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Dua's Lemon
Hey Guys,

Part 12 coming at you! It’s time to set up some primary couplings and plot. Thanks to Asesino for another review! Enjoy!

Flamedramon sat outside with Jack’s partner Impmon and Zalman’s partner Gomamon. The human’s sat inside, talking and having lunch. The three digimon sat outside talking about nothing in particular, until of course a group of female’s walked by. Flamedramon’s head rotated as they passed. He then spoke up.

“Ok so…” he said, making sure everybody was out of earshot, “Would you do… that Agumon from two tents over?”

“The guy?” Gomamon asked, looking at his friend,

“No, the male lives four tents over, the chick is only two tents,” Flamedramon responded.

“Oh,” Gomamon responded, flipping himself over, “Then, yeah, I would. Impmon?”

“Yeah,” Impmon responded simply.

“What about the Dorumon from that green tent by the south entrance?”

The other two nodded, Impmon adjusting his left glove.

“Well,” Flamedramon said, “What about Adam’s cousin’s partner? What’s-her-face, Sunflowmon?”

Gomamon and Flamedramon burst into laughter, shaking there heads.

“Come on, guys. She’s actually really nice,” Impmon said, defending Sunflowmon.

“Dude,” Gomamon said, “This isn’t a “Who would you sit down and share your feelings with” conversation. This is a “Who would I screw” conversation. Anyways, it’s my turn. What about R-”

His words were cut off by Renamon’s paw clenching down on his throat.

“The next word that comes out of your mouth had better not be my name, or I will rip each of your dicks off and shove it up one of the other two’s ass. Do you understand?” she said, her icy blue eyes drilling into each of them. They nodded and she left. Impmon stood and walked away.

“Okay,” Flamedramon said to Gomamon, “But I know who you were talking about and y-”

A rock the size of a fist hurled out of nowhere and struck Flamedramon in the back of the head, knocking him out, cold. On it was written:

I heard that!


Impmon walked through the enormous campsite, looking for nothing in particular. He stopped by a makeshift baseball diamond to watch the humans and digimon run around in circles for a while, but soon grew bored and left. Over the next hour, he was invited to light several grills, join a few barbeques and play a few games. None of these things interested him, except for lighting the fires of course, so he continued onward. Eventually, he spotted a red haired youth walking between tents. He took off in a sprint to catch up to the boy, soon finding himself face to face with the cousin of Adam and Erik.

“Hey, Austin,” he said, panting, “What’s up?”

“Not much,” the boy responded, shifting his pack from one shoulder to the other, “What’s up with you?”

“I was just looking for Sunflowmon,” Impmon said, standing up straight and wiping sweat from his brow, “Do you know where she is?”

“Yeah, she’s back at my tent,” Austin said, “Why don’t you come over? I was just about to head back to the real world for a minute to grab some more stuff. Come on, you can keep her company.”

The boy set off, Impmon following behind him. They were only a few minutes from their destination. Austin lifted the flap and allowed Impmon to enter first.

“Hey Sunflowmon!” he called, “Impmon is here to see you!”

The large plant-like digimon appeared from around the corner, waving to Impmon.

“Are you leaving?” she asked Austin.

“Yeah, I’m just going to head to the human world for a bit, pick up some stuff,”

“Alright then. Hello, Impmon,”

Impmon smiled and adjusted his neckerchief. Austin then said goodbye and left.

“Come in, Impmon,” Sunflowmon said, ushering him into the living area, “Would you like to watch a movie? We just hacked a new TV from an electronics website, and now that Austin is gone, we have a bunch of choices.”

Impmon laughed.

“And why do we only have that selection when your tamer is gone?”

“If Austin knew about these,” Sunflowmon said, “He would never leave the tent.”

Impmon agreed and followed his friend to the section that Austin had separated form the rest of the tent. Impmon’s mouth fell open at the sight. He was staring down sixty five inches of high definition, guiltless splendor.

“How much did it cost?” he asked, reaching out to turn it on.

“The list price was four thousand, but since were in the digital world, all we needed to do was write a little program and download the image.”

Sunflowmon soon returned with three large boxes of discs. She laid them down on the ground and opened them, revealing hundreds of choices.

“Your choice,” she said, settling back in the grass in front of the TV. Impmon looked over the library in front of him.

“Knowing you,” he said, “I should pick a romantic comedy with a happy ending.”

“And knowing you,” she responded, “I should suggest a movie full of explosions and or gore. So how about… Hostel?”

Impmon shivered. He despised the Hostel movies, and was unable to sit through more than one scene a day. He shook his head.

“Nah, how about…” he reached into the first box and pulled a disc. He then walked over to the third box and pulled another. He held up his two choices, “Dawn of the Dead or Love Actually?”

Sunflowmon laughed at the polarity of his choices. She closed all of the boxes

“Both. But, Dawn of the Dead first,” she said, sliding the boxes behind them. Impmon placed the first disc in the player and sat down. After an hour and fifty minutes of gore, they watched two hours of romance. Impmon smiled as the credits rolled.

“That was a good movie,” he said, looking over at Sunflowmon, “I hadn’t seen it before.”



There was a moment of silence as Impmon returned the discs to their cases. Sunflowmon then spoke.

“Hey, Impmon. Did you hear about the gala?”

“What gala?”


“Girl’s Choice Gala,” Lekismon reading the flyer that Renamon had handed her.

“Yep,” Renamon said, sitting down on a stool in Adam’s tent, “Who are you going to ask?”

“I don’t know,” she said, looking at the paper again, “Who are you going with?”

“Adam, of course,” she said, spinning in her seat, “He got me these beautiful silk sleeves and a dress to match. I can’t wait.”

“Hmm,” Lekismon thought. She then excused herself and left for her own tent. She walked inside to see her new tamer, Erik, stretched out on the ground asleep. She knelt beside him and gently shook him awake. He eventually came to.

“Oh, hello, Lekismon,” he said with a yawn, “What’s up?”

“I just have a question,” she said, shifting nervously,

“Alright. Shoot.”

“I was wondering…” she hesitated, considering asking him a ridiculous cover question, she then summoned her courage and spoke, “If you would go to the gala with me.”

Erik sat up straight, his face turning redder by the second. His collar seemed to tighten as thoughts raced in through his brain. He liked her, she was awesome, but he had never been to a dance. He was a prodigy film director who got his first gig at age sixteen, he practically skipped high school. The only women he had ever had relationships with were famous people with at least one mental problem. In other words, he had never had a real relationship. His eyes shot back and forward, picking up every image they could find. Suddenly, his mind stopped. A soothing wave washed over his thoughts and he spoke.

“I would love to go with you,” he said. Lekismon looked as though a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders. She lie down next to him, the medallion she wore bouncing slightly on her chest. Erik set himself down next to her. He smiled and gently poked her in the side, causing her to wriggle. He continued to tickle her until she was actively dodging his fingers. She rolled over his arm and up onto him, staring down at her tamer and date. She pinned his arms to the ground to prevent any surprise attacks.

“What now?” she asked, chuckling slightly. Erik then lifted his head off the ground and kissed her. She closed her eyes, enjoying every second of contact. When Erik’s head returned to the floor, she opened her eyes and settled down on his chest, her long ears laying down on her back, “Is that how you disarm everybody who holds you down?”

“Only the amazing ones,” Erik joked, placing his arms around her. He gently rubbed her back, feeling her muscles move as her tails flicked about. She placed her gloved hands at his waist and began to unbutton his white shirt. His jacket and tie had already been removed so he could sleep.

Soon, his shirt was open and Lekismon was resting on his bare chest. She ran her fingers along his various scars inquiring as to where they came from.

“This one?” she said, placing her fingers in the thin line that ran the length of his side.

“I got that one when I was ten. It goes all the way down my leg. I was out shark fishing with my grandfather, when a line came loose. It shot up in the air and the wind caught it. The hook was ten inches long and it hooked me under the arm. It dragged down my side and came free at my ankle. I woke up in the hospital three days later.”

She traced the line from his armpit to his waist. She then pulled the leg of his pants back to reveal the end of the line. She turned towards him with an inquisitive look on her face.

“May I… um… see the rest?” she asked, blushing beneath her fur. Erik smiled and nodded. She unbuckled his belt and removed his pants, displaying the long twisted scar running down his leg. She then sat between his legs, playing her fingers over the line. Erik started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, crawling up onto his chest.

“Nothing,” he said, placing his hands behind his head, “But, you are the only girl to get my pants off this fast,”

“And how many girls have you been with?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Let me put it this way,” Erik said, choosing his words carefully, “I have never loved anybody until now.”

Lekismon set her head down on her tamer’s chest.

“Good answer,” she said, her hand slowly migrating towards his waistband. She hooked two of her fingers into the elastic and pulled. Soon, Erik’s boxers were across the room, “Am I the fastest to do that as well?”

Erik chuckled gently and kissed Lekismon. He moved his arms up unclasped the medallion that she wore. He set the jewelry down in grass beside them and continued to make out. Her tails flitted about randomly, brushing against Erik’s thighs and crotch, slowly causing his member to harden. Eventually she sat back, his cock standing erect against her ass. She lifted herself up, hovering over her tamer.

“Ready?” she asked. He smiled and nodded. She dropped onto him, enjoying the feeling of his nine inches penetrating her. Erik’s hands lifted up to her waist and lifted her. He lifted her up and down over himself until he was going as fast as he could. She lay down on his chest as she reached orgasm, placing her hands on the ground to steady herself. Erik’s body switched actions, beginning to thrust into her. Her tails wrapped around his legs as he pounded into her cunt. Erik’s arms wrapped around her, embracing her as she was impaled. She moaned as a glob of pre-cum lubricated his cock, increasing his speed. Soon, his phallus began to twitch. She pushed herself up and off his dick, then crawled down to face it. She licked his shaft as he reached his climax. He came, his seed covering her face plate and going into her mouth. Erik panted as Lekismon sat back and giggled. He sat up to get a better view of her. She sat on his legs, watching the cum slide down the face of her armor. Her eyes closed with content as she sat, then opened and looked at Erik.

“I’m going to go clean up,” she said, standing up and smiling, “And I will see you tonight at midnight!”

She walked away as Erik retrieved his boxers. He replaced his clothes and went to inquire what he was supposed to do now.


“So you got a date to the gala?” Adam asked, sounding surprised. He took a sip of his soda and leaned back. Renamon was leaning against his legs, enjoying a game of Call of Duty with Flamedramon. Erik looked inquisitively at the television.

“Off topic,” he said, “How do you guys get power?”

“Oh,” Adam replied, “All the cords go into the metal poles that hold the tents up. Then they meet in a gigantic power cable behind the camp. This thing is about a foot in diameter and it runs down to a river, where it gets power from a generator. Zalman designed it.”

“Oh,” Erik said, satisfied with the answer, “But what am I supposed to do with this gala thing?”

“Well, who asked you?”

“Lekismon,” Erik said passively. Adam coughed in his drink while Renamon and Flamedramon dropped their controllers. Renamon assisted in Adam’s recovery from soda running into his lungs and through his nose.

“Really?” Flamedramon asked, approaching his friend’s brother, “Nice!”

Flamedramon offered his hand in a high five, which Erik slapped. Adam soon was breathing normally again.

“Well, lets head to the gala tent to get you all set up,” Adam said, taking deep breaths.

They departed for a large white tent in the middle of the camp. Inside it were clusters of male digimon and humans looking uncomfortable while they were being handed clothes. The females were much more comfortable in this situation, forming into packs of six or seven, human and digimon, and roaming the mass selection of clothes that they had to select from. Renamon disappeared among the mass of shelves as Adam led Erik to a small computer, so old looking that it still had an eggshell colored monitor.

“Behold the tuxedo program,” he said, gesturing to the ancient device.

“That thing?” Erik said, feeling like he was being tricked.

“Yeah. You just sit down in front of it and it will scan your body. It will then select the most appropriate tux for your features. Sit.”

Erik sat down and was blinded by a flash of light. Then Adam was helping him up.

“That’s it?” he asked, blinking to restore his eyesight.

“Go back and check your tent. Your clothes should be there.”

“So why don’t the girls have something like that?”

“Brother,” Adam said, “This was invented by guys for guys. Girls like to pick out every little thing they wear. We just want clothes, fast.”

They began to walk towards the exit, joining up with Renamon who was carrying a bag full of clothing. They exited together, but Renamon soon left to see that Lekismon was properly outfitted and the males went back to Adam’s tent. Adam went into the eating area as Erik joined Flamedramon and Hawkmon in the living space. He soon received a wing to the back.

“Hey,” Hawkmon said, smiling. Erik spun around to see that Flamedramon also had the same grin on his face.


“You going to the dance?”


“Don’t drink the punch,” Flamedramon said, laughing quietly.

That’s the end of Part 12! Sorry it took me so long to do it, but I was busy all this week! Please review and/or comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM