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Twittering with popular people or celebrities..
You all are just jealous that I've been tweeting with Bill Murray. /This is a fucking joke. XP

Eh, I find Twitter kind of silly, but I don't really mind it. Unless I'm trying to give a direct answer, I find it's hard to say things in one or two short sentences. There's not enough room for substance I suppose. Occasionally though, you get to hear some fun little details from people out there. I can't say it's all bad.

Anyways, there are leeches of all varieties out there. You can get mad, but you won't stop them with spite alone. As long as you keep yourself from becoming a conceited douchebag like them, then you'll be better than them in all honesty.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Twittering with popular people or celebrities.. - by Crimson Fox - 06-02-2010, 07:40 PM