the situation was not so grave. Yes, my Lord. I shall take this task upon myself and execute it to the best of my abilities. I'm severing the bond, my Lord. With that, Alexander opened his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

"Are you okay, Alexander?" Ariadne asked in concern. "Is the joy of this revelation too much for you to bear?"

"No, no. It's just that I have had such a trying journey for one so young as myself," he responded. "I am very happy for you all, but are not out of the clear yet. If you want to see your son, I suggest you come with us."

"Us? Are you going to keep following us?" Ariadne questioned in surprise.

"Yes. Though we utterly decimate the queen's forces every time they try to invade, it has become bothersome and it does cost us resources. It's time to put an end to her for good, and it would do Restocasia great honor if I joined in the effort, if that is all right with Mika, of course," he explained.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - by Masquerade - 11-06-2008, 01:55 PM
RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - by Masquerade - 08-05-2010, 02:57 PM