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The Flame of Youth - Part 4 Added!
Hey guys,

What’s up? Did you all enjoy Part 1? I did. And for the first time in history, somebody answered my plea for a title! Thanks, Guilmon and a Shotgun for the amazing title! ‘Tis greatly appreciated

Now, I proudly present the second bit of my tale.


Part 2 – Friendship, Practice and Strawberry Ice Cream

Koneko slowly opened her eyes as she woke up. Her vision slowly clarified as she blinked the sleep out. When she had a firm vision of the wall she was facing, she sat up and stretched. She looked around to see that the room was in the same condition that she had fallen asleep to, but for one difference. She noticed the subtle scent of a hot breakfast somewhere nearby. She turned around to see a large plate covered by a plastic lid to keep it warm. On top of the cover was a note, written clearly by Adam. It read:

Stepped out to get groceries. Enjoy breakfast in bed!

She smiled and reached over to the plate and lifted it up. Beneath it was another note, slightly moist from the steam that had formed under the plate. Before eating, she lifted it and read it as well.

And I know what you’re thinking. This isn’t a one time deal, I promise! See you in a bit!


She refolded the not and placed it with the other. She placed a hand on each side of the plastic lid and lifted it up. Her face lit with surprise as she realized the magnitude of the breakfast she had been served. It was not one plate, but several, each holding a different variety of food. On top were three small plates, one with toast and the other two with a variety of fresh fruits. There was a plastic separator between that and the next plate. This one contained two pancakes and a small cup of syrup. She smiled and set the plate down next to the fruits and toast. She removed the last separator to reveal a plate full of some of her favorite food. The final plate had a large serving of scrambled eggs, accompanied by several sausage patties, a few strips of bacon and a small mountain of hash browns. This plate also held all of the silverware.

She sat cross legged on the bed, looking at the bounteous breakfast before her. She picked up a fork and began to pick at every dish, enjoying the selection. The sausage was moist, the bacon crunchy. The eggs seemed to melt away in her mouth along with the toast that was buttered perfectly. Every morsel of fruit seemed to explode with flavor in her mouth. She arrived at the pancakes, feeling slightly full, but not enough to deny the steaming hot cakes before her. She cut off a bit and put it in her mouth, savoring the taste. Within the next few minutes, the pancakes had vanished; the only trace left was the small dry feeling in the back of her throat. She removed a small portion of the hash browns from the pile and ate them, tasting a zing from the spices that Adam had cooked in. She consumed the rest rapidly, wanting the flavor to be a constant one. When she had finished the shredded potatoes, she sat surrounded by empty plates, full and content. Just then she heard the front door open. Koneko stood up and walked over to the bedroom door and opened it, revealing Adam loaded down with bags. He held his arms outstretched with six or seven plastic bags each and one hanging on his tail. He slowly made his way to the kitchen, attempting to keep his balance. He made it half way there before he saw his female friend.

“Please help,” he said, a strained look appearing on his face. Koneko laughed and walked over to assist him. She removed the bag from his tail and three more from his arms. His load lightened, Adam was able to move the rest of the way to the counter and set down the food. Koneko placed her bags on the counter and turned to Adam.

“Thanks for breakfast,” she said, clasping her hands behind her back, “It was delicious!”

“Tomorrow’s will be better,” Adam replied as he began to unpack the groceries, “I was in a hurry this morning.”

Koneko helped Adam place all of the food he had purchased in various cupboards and pantries. When they finished, Adam pulled a pair of poi out of his pocket.

“Ready to practice?” he asked, spinning them around his body, “We only have an hour before the movie starts,”

“Movie?” Koneko asked, tilting her head cutely to the side, “What movie?”

“I go to a movie and lunch every Saturday,” the male replied, spinning his poi behind his head, “Would you like to join me?”

Koneko hadn’t been to a movie in over two years and she had no idea what was playing, but she decided to go along. Over the next hour, Adam reviewed with her over all of the techniques that she had already learned, making sure that she had them down.

“Alright,” Adam said, “Try this. It’s called a two beat weave.”

The male began to spin his poi forward with only one of them coming to the front at once. As his left poi swung down by his knee, he crossed his right over, causing it to follow the exact same path. Just as the right weight reached Adam’s left knee, his left poi had reached the top of its arc. Adam then crossed the poi over and as the right reached the top of its arc on his left side, the left began its arc at the bottom of his right side. Once again, the right poi chased after the left, but it was always half an arc behind. The left poi returned to its respectful side and continued spinning, while its companion on the right surrendered and returned to spinning on its side. And with that the move was finished.

The move was basic but elegant, and Adam smiled as he finished.

“Now you try,” he said, crouching to watch. Koneko began to spin her own poi, starting slowly. She settled into the rhythm that Adam had and began the move. As her left poi passed by her knee, she brought her right poi over. As it passed her left knee, it brushed against her leg, disrupting its trajectory slightly, just enough to cause a problem. As she brought the left poi over, the right followed, its plane corrupted by the touch. The right never made it to the other side of her leg; instead it bounced of the inside of her right knee and back behind her. When the slack ran out, the poi swung up in between her legs. It pulled itself free from her grip and tangled around her tail. She blushed as she realized her mistake and attempted to release her tail, to no avail. Adam laughed at his student’s attempt and walked over to her. She stopped spinning about as Adam placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I got it,” he said, kneeling down. He gently took hold of her tail and began to unravel the cloth from it. He carefully avoided pulling any of the fur out as it slowly came free. Once he was finished, he stood and returned the poi to its owner.

“That was great for your first attempt,” Adam said, spinning his own poi about once while he spoke, “It took me two days to get that far. And that looked much better then my first attempt.”

“Really?” she asked, looking up at the male.

“Yeah. You are much more graceful than I was,”

Koneko blushed at the complement. Adam looked up at the clock and saw that it had been forty five minutes since they started.

“Alright, go get changed and we can go to the movie,” he said, wrapping his poi through the metal loop on his waistband, “We’ll work on that more, later.”

Adam sat down on the couch as Koneko went to change. Five minutes later, Koneko emerged from the bedroom wearing the same clothes she had arrived in.

“Ready?” Adam asked, standing up. Koneko nodded, “Are those the only clothes you have?”

Koneko looked down at the ground and nodded. Adam lifted her chin,

“You’re always looking down,” he said, “It doesn’t really suit you. Come on, we’ll catch the movie then go clothes shopping. And then we can get some lunch. Okay?”
“Thank you,” Koneko said, smiling. Adam led her out the door.


Adam’s apartment building was about a fifteen minute walk from the mall and the theater. They arrived just in time to purchase concessions and find good seats. Adam had let Koneko select the movie, but as she hadn’t been to a theater in a while, she didn’t know what was playing. She had asked the lady in the box office for a suggestion, who in turn recommended a romantic comedy that was a huge hit for young couples. They had found their seats just in time for the trailers. After two hours of movie, they departed into the mall.

“Alright,” Adam said, blinking to adjust his eyes to the light, “Well that was a good movie. What did you think?”

“I liked it,” Koneko said, stretching slightly, “The ending was great,”

“Yeah,” Adam replied, “Well, you need some clothes for performing, so let’s go see what they have.”

Adam took Koneko to a performance store that he shopped at frequently and they walked back to the clothing section. Koneko spent the next thirty minutes trying on various pants and tops, enjoying the process. She finally narrowed it down it a pair of pants and a shirt. She stepped out of the dressing room to see that Adam was talking to the guy behind the counter. She slowly walked over to him and stood behind him. The man at the counter stopped talking. Adam turned around and looked at his friend. She had selected a pair of pants that ended just below her knees. They were black with a golden stripe down the side. The top she had selected was a form fitting sleeveless shirt with a thin hood. She stood there for a moment, looking at Adam’s expression and waiting for a response.

“How do I look?” she asked as Adam stared.

“You look great,” he said, still staring, “Perfect.”

“Thanks,” she said,

“So is that what you want?”

Koneko nodded.

“Alright, go change so we can head out.”

The girl walked back into dressing room and changed. Soon enough, the two felines had left the performance store and towards the door. At the last minute, Adam veered off to the left.

“Where are we going?” Koneko asked, following Adam away from the door.

“To get you some more clothes,” Adam said as though the answer was obvious, “You can’t wear your show gear all the time.”

“You don’t need to buy me anything else,” she said, as she jogged to catch up with him.

“I know I don’t have to,” he said turning to look at her, walking backwards, “But I want to,”

She finally caught up to Adam, matching his pace. They walked quickly from store to store, Adam allowing Koneko to select what ever she liked. Not wanting to wear out her friends pockets, Koneko held back, selecting only what she really wanted. Adam, however, purchased every item without regret or hesitation, enjoying spending time with his partner. When they finished shopping, they walked to a restaurant about a block away. They arrived and waited about five minutes for a table, then ordered some food. They talked about the movie, poi, and the clothes she had picked up. When those conversations wore themselves out, Adam looked around.

“This is my favorite restaurant,” he said, feeling a sense of nostalgia.

“Why?” Koneko asked, eating a fry.

“This is the first restaurant I ever went to,” he said, taking a sip of soda, “I still remember. I sat in that booth over there and had a cheeseburger with guacamole and bacon and a root beer. Then, I had a milkshake. It was the best meal I ever had. Then h…”

Adam’s voice trailed off into nothing. His eyes became misty as he remembered, but he soon came back to reality.

“Do you want any desert?” he asked out of nowhere. Surprised by the question, Koneko could only nod. Adam called the waitress over.

“What’ll you have?” the New Race avian asked. Adam turned to Koneko and waited for her answer.

“I-Ice Cream?” she stuttered, unprepared.

“What kind?”

“Uh,” the feline responded, “What do you have?”

“Well,” the bird responded, “We have chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. But it’s illegal for us to serve food that will kill people so I can offer you strawberry or vanilla,”

“Uh, strawberry?” she replied awkwardly. This waitress jotted the order down on her pad, then turned on Adam.

“And you, sir?”

“Strawberry ice cream,” he replied, eating a few fries. The waitress left, and returned a minute later with two dishes of frozen dairy. She set them down on the table along with the bill and departed. The two felines looked at each other over the treats waiting for the other to make a move. Koneko moved first, taking a spoonful of the cream and putting it in her mouth. Adam ate his as well. They continued to eat in silence until Adam heard a small noise. He turned to his companion to hear her purring quietly as she ate.

“Enjoying that ice cream?” he asked, choking back laughter. The female suddenly realized how she had reacted and her face began to turn red.

“Sorry,” she said, embarrassed, “I didn’t realize… I…”

“No problem,” Adam said, taking another spoonful, “No problem at all.”

They finished their desert and went back home, where Koneko had the two beat weave mastered by the end of the day.


The next two weeks went by quickly. Every morning Adam would make Koneko breakfast and they would practice. Once a week they went to the movies and lunch. They had gone to dinner several times and out to the mall once more.

After the first week, Adam began to teach Koneko fire work. When they started, Koneko was timid and cautious with the flames, but she soon conquered her fear and was spinning as though they were not on fire. One day while they were practicing, the phone rang. Adam answered it and after a bit of celebrating, hung up.

“Do you want to do a show in two weeks?” he asked.


That’s the end of “Part 2 – Friendship, Practice and Strawberry Ice Cream. What did you all think of it?
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
The Flame of Youth - Part 4 Added! - by Adym - 05-23-2010, 09:36 AM
RE: Needs a Title - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 05-23-2010, 11:49 AM
RE: Needs a Title - by Adym - 05-23-2010, 11:55 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 05-23-2010, 10:36 PM
RE: The Flame of Youth - by Adym - 05-24-2010, 01:13 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - by Adym - 05-24-2010, 07:01 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 2 Added - by Adym - 05-25-2010, 11:34 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 3 Added - by Adym - 06-24-2010, 10:58 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 06-25-2010, 11:18 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Asesino - 06-25-2010, 11:44 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 06-26-2010, 12:01 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Asesino - 06-26-2010, 12:35 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 06-26-2010, 01:25 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 08-10-2010, 05:29 AM