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Dua's Lemon
Hey guys,

Part 14. Never thought I would make it this far. I guess the inspiration was knowing that every time I post a new part, the view count will go up about ten to twelve views. That means that I must have at least one person following this story! Huzzah! Thanks, whoever you are! And thanks, everybody else who just sticks there head in every once in a while. So without further ado, I give you, Part 14.


Renamon stood helplessly in the field as she watched Adam being dragged away by his brother. Once they passed out of sight, she spun around and went for help. She dashed through the camp, looking for Hawkmon or Zalman. Somebody that could help had to be left. She ran to the exit point, grabbing Kotemon from behind.

“Where’s Zalman?” she yelled, shaking the digimon.

“He just left with the others!” Kotemon yelled,

“Send me after him!” she yelled, dropping the armored reptile in his chair, “Now!”

“I can’t send you to his computer without his digivice code,” kotemon said, dusting off his armor, “What’s the matter?”

When he looked at Renamon for a response, she was gone. She had sprinted away, heading in the direction of the security desk. Adam’s rust orange digivice sat on the table near the gun locker. She picked it up and scanned through it. She held one of the buttons as the list of contacts scrolled through. She silently cursed Zalman for having a name that starts with “Z”. She arrived at his code, then phased back to the exit point.

“Here!” she said, throwing the digivice at Kotemon. Kotemon leapt into the air, unaware of her presence. He lifted the digivice from the desk, and set it down next to his computer.

“Alright,” he said, shaking back his sleeves to reveal small, scaly claws, “Now I can get you through. Go stand over there please.”

He began to tap commands into a keyboard as Renamon stood where she was told


Erik sat in the fortress where his gut instinct had told him to go. His brother was tied to a chair, several feet away, unconscious as a medic made sure he wouldn’t die from his gunshot wound. He sat up straight as several Drimogemon walked in.

“Master Erik,” they said, lowering their gaze, “We were informed that we should tell you that we have reached the hard lines to the human world. Virus told us that you would want them cut.”

Erik thought of the effects that his would cause and smiled at the thought.

“Will it effect communication between digivices in this world?” he asked, scratching his chin.

“No sir,” the lead Drimogemon said, “It will cut off all transportation and communication in or out of this world.”

Erik’s head twisted to the side, then returned to its original position.

“Cut them,”


“Alright,” Kotemon said, cracking his knuckles, “Ready?”

He looked at Renamon, who nodded. He spun his hand around and hit the enter button. Renamon took a breath in as she prepared to be teleported. Nothing happened. Kotemon hit the button again, having the same effect. Suddenly, his screen flashed to blue, revealing the words: Error 404.

“Shit,” he said, “I’m cut off.”

“What?” Renamon asked, running to the monitor. She pushed Kotemon out of his chair and looked at the screen. She stared blankly at it, knowing that it was her last hope for help. Adam’s digivice then beeped, she picked it up and looked at it forlornly. A message popped up. It read:

You have ten minutes to make it to somewhere private

She stood up, obeying the message as she had no reason not to. She walked slowly out of the camp and into the woods. She ran into Beelzemon and Lilamon on her way out.

“Where are you going?” Lilamon asked. Renamon didn’t answer, walking straight ahead. They followed her until the digivice beeped again. She sat down on the ground and pressed the button. A hologram rose from the screen, spanning twenty three inches from corner to corner. She set the device on the ground, recognizing this as a video chat. The screen was filled with the face of Erik. But this was not the Erik she had known before. He had a black line running down from his left eye. His skin had paled to a dull gray, and his skin had begun to become cracked and flaky. He spoke in what sounded like his normal voice, but with an added rasp.

“Ah,” he said, smiling wickedly, “You decided to increase my audience size!”

He was obviously excited about something. His head twitched to the side twice before he spoke again.

“Now,” he said, “Here are the rules. They only apply to Renamon, not you two. Nod if you understand.”

The two other digimon nodded. Erik’s head twitched and he continued.

“Renamon. You are not allowed to turn away. If you look away, Adam dies. If you close your eyes for more then a blink, Adam dies. If you close this chat, Adam dies. If you do anything besides watch this video, Adam dies. Do you understand?”

Renamon nodded, dreading what she was going to be forced to watch.

“Did you know that Adam always has two knives on his person?” Erik asked. Renamon nodded.

“And you know that I threw one back at you earlier with a note, right?”

Renamon nodded.

“This is the other knife,” he said, holding up a blade, “And Adam’s going to wish he had decided to only carry one blade.”

He then moved away from the screen, revealing Adam chained to a chair, unconscious. His shirt was bloody and had a hole in it from the gunshot. Erik reappeared next to him.

“Tada,” he said, laughing as a tear fell from Renamon’s eye, “Adam, could you wake up for me? Adam?”

Adam did not stir, so Erik smiled at the camera and delivered a punch directly to Adam’s left temple, knocking him awake. He gasped and shuddered, his eyes red and bloodshot.

“That’s better,” Erik said, “So Adam; you will never guess who is on video chat right now.”

Adam looked forward at the hologram emerging from his brother’s digivice. It showed Renamon, the fur around her eyes damp from tears.

“That’s right!” Erik said, standing up, “It’s your mate. And knowing you, she probably has never seen you cry. Because you’re that awesome, calm, cool, collected guy that always has the right thing to say. Well, were about to change that.”

Erik reached down and placed his right hand on Adam’s left.

“Adam,” he said, his voice condescending, as though speaking to a child, “Would you like to say a few words to her?”

Adam lifted his head and stared directly into the screen and managed to gurgle out a few words.

“R-Renamon…” he said, “Don’t do what he says.”

She began to cry openly, still not looking away from the screen. Erik shoved Adam’s head back down.

“Now let’s see if we can get those tear ducts out of hibernation,” he said, spreading the fingers of Adam’s left hand apart. Erik twirled the dagger in his hand, the brought the pommel down on the tip of Adam’s left pinky like a hammer. The small bone shattered, the fingernail spitting and falling off. Adam’s eyes screwed themselves shut, his jaw clenched, but his eyes remained dry. Erik’s head twitched to the side in frustration.

“So,” he said, smiling, “You think you’re tough? How about now!?”

At the last statement, he brought the dagger down again, this time on the middle section of the small finger. A grisly crunching noise echoed through the room and across the comm. link. Renamon gasped and closed her eyes. She snapped them back open, not wanting the death of her lover. Adam’s head twitched to the side, his face twisted in a painful grimace. But still, he did not show weakness.

“Your going to die here, Adam,” Erik said, “You think your precious Renamon can watch you get tortured?”

“She’s stronger then you think, bastard,” Adam replied weakly. Erik smashed the last section of his finger, crushing the bone to shards with the strength that the Virus gave him. Adam smiled.

“You’re going to have to do better then that,” he said. Erik’s head twitched five times to the side, his mouth twisted into a snarl. Suddenly, his face calmed and he spoke again, in the same condescending tone as earlier.

“Hey Adam,” he said, smiling, “Remember when Mom taught us to count to ten on our fingers?”

Adam’s face turned to stone; his smile disappeared as he realized Erik’s intention. He looked straight at his mate, his eyes full of terror. He nodded.

“Well,” Erik said, twirling the knife in his hand, “You’re going to have to teach your kids to count to nine.”

Erik brought the point of the knife down on the base of Adam’s left pinky. The blade went straight through the flesh, going through the joint and into the arm of the chair. Blood poured from the opening. Adam screamed in pain, the guttural sound emerging from his throat akin to the cry of a trapped beast. Erik then delivered a kick to the left side of his face, breaking his nose and silencing him.

Adam slowly moved the remaining fingers on his left hand in sequence. Thumb. Index. Middle. Ring. When he came to his pinky, he willed his finger to move, but nothing happened. He could see the still digit on the other side of the knife.

Adam stared directly at Renamon, her eyes full of pain from watching his torture. Tears began to stream from both of his eyes, falling to his bloody shirt and into his lap. Adam cried for the first time in years, each drop that slipped from his eye pulled a piece of his pride with it. His head dropped to his chest. Erik stepped back into view.

“Come collect him,” he said, smiling, “There will be no combat. No battle. No ambush. I just want to watch him limp away like a dog with its tail between its legs. I want to see him find the will to continue, even when I have taken everything away. I want to see him, unable to look you in the eye out of shame. You are about an hour’s walk away. Come alone.”

The connection ceased. A map appeared on the screen of Adam’s digivice with directions to the place where he was being held. Renamon stood up slowly, tears falling into her yellow fur. She clenched her paws into fists and gritted her teeth. A hand fell onto her shoulder; she turned to see that the flesh was dark grey. Beelzemon spoke.

“I’m sorry,” he said. She did not reply. Instead, she shook his hand off and stooped to pick up the digivice. She stood and looked at the map, then set off, leaving Beelzemon and Lilamon behind.


An hour later, Renamon stood outside the doors of Erik’s fortress. The door opened to reveal Adam unconscious on the ground. She ran forward and crouched by his body. She ran her hand down his face, feeling that he was still alive. A laugh emerged from behind a statue. She looked up to see Adam’s demonic sibling reveal himself.

“I just wanted to show you my new necklace,” he said, tapping the string around his neck. She looked closer to see that the amulet was the bones from Adam’s missing finger, masterfully rejoined with small metal pieces. She scowled at him as he disappeared into the darkness. She lifted Adam up and carried him out the door, which closed behind her. She had gone half a mile before Adam woke up. His eyes flickered open and his head snapped from side to side, absorbing his environment. His right hand shot up to his shoulder, taking hold of Renamon’s paw. He stopped panicking when he felt her soft fur and her claws. His body relaxed and he attempted to support himself as best he could, but he failed. Renamon easily supported his entire weight, practically dragging him along. His eyes remained straight at the ground for the remainder of the walk.


They reached the small clearing where Renamon had watched Adam’s torture. She set him down and he leaned against a tree, staring through everything in front of him, seeing nothing. She sat down next to him and placed her arm around him. He didn’t respond to her touch. She placed her paw on his chin and gently turned his head towards her. She looked into his eyes, tears coming to her eyes at the sight. The glint had disappeared. His look was no longer that of the joyous, easygoing teen she had fallen in love with. It was replaced by a dead stare. She released his head, which turned back straight, and embraced him. She didn’t let go until she fell asleep, fearing that if she released her grip, his body would fade like his eyes.


It was late at night and Renamon lay asleep next to Adam, who had not moved but had fallen unconscious. Her ears twitched as she heard a soft rustle in the trees behind her, waking her up. She yawned and stretched. She quietly stood up and looked around. She and Adam were the only ones in the clearing. She walked to the other side of the tree Adam was sleeping against and leaned against it. She sighed as she thought about what had happened earlier. Her thoughts were cut short as a giant hand gripped her head, lifting her into the air. She couldn’t breathe but she could see through a gap in the claw that held her, that a Ghoulmon was holding her up. She was slammed into the tree, shaking leaves from its branches. The Ghoulmon’s other hand was gripping its crotch, coaxing a large black phallus to emerge. She screamed as she saw the intent of rape in its eye. She was silenced as she was slammed into the tree, again. She closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. She was held for a minute, and then it came. The next sensation she felt was not the feeling of penetration, but a splash of warm liquid over her body. She was released and fell to the ground. She slowly opened her eyes, expecting to be covered in the seed of her attacker. But instead, the liquid covering her was blood. She looked up at the assailant, to see that it was attempting to get something off its back. Her eyes adjusted to reveal that the object on its back was Adam, his eyes alive once more and full of rage. His right hand held onto the digimon, his left was at work. He tore away chunks of the Ghoulmon’s main eye. The fingernails of his four remaining digits ripped through the cornea and into the main eye. The Ghoulmon was blind. Minutes later, it died from massive trauma and bleeding. Its body collapsed, Adam leaping down from it.

The teen walked over to Renamon and toppled over next to her. He then adjusted himself to face her and spoke.

“Hey,” he said, “Are you okay?”

She leapt on top of him and kissed him passionately. His hands rubbed her lower back as her tongue danced with his own. After a minute she broke it and looked into his eyes.

“I’m so glad your okay,” she said, staring at him, loving the spark that had returned to his eye.

“My brother was wrong,” he said, looking up at her, “I don’t have nothing left. I have you. And as long as I’m alive, nothing is going to hurt you.”

She set her head down on his chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat as she fell asleep in his arms.

Wow. Writing that torture scene was interesting. It was a fun write and it required a bit of creativity. What did you think of it and the rest of my lemon so far? Please review!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM