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Bale of Betelgeuse (Crimson / Kalyx RP)
OOC: No, this sounds OK Crimson. Let's just go with what you have.


Leaning back in her station's chair, Psyrixia stetches and yawns then sips from her large steaming cup of black coffee. "Well, I don't about the rest of y'all but I could go for a couple more hours of sleep, back there in my bunk. Is this red-eye flight really necessary?"

"You know that it is, Sleeping Beauty, so just get those synapses a-firing and wake your ass up." The tall blue dragon straightens himself in his chair and feigns a yawn and stretch in the dragoness' direction. "We need to get a move on this Giegue character, as soon as we can. I've heard rumors that he possibly might be the connection of some new type of narcotic that's finding this way into this sector of space."

Perking up somewhat Psyri, sets her cup down at her console. "Hmmm, and that would expalin his cache of machinery; trading drugs for parts. In this system that could provide him with a very prosperous business."

"Exacatly. And the lucrative repair shops would suffer to to lack of parts, possibly resorting to the black market or the outer systems. In addition, there'd be the growing dependancy, from junkies and recreational users, alike, on this new synthetic drug, which I do believe is called... 'Spark'."
Crossing his arms, Kalyx casual tilts his head back and over toward Rayna. "How'd I do, Dear?"
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bale of Betelgeuse (Crimson / Kalyx RP) - by Kalyx - 08-05-2010, 08:29 AM