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Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only)
Z growled slightly as she pressed her lips against Kiva's, breaking it as soon as she felt the ability to return, "It was disgusting, and sickening," she said quickly, growling slightly as she continued, "And, I loved it," she admitted, unable to stop herself from admitting it had felt good despite how much she hated the idea.


"She is master, you've trained us both very well, not that we needed much," Lucy purred, nuzzling against Kiva's leg like an obedient dog.


Mindy cried out in bliss, the new feeling overwhelming her quickly as she came, filling Kiva's mouth with her thick herm cum, "Ahhh, oh yes, it feels so good, I love it!" she moaned.

Laura looked down at Mai, tears forming in her eyes a bit before she buried her face into her mistress's neck, "Oh mistress, that makes me so happy, I've loved you for so long, to hear you love me too, thank you so much, you've made me such a happy slave mistress."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only) - by Shadowknight - 06-18-2010, 04:56 PM