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By the Fireside (Patamon x Gatomon)
A story I wrote in about 30 minutes for Lord Patamon based off a picture he showed me that someone else was drawing for him. Enjoy.

Patamon and Gatomon were traveling up a mountain path. Patamon’s round body hovered a few feet off the ground next to Gatomon. The two got news from TK and Kari that they would meet at a lodging somewhere near the summit of the mountain range. What they neglected to mention was how cold it was up here. Fortunately, both Digimon had a nice thick fur coat that protected them from the cold for the most part. Patamon’s ears, however, were starting to get a little chilly, so he started flying in an attempt to warm them up. They could see their breath form in front of their face as they reached what looked like a quarter of the way to the summit.

By high noon, the two reached the freezing point of the mountain, where the snow began to accumulate and saturate everything in sight with a blanket of white.

“Mrowr, this cold is starting to freeze my ears and tail.” Gatomon mewled uncomfortably. “Let’s find this lodge before I become a Popsiclemon.”

“Good idea.” Patamon looked up and could see the snow starting to fall harder. Large white flakes were pelting him in the face, which he shook off. Then the two of them passed underneath a snow covered tree, one of the branches gave way, and a large pile of snow fell down on top of Patamon, burying him in a layer of snow a few inches thick. After laying in the sleet stunned, he fumbled around, trying to climb out. He could hear Gatomon laughing at him.

“Looks like you need to chill out.” She said in a faux-Austrian accent.

“Laugh it up, Gatomon.” Patamon muttered as he took flight again. While the snow didn’t stick to him, the cold most certainly did. The wet snow seeped into his fur and stripped him of any warmth he had before they ventured into the mountains.

“I hope we find that lodge soon.” Patamon said, shivering like a leaf. “I feel like my ears are gonna break off!”

Gatomon looked to their right, where the slope of the mountain towered above them into the fog. As they passed a ridge, Gatomon could see billowing smoke coming from a red brick chimney.

“I think we found it, Patamon.” She said. Patamon flew ahead of her and quickly entered the lodge. When she caught up to him and opened the door, she was met with a nice dry heat wave. Patamon was sprawled out inside, sighing contently as his fur dried off.

“Oh yeah!” he sighed. “It feels so good and warm!”

Gatomon stepped over him and approached the counter to the right of the doorway. A SnowAgumon was running the shift, an Agumon with scales bleached a pasty pale white.

“You two are lucky you got here.” He said as Gatomon approached the counter. “I hear that there’s supposed to be a blizzard tonight.”

“Have two humans come in at some point?” Gatomon asked. SnowAgumon shook his head.

“Not that I’ve seen.” He replied. “They might have gotten lost on the mountain path, or maybe they are waiting for the blizzard to pass through before coming up here.”

“Dammit.” Gatomon cursed. “I guess we’ll stay here for the night, then.”

“For the both of you, it’s 200 BITs a night.” He said as Gatomon handed him the BIT card. After running it through the scanner, he replied, “Have a pleasant night.”

Patamon flew up to Gatomon now that his body was defrosted.

“TK and Kari haven’t passed through here.” She said. “Looks like we’re staying for the night.”

“Fine by me.” Patamon said. “I so do not want to go back out there.”

* * *

Gatomon sat in the lounge, watching outside as the snow slowly piled up against the windows. The blizzard was picking up strength outside, and she was glad that they were not caught in the middle of it. Patamon flew over to her, clutching two cups of hot chocolate.

“Thanks.” Gatomon said when Patamon offered one to her. “Where do you think TK and Kari are right now?”

“Well, if they’re not here yet, most likely they didn’t arrive at the mountain until the snowstorm rolled in.” Patamon slowly sipped the hot chocolate as he contemplated the possibilities. The hot beverage sent a wave of warmth through his body, first from his stomach and slowly expanding out to his fingers, toes, and ears.

“I’m kinda worried about them.” Gatomon said. “What if they’re stuck in the blizzard, or worse, attacked by an evil Digimon? If anything happened to Kari, I… I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself!”

“Don’t worry about them.” Patamon assured her. “TK wouldn’t dare let Kari get hurt, and I don’t think they’d be foolish enough to go headfirst into the blizzard.”

Gatomon nodded her head slowly, then suddenly looked over at Patamon when the meaning of his words echoed through her mind.

“Do you really think so, Patamon?” she asked.

“Of course.” He replied. “You know, I’d do the same with you.”

Gatomon blushed heavily and turned her head away.

“Th-thank you, Patamon.” She said, blushing heavily. She didn’t really know how to follow that up, so she remained silent and continued to sip her hot chocolate. Patamon watched her carefully, trying to discern her emotions. However, she was very good at hiding her emotions from him. She stared forward at the snow continue to bombard the window with a blank expression on her face. Once she was done with her hot chocolate, she sat there for a few more minutes before finally dropping down to her feet from the couch.

“I… I need to rest my head.” She said quietly. “I’m going to go lie down for a bit.” She stepped out of the room and headed up the stairs behind the couch to their room. Patamon watched her every step of the way. He had a deep crush on her, but couldn’t find the nerve to outright confess to her. Every time he wanted to, he would always lose the nerve.

Patamon didn’t see Gatomon for the rest of the day. She stayed in her room with the door locked, and she didn’t respond when Patamon knocked at one point. Laying on the bed in his room next to hers, he wondered if she got put off by his somewhat awkward approach. He rolled on his side and tried to push the thought away. It made him sick to his stomach thinking about being shot down.

Later that night, Patamon heard movement on the other side of the wooden lodge wall. The floorboards barely creaked under Gatomon’s light weight, but Patamon had exemplary hearing. She walked out of her room and towards his door. At first he thought she would stop – or rather, he wanted her to – but she instead walked right past his room and headed down the staircase to the lobby below. Patamon flew over to his door and slowly opened it, making sure not to have the door creak on him. Closing it behind him, he peered over the railing to the lobby and lounge below. Gatomon walked up to the fireplace and sat down in front of it. The bright red flames illuminated her white fur and gave it a burning orange glow. Patamon slowly flew down to her and landed a few feet behind her. The window she watched earlier that day was now completely covered with a thin layer of snow, making them feel isolated in the lodge.

“G-gatomon?” Patamon found himself saying.

“Hey there, Patamon.” She said in a calm tone, yet she didn’t look back at him.

“Look, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier.”

“It’s alright. I just… didn’t expect this. When I thought about the possibility, I looked back on it and, well it was so obvious. I’m sorry if I worried you, Patamon.”

“It’s alright, Gatomon. I understand.”

Patamon knelt down behind Gatomon and placed a paw on her shoulder. She nuzzled comfortably into him and let out a low purr of affection. Her fur was warm from the crackling fireplace they sat before. What Patamon did next was a great spur of the moment, caught up in the tender moment they had earlier that day. His free paw came around to her front and caressed her across the cheek before making its way down her torso and stomach, down to between her legs.

Gatomon wasn't fully aware of what Patamon was doing until she felt his paw pressing against her pink folds. She gasped and jumped slightly in his grip once she felt his presence, but she made no inclination to stop him. With no objections to his brazen approach, Patamon proceeded to massage her tender area.

His small fingers ran through the white fur, finding the pink flesh underneath very quickly and gently pressing into the folds. His hand that previously rested on her shoulder now made its way to her chest, where he began to slowly make circular motions around one of the breasts. Patamon's face burned hotter, and it wasn't from the fire. He couldn't believe what he was doing, and, more so, that Gatomon was a willing participant! There was no more room for thoughts. He let his body move on its own, playing with Gatomon's body like putty.

Gatomon's weight shifted so that Patamon's body was supporting her, and her hips moved up to meet his paw. Patamon's breathing quickened and his heart pounded in his chest. He pulled her into a more comfortable position in his lap first before continuing, never once taking his paw off her kitty. He dipped his fingers between the folds and moved them around the edge of her interior, which burned hotter than the heat from the fire.
Gatomon let out her first moan of the night, a low, drawn out meow. It was a melody that made all of Patamon's efforts up to now very much worth it. He pressed in his fingers further and deeper, while his thumb pressed against her pearl and pressed it gently every few seconds. His paw got its first taste of moisture in her velvet walls, which leaked out and dampened the fur around her pussy for a few seconds before being dried out by the heat from the fire.

Gatomon twitched and writhed in his arms, her eyes shut firmly closed. In her mind, the fire didn't exist, and the room didn't exist. Only a lavender void with Patamon as the sole inhabitor, and he had nearly full control over the sensations she felt in her body. Her pearl throbbed with each gentle press of Patamon's thumb, which acted as a button, fanning the flames in her body with every press.

Patamon's hand suddenly retracted as Gatomon sat up from his body and turned around, crawling over to him on her hands and knees. It was very clear even he was ready to proceed further, evidenced by his cock, which had erected to full length during his treatment.

"Enough foreplay." she said in a tone that made it sound like an order. "I want to feel you inside me." Gatomon moved her body over Patamon, down, then back, so that his cock would slide easily into her. Patamon's face was red as a cherry. All of this felt like a dream, and every passing second he feared that he would wake up alone somewhere. Once they were locked together, his arms shakingly wrapped around her body and held her close.

Gatomon moved her hips up and down in a very slow and deliberate manner. She kissed Patamon on the lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth. Patamon let her take control now. By her movements and expression, it was clear she wanted to take them the rest of the way. She placed her hands on either side of them and moved them back, removing her cat claws and revealing her cute little cat paws underneath. She pulled up so Patamon would break his embrace, and then pressed her paws against his and pressed them down above his head.

Her hips moved more rhythmically and smoothly, working herself into a good fluid pace. His shaft was a column of heat in her body that warmed her in a way the fire couldn't. It made her feel complete and whole, as if his dick was a missing part of her body at long last reunited. The two let out soft moans of passion that echoed off the walls in the empty room. Gatomon's wet pussy squeezed his shaft tightly every time she impaled herself on his shaft. Patamon felt an intense heat building up in his balls, the firey passion he had for her compressed into a white singularity that imminently would fill Gatomon up with all his emotions.

Gatomon's thrusting suddenly came to a halt, and she thrust herself as far down on Patamon's cock as she possibly could, trembling and burying her head into his chest. Her pussy gripped him like a vice, desperate to extract his emotions to understand just how he felt for her.

It felt like fire when Patamon's sperm shot up his shaft and into Gatomon's pussy. Each shot was met with an equally powerful buck from Patamon. Gatomon's eyes flickered as she rode the crashing waves of their emotions colliding and intermingling. Her insides felt as if they were melting from the heat Patamon let loose into her body. His affection now lined her womb and assured her that he was the one for her. No other Digimon could come between them anymore.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.

Messages In This Thread
By the Fireside (Patamon x Gatomon) - by Lost - 05-28-2010, 12:09 PM