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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
*Srry for my late reply >.<'' Had a few things come up unexpectedly. About this one, I did state that Alicia can learn or reviel new abilities as her bio isn't truly complete as of yet. I did this once with Misato as I tried to get her bio in order and the other thought I was power playing, when i wasn't. I still lost tho on that one lol.*

*Mystic Forest*

Alicia gave a startled yell as she was raised up into the air above the battlefield. She still wasn't certain who was helping her and who was taking her captive at this point. Not knowing how it would affect the trio below, she closed her eyes and slowly starts to sing a soothing melody. The same one she used before to put the lab guards to sleep many times in the past and even help aided her escape as she used it to get to the power room as well. Her voice rose and fell in various pitches, some merging, some in single notes. She only hopes this song can grant her her release as it did last time...

-*New Ability - First Hymn of Karalis: Requiem of Sleep*-

*Second Floor Lab*

Jaden grinned at seeing a fellow scientist in trouble as he passed by Jasper. "Seems like you need to keep up with your own work if you think you'll be as good as me." He said to him calmly, as if just having idle conversation. Stopping for a moment, Jaden turned around to face Jasper. "Speaking of which, have you seen who released Experiment three from his lab? I don't remember authorizing his release, since little Alicia got away." Jaden asked, looking serious now as he was a little annoyed with Roxas disappearing without him knowing.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 05-13-2010, 05:17 AM