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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
*Outside the Lab*

Roxas saw the two cat girls nearing the ruins that was the lab he left not too long ago. Narrowing his eyes he gets a sharper image of them passing one of the lab scientists. Leaping from tree to tree once more, he hastily moves closer and drops down to land ten feet from in front of Jasper. "I need one of those cat girls to get some answers from. Are you with Jaden and his mob?" Roxas asked calmly, his eyes still narrowed as he attempted to use his telepathy ability, but only at a fraction of the power so it doesn't wear him out too fast. Just enough to figure out who this guy is, although he did curse himself for not doing this before ans saving himself the trouble that he's in now.

In some nearby bushes, Lunaris and Starlight watched as the two squared off. They stayed perfectly still as they observed what was going on.

*Jaden's Lab*

"Little effect it seems... Mantios had a stronger effect from this, but maybe something better is needed after all." Jaden said as he put the feather device down and got the wand that was next to it. A strange blue liquid seemed to drip from it. "This toy also has something different than the first." Jaden said as he aligned the tip of the wand to the opening of Sky's ass, slowly inserting the waves until the first three were in. The liquid, Jaden knew, should at least provoke some stronger responses as it was a type of lubricant-aphrodisiac that he made himself specially for tasks like this.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 08-02-2010, 01:08 PM