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Dua's Lemon
Hey guys,

This is Part 13. Nothing much left to say besides: Enjoy! Please rate and comment!


Eleven o’clock arrived and Adam was halfway through preparing for the gala. He ran through the arrangements one more time.

“Okay, Austin and Jack are running the band because they couldn’t get dates. Sunflowmon is taking Impmon, Gatomon is taking Flamedramon and Biyomon is taking Hawkmon. I took them all to get clothes and they’re getting ready now. I got Renamon that dress and put it on her bed. Zalman and Gomamon are running the entrance and…”

His run through was cut off as he saw Renamon saunter into the room. She was wearing a black, silk evening dress and a black version of her normal sleeves. She walked up behind him, looking at him in the mirror.

“You know,” she said, “This tux would look better with pants.”

She wrapped her hands around him, placing a paw on his crotch. He wiggled out of the grip.

“After the gala,” he said, pulling his pants up, “I promise.”

She crossed her arms and pretended to pout while he buckled his belt and straightened his bowtie. She gently tugged on his tie to make sure it was straight.

“Ready?” she asked.


Renamon took Adam’s arm and yanked him from the tent, into the parade of well dressed tamers and digimon walking towards the center of camp. Renamon practically dragged Adam behind her as she sprinted towards the front of the group. There they met Erik and Lekismon, walking arm in arm. Adam pushed the hair out of his eyes as they came to a halt.

“Hey,” Adam said, out of breath from running, “What’s up?”

Erik simply laughed at his brother and continued walking. Renamon pulled Adam along as she talked with Lekismon. They soon reached the center of camp, which had been roped off and lit. A huge stage had been set up and it was occupied with a band composed of Austin, Jack and several other musicians. The four of them came to a stop by the punch bowl and Adam poured himself a glass.

“Wait, Adam. Don’t-” Erik started, remembering the warning from Flamedramon. He spun around to see the blue dragon digimon and Hawkmon about fifty feet away, laughing at Adam. Erik sighed and decided to forget it. Adam finished his punch and shivered. He then ran up to the stage. He took the microphone and addressed the crowd.

“Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen,” he said, “To the first annual Girl’s Choice Gala.”

The crowd applauded.

“Just a few things before we start. First of all, our band is taking requests and I hear that if you want your song moved up, all you need to do is catch the lead singer’s attention in a monetary fashion,” he said, eliciting a laugh from the crowd, “Yeah, not joking. Secondly, in case of emergency, there are weapons in the back for everybody on the emergency defense team. There are also exits for those who aren’t on the team. Now let’s have an awesome time!”

He turned to the lead singer, a Justimon, and spoke.

“I organized this thing so I get the first song,” he said. Justimon nodded and played the song he was told. Adam stepped down off the stage and invited Renamon to dance.


It was two hours after the gala started and Impmon had traded his normal red neckerchief for a black bow tie and his red gloves for white ones. He leaned against the punch table as he watched his tamer perform on stage. Soon, his date arrived. Sunflowmon stood in front of him, her petals appearing larger and more vibrant than usual.

“You look great!” Impmon said, pulling at his tie.

“Thanks,” Sunflowmon said. Sunflowmon lifted up the small demon and they began to dance. There dance did not last long at all as all of the lights shut off at once.


Renamon and Adam stood together in total darkness. Several tamers pulled emergency flares from their jackets and any digimon capable of producing light did so. Adam saw Erik and Lekismon about a hundred feet from them and the stage was lit by two flares, one from Jack and the other from Austin. Adam pulled out his digivice and opened a link to Zalman.

“Zalman!” he said, “What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know. All the lights just went out.”

Adam closed the link and looked around, Renamon looping her arm through his. Suddenly, there was a heavy thud in the distance. It was followed by more, the noise getting closer with every repetition. The ground shook for a few minutes; screams were heard in the crowd. Suddenly all movement and noise stopped.

“What happened?” Renamon asked. The stage was then lit from above, but this light was not one of the tamers’. It came from an eerie blue orb above them. The performers looked up at the light. Austin stood up and looked closer.

“Oh, shit!” he yelled, “It’s a Machinedra-!”

The cry was cut off as the stage exploded.


Impmon and Sunflowmon could only watch helplessly as their tamers were destroyed by the blast.

“No!” Impmon yelled. Sunflowmon’s mouth fell open and she stood there speechless. Impmon leapt from her arms and sprinted to the stage, against the flow. He dashed between people and digimon as he ran. He arrived at the crater and began lifting rubble. He threw away small chinks of wood and metal until he reached a very familiar hand. The limb stuck out from beneath a huge piece of the stage. Unable to lift it, he strained against the piece of wood. Sunflowmon arrived behind him and attempted to assist him. He shooed her away, determined to save Jack alone. His body enveloped itself in a bright light as he digivolved. Soon a large, leather clad demon stood in place of the small digimon. He easily threw the chunk of stage across the clearing, revealing both Jack and Austin beneath it. Sunflowmon’s body began to change as she digivolved at the sight of her mangled tamer. Her body color changed from green to pink as Sunflowmon changed to Lilamon. She gently lifted Austin from the ground, his blood pouring from his head. Half of his face was gone, his eye socket empty, his nose gone. His left forearm sat four feet away and the stub hung from his shoulder, dislocated. Tears fell from Lilamon’s face as she set her young friend down. She glanced over at Beelzemon, who was touching his forehead to that of his tamer. Jack’s body was severed in two, his organs hung from the gap. Beelzemon looked up. He saw an invading force of dark digimon slowly creep into the area. He looked back down at his tamer, and then looked up again to see a group of small children and their in-training partners being chased by a Devimon. He gently set his dead friend down and stood.

“Where are you going?” Lilamon asked, touching Austin’s stump. Beelzemon didn’t stop at her question. He caught up to the Devimon and grabbed his black throat. He lifted the champion demon from the ground with his left arm. He reached down to his leg with his right arm and pulled his shotgun. He placed it in the Devimon’s face and pulled the trigger. The blast removed the upper part of his head from its seat. Drops of blood showered his face as he ended the demon’s life. Lilamon’s hand rested on his shoulder as she arrived behind him. He turned to reveal that he was crying. Lilamon embraced him as they stood there, the battle beginning to take place around them.

The fire from the wreckage illuminated a gigantic Machinedramon behind it. The crowd dashed away from the giant robot, most of the digimon and older humans towards the security area and the rest in any direction. Adam found Erik and Lekismon and pulled them towards the weapon stash in the back. They reached Zalman and a Zudomon, whom used to be Gomamon, who were passing out guns and knives from a shed.

“Where the hell did you guys get guns?” Erik yelled over the din, accepting a machine gun.

“I had Zalman hack them out of a Call of Duty game,” Adam yelled, accepting his own gun and a sword, “To reload them, all you have to do is pull out the clip and put it back in.”

Adam opened fire on a horde of DemiDevimon that approached the crowd. The small, round devils fell as the bullets collided with their bodies. Adam then pulled the clip out and put it back in.

“Like that,” he said. He then took a pistol off the security desk and walked away to rendezvous with Renamon. Erik looked down at his gun and walked towards the battle.

The film director looked around at the incredible acts of violence that spread around him. He had directed the goriest battle sequences, but now he was staring at his brother splattered in real blood. Erik threw himself down in a small crater, Lekismon following behind him. They watched the battle, looking for any way out. An explosion went off to their left, causing them to go temporarily deaf. Erik grabbed his ears and rolled over onto his back, trying to rid himself of the massive headache. As he looked up at the sky, he saw a large dark form stand above him. The form occupied his entire view, terrifying the young adult. Erik grabbed Lekismon’s hand and began to sprint in the opposite direction. He tripped after fifty feet, face planting into the dust. He flipped himself over, pulling Lekismon closer to his body. The giant form was the Machinedramon that destroyed the stage, and it was now towering in front of the pair. The robotic dragon glared down at them for a minute. Then, its right shoulder cannon angled itself forward and down, directly at Erik and Lekismon.

Adam turned to see his brother in front of the Machinedramon. One of the cannons was pointed directly at Erik. The human threw himself over Lekismon, attempting to shield her, as a blast erupted from the cannon. Adam turned his head and waited for the explosion. I never came. He looked back to see that his brother and his partner were alive, but covered in dirt. There appeared to be an unfolded missile in a crater in front of him but nothing else had changed. Adam smiled and turned away, glad that his brother was alright.


Erik was staring up, through the dust, into the barrel of the cannon. There was a crater in front of him and in the center was a missile. He stood up and walked towards it. On it, there were words written in a polite cursive. They read:

To Erik Parker and Lekismon. See you soon!


Erik touched the missile and it sprung open, knocking him back towards Lekismon. From the inside, a cloud of black particles erupted and swarmed towards Erik and Lekismon.


It was dawn of the following morning and the battle was won. Flamedramon and the other fire-wielding digimon were in charge of burning the bodies of the enemies and Hawkmon and Biyomon were in charge of burying the casualties. Adam was helping Zalman put away the weapons, occasionally glancing back at Renamon to make sure she was still there. She would smile at him and he would go back to work. When every weapon was away, he and Zalman walked over to Renamon.

“Hey,” he said, giving her a hug, “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” she said, squeezing him tightly, “Did you know that Impmon and Sunflowmon digivolved?”


“Yeah,” she said, looking over her shoulder to Beelzemon and Lilamon, “They changed when they saw Jack and Austin...”

She looked back at Adam, who had a sad look on his face. He had realized that one of his best friends and his cousin were dead. He eventually looked up at her, his eyes watery. She hugged him again, embracing him until she spoke.

“Do you want to go back to the house?” she asked, looking into his eyes, “You promised.”

“We can go in a bit,” he said, placing his hands on her waist, “I just want to make sure that everything is going to work out here.”

He looked up and tilted his head to the side.

“Is that Erik?” he asked, looking towards the field. She turned around and saw two figures standing in the middle of the clearing.

“Yeah,” she said, “And Lekismon. What are they doing?”

“I don’t know,” Adam said, stepping towards them, “I’m going to go check it out.”

He then addressed Zalman.

“Zalman,” he said, “Take Flamedramon, Gatomon, Biyomon, and Hawkmon with you back to your house. Have them help you write a program for a mass evacuation of the area, then write one to re assemble this area.”

The teen nodded and walked away with Gomamon. Adam turned back to Renamon.

“Can you lock up the gun locker? I’ll be right back,”

She nodded and took the key from his pocket. He then jogged out towards his brother.


Adam met with Erik and Lekismon in the middle of the field. They both stood rigid and straight, Erik holding a pistol in his right hand. Both of them had bloodshot eyes and a half inch thick, black line running straight down from their left eye. Erik looked up at his brother.

“Run!” he said, his voice shaking.

“What?” Adam replied, chuckling.

“Ru-!” Erik started, his word cut off. His voice then deepened to a low raspand he spoke again, “V-V-V-V-Vi-Virus.”

His head ratcheted to the side with every stutter. His head dropped onto his chest. He then lifted it up, a malicious look in his eye.

“Hello, Adam,” he said, his voice poisonous, “Congrats on killing NeoDevimon. Now I’m taking your brother as my new general. You are more than welcome to shoot me now. But remember, I won’t die and your brother will, so think carefully.”

“What are you talking about?” Adam asked, his voice becoming serious.

“You heard me,” Erik spoke, “Your brother’s body is the new general, so kill him. Kill him like you killed NeoDevimon, like you killed BlackKyukimon, like your bitch killed Rea. Kill him.”


“Do it,” Erik said, lifting his arms to his sides, “Do it!”

Adam reacted on instinct. He pulled a gun from his coat, the one that he had taken earlier. He lifted it to eye level.

“Sorry, Erik,” he said, choking back tears. He pulled the trigger. But, the gun was empty. Erik then lifted his gun.

“That’s funny,” he said, “I’m not.”

He pulled the trigger.


Renamon finished locking the shed and she looked down at the key. Her ear then twitched as she heard a gunshot from Adam’s direction. She spun on her foot, to see her mate collapse to his knees and his brother pointing a gun at him. Lekismon then walked over and grabbed the collar of his shirt. They began to drag Adam’s body away. She began to sprint towards them, stopping only when a knife planted itself several feet in front of her. She slid to a halt and pulled the blade form the ground. It had a simple message:

Follow us; he dies

Thanks for reading! Be sure to comment! Look for Part 14 on Wednesday or earlier!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM