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Beach Bums. (DarkFlamedramon (F) x Agumon, Veemon and Guilmon)
I know, I felt like giving it some random ending since it was becoming way too much of a hassle to write: "And they fucked happy ever after.", that and it might've sounded offensive.

Eww, that fap-worthy comment makes me remember of the cum counter from SoFurry. So disturbing! But all the same I'm glad it turned you two on! <:3

Two fics in two days, head hurts. So much erotic text.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Beach Bums. (DarkFlamedramon (F) x Agumon, Veemon and Guilmon) - by DragonMasterX - 06-13-2010, 12:29 PM