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Beach Bums. (DarkFlamedramon (F) x Agumon, Veemon and Guilmon)
I'll bet thats not the only thing that hurts, bow chicka wow wow :P

Edit: Okay, so now that i've managed to read it though, It's a good text!

Just a few things here, mainly a small matter of the members being rather generously portioned considering the size of these creatures...borderline macrophillia for the phallus department perhaps?

"As she lied down" a common tense confusion here, lied has the -ed inflectional ending so that essentially drags this present tense into past and that's no good. Lay would be a better word to use here.
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RE: Beach Bums. (DarkFlamedramon (F) x Agumon, Veemon and Guilmon) - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 06-13-2010, 12:36 PM