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Dark and Beautiful - Part 2: Date With A Dragoness
Wow! I'm glad you thought it was good!

I might write a third part just to round off the story, but that is a big maybe! I can't think of anything to happen in the third part and I think that that was such a good break off point! But it may happen if I'm struck by creative genius!

Other then that, I think this fic worked really well! I got an idea for my next story today when I saw a porcupine! I haven't seen anybody write about a porcupine girl, but i think i can make it work!

Thanks for the comment, Masquerade! Glad you enjoyed it!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dark and Beautiful - Part 2: Date With A Dragoness - by Adym - 07-16-2010, 10:48 AM