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Dua's Lemon
Hey Guys,

This is Part 10. As I write this, I notice that this thread has a hundred and one views! Yeah! Alrighty then, here goes Part 10! Enjoy!

Adam and his companions walked through the front gates of the castle, leaving the gruesome present that Rea had given them behind. Gatomon and Garudamon’s eyes were red from the tears shed at their tamers’ mutilation. The group moved through the halls, as security cameras followed their movements. Adam stopped at a fork in the hall.

“Which way?” he asked, scraping dry vomit from his chin. Renamon was about to answer when she felt a few particles of dust land on her left ear. She looked up and saw the multiple cracks in the ceiling were spreading. She pushed the other four digimon back into the main hall and leapt towards Adam. She tackled him into the hallway on the left, and covered her head. The ceiling collapsed behind them, filling the gap between the two groups. When the last of the rubble had fallen, Adam lifted his head and ran to the pile.

“Guys?!” he yelled, clawing at the stones attempting to move the mound.

“Adam?!” he heard from the otherside. Adam breathed a sigh of relief as the sound waves beat against his ears.

“Flamedramon? Is that you?”


“Is everybody alright?”

Mumbling was heard from the other side as he waited for a response.

“Yeah, we’re all fine,”

“Great! Try to dig through this rubble! We are going to go ahead!”

“Alright, we’ll catch up!”

Adam turned and nodded at Renamon. She returned his gesture and they walked forward. They climbed several flights of stairs, then several more flights of stairs. They finally reached the top, the stairway ending in a gigantic ornate door. Adam struggled to push it open, using all of his force and not succeeding. Renamon then put one hand on the door handle and pulled, the door gliding open on oiled hinges. She looked at Adam and smiled smugly.

“I win,” she said, laughing at his effort.

“You tell anybody about this…” Adam said, between breaths. They walked in through the doors to see Rea and BlackKyukimon standing at the other end of the room.

“Well, well, well,” Rea said, leaning against the door behind her, “If it isn’t the failure and the bitch. What a pleasant surprise. BlackKyukimon, take them to pieces; I’m going to get some lunch.”

She walked through the door, leaving her new partner behind. Adam prepared to fight, sinking into what he believed was the proper stance.

“Alright, Bring it o-” he said, his speech cut off by BlackKyukimon. The digimon had moved so fast that he appeared to teleport. He appeared next to Adam and slammed the flat of his blade into Adam’s head. The male’s form crumpled, as BlackKyukimon reappeared across the room. Renamon rushed to his side, finding him already unconscious. She turned on BlackKyukimon, standing as tall as she could. She outstretched her arms and conjured a hail of diamonds, launching them across the room. Her target disappeared the moment before contact, appearing off to her left. She repeated the attack, this time her target moving to the back corner of the room. The next time, he reappeared in the center of the room. She launched another attack immediately, this time all of the jewels except one hitting their target. Most bounced off BlackKyukimon’s blades but the rest buried themselves into his flesh. He disappeared, and Renamon felt a gust of wind before being knocked back. She skidded across the ground until she hit Adam, where she stopped. She stood, spitting blood and looked around for her assailant. She was hit again, and twice more before she hit the ground. She stood up a second time, but BlackKyukimon was prepared. He dashed forward and planted the blades on his arms, crossed, into the wall, edges facing Renamon’s throat.

“BlackKyukimon wants Renamon to know that this is nothing personal,” BlackKyukimon said, “But BlackKyukimon must do what he is asked.”

“Why do you listen to that thing?” Renamon asked, unable to move without slitting her jugular vein.

“BlackKyukimon listens to Mistress Rea because he is told to. At least BlackKyukimon did at first. Then Mistress Rea showed him kindness, allowing him to move and blink as he pleased. Finally, BlackKyukimon was allowed to mate with Mistress Rea. BlackKyukimon listens to Mistress Rea now because he loves her,”

Renamon swallowed. She couldn’t move and it looked like the end. Suddenly, BlackKyukimon’s eye’s opened wide.

“Well, as another man in love, you can understand why I do this. It’s nothing personal, but I can’t let you hurt her. Sorry, pal.” Came a voice from behind the digi-weasel. A flash of steel was seen before BlackKyukimon’s head slid from its perch, revealing Adam behind him. Adam smiled and placed his hand on the trunk of BlackKyukimon’s neck. He pulled the corpse away from Renamon, holding her shoulder as he did so. When the body had fallen to the ground, Renamon embraced Adam tightly.

“Oh god,” she said, “I thought you were dead. I thought I was going to be as well.”

“Hey,” Adam responded, returning the hug, “Even I was dead, that wouldn’t stop me from protecting you.”

They stood in each other’s arms for a minute. Renamon broke the hug and walked towards the doors on the opposite side of the room at a brisk pace. She placed an ear to the door, listening for any motion. Adam joined her as she, punched through the solid wood and grabbed Rea on the other side. She pulled her former tamer through the door, scratching and cutting her as she did so. She grabbed Rea by the hair and dragged her across the room to the window. She held her up and slammed her elbow across her face, breaking the human’s nose.

“So I hear you got a new partner,” Renamon said, glaring into Rea’s eyes, “And mated with him.”

Adam strolled over, holding a chunk of shattered door. He tapped Renamon on the shoulder.

“Hey Renamon,” he said, observing the piece of wood, “Nice punch, that door was three inches thick.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at Adam. Adam smiled and walked away.

“Look… I never planned on betraying you…” Rea started, only to be hit again by Renamon. The digi-foxes eyes filled with icy hatred.

“And I never intended on throwing you out a window, bitch,” Renamon said, a malevolent smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. She pulled back and launched the human female through the glass and metal behind her. She flew straight out for thirty feet before plummeting to the ground below. Renamon clapped her hands together, shaking free any clinging particles of door from her fur and sleeves. She then turned ran towards Adam. She jumped on his back and hugged his neck.

“Hey,” she said,

“Hey, you ready to go?” Adam asked, touching her arm as it choked him slightly.


Adam grabbed her legs and lifted them up until she was in a more comfortable position. He then carried her out the door and up to the roof.


It was fifteen minutes before they reached their destination. Renamon pushed the trap door open as Adam ascended. Adam set her down gently and cracked his neck to the side. NeoDevimon stood on the other side of the roof, enraged by their presence.

“Hey, Lovebirds,” the digi-demon said, his head ticking to the side with madness, “I’ve got something of yours.”

He stepped to the side, gesturing to a pair of humans tied together. Adam and Renamon identified them as Yuriko and Nikolas. They both were pale and surrounded by a pool of blood, ever growing as their lifeblood spilled from the stumps that used to be their wrists. Adam turned his attention back to NeoDevimon.

“Thanks, but I think we’ll be taking them back, now,” he said. Renamon reached into his belt and pulled a knife from its sheath. She expertly tossed the blade towards the bound duo, slicing through the rope and impaling the knife into the spire behind them. NeoDevimon roared with rage as the rope fell to the ground. He charged forward, arms back, only to nearly fall off the edge. He collected himself and spoke again.

“You may have your friends. They will be dead in minutes, as will you,” he said, standing up straight. Adam charged forward, sword drawn. He ducked under NeoDevimon’s arm and went to slash at his ankles, only to find them protected by thick armor. NeoDevimon delivered a kick to Adam’s chest, cracking several of his ribs and sending him flying back towards Renamon. He skidded to a halt at her feet, coughing up blood.

“Well that didn’t work,” he said. Renamon helped him up, avoiding his ribs. Once Adam was upright, she took two steps forward and launched a hail of diamonds in NeoDevimon’s direction. The demon deflected them all, rendering the attack useless. Renamon and Adam both moved in for a joint attack, Renamon moving from the right, Adam from the left. NeoDevimon lifted off the ground, soaring over them. He moved his left arm down and swiped.

Adam heard the swish of a body through the air and a cry of pain. He turned to see Renamon fall while running, a trail of blood behind her. Adam diverted from his original path to catch her. He dove for her, sliding on the ground, shredding his legs and forearms. He caught her before she hit the ground, but kept on sliding from the momentum. Adam managed to stop inches before they fell over the edge, his head dangling over the spikes that ran parallel to the rooftop. He rolled over and held Renamon. She had suffered a deep gash to her side from NeoDevimon’s claw. Adam gently applied pressure to the wound, eliciting a moan from Renamon.

“No, no, no, no, NO!” he yelled as he tore part of his shirt away, “Please... Please don’t die. Renamon, don’t leave me.”

He tied the piece of cloth around Renamon’s midsection in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Renamon smiled up at him as he attempted to heal her, then passed into unconsciousness. Adam gently set her down, tears falling from his face onto hers.

“Aw. What’s the matter, tamer?” NeoDevimon laughed, “Did I kill your digimon? Maybe you can find another bitch, if I let you live that is.”

Adam stood and collected his sword. The blood from his forearms ran down its blade. He turned slowly towards NeoDevimon, breathing heavily.

“You… Hurt… Her…” he said, the malice in his voice enough to make even NeoDevimon flinch, “And you’re going to die for it.”

Adam turned completely and dashed towards the demon. NeoDevimon took a step back, preparing to end Adam’s assault. He shot his right arm out towards Adam, but Adam dropped to his knees. Trails of blood formed behind him as the skin on Adam’s knees was ground away on the stone. Adam took his sword in both hands as he slid, and chopped at NeoDevimon’s outstretched arm. The steel hewed through the flesh and bone, removing it from the rest of the body. NeoDevimon screamed in pain and kicked at his skidding assailant, missing. Adam ducked under the kick, and sliced NeoDevimon’s Achilles tendon. He tumbled forward and crashed into the spire where Nikolas and Yuriko were tied. Righting himself, he grabbed the knife that had been thrown by Renamon earlier. He yanked it from the stone and ran towards the screaming demon. He leapt onto NeoDevimon’s grey back and began to slash. He tore through muscle and skin. He then climbed, and began to tear the orange jewels implanted in the grey flesh away. He hacked At NeoDevimon’s shoulder removing the ball fromit’s socket and all but severing the arm. NeoDevimon began to slip, the ground slick with his own blood. Adam jumped off, but crumpled on impact with the ground. NeoDevimon fell hard, splashing in his pool of blood. Adam stood and stumbled over to the thrashing creature. He put a foot firmly on a shoulder and removed the mask. He stared into the pure black eyes of his victim and planted the knife between his eyes, ending his life instantly.


Adam walked over to Yuriko and Nikolas. They were each on the brink of unconsciousness.

“Hey guys, how are you doing?” he said, smiling at his friends.

“That,” said Yuriko

“Was,” Nikolas gasped



Adam chuckled as they talked for each other. They smiled and Yuriko spoke.

“Hey Adam,” he said, his speech slurred, “You know that hot shot director, Erik Parker?”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“He’s the next tamer, find him and get him on our side.”

“And get me his autograph,” joked Nikolas. The teen laughed as he fell into unconsciousness, never to wake up again.

“Hey,” Yuriko said, looking down at his stump, “Do you think I’ll get my hand back when I get up there?”

“Yeah,” Adam said, smiling, “You will.”

Yuriko smiled and laughed as his heart slowly stopped beating.


Adam walked over to Renamon and dropped himself next to her. He placed a hand on her stomach, running his hand through her smooth fur, crying. Suddenly he felt a grip on his hand.

“Mmhm,” Renamon moaned, “That tickles.”

Adam reached down and hugged her, feeling extreme pain as she returned it, due to his cracked ribs. He helped her up and they supported each other as they walked down the stairs. They rejoined the rest of the group, who had just finished clearing the rubble away from the entrance. They didn’t stop to talk as they walked out of the gates. They stopped suddenly as the twisted and mangled body of Rea stood in front of them.

“Rea?” Adam asked.

“No.” the body spoke, its head sitting at an unnatural angle, “I am a virus. That is all you need to know. You took out one of my generals. And you did it with style. Props to you. He wasn’t exactly a pushover but he wasn’t the best either. I look forward to future combat with you. Defeat the other six generals and I will tell you where I am. Good bye and Good Luck.”

Rea’s body crumpled to the floor, a sickly crunching noise coming with the contact. They all stared at it, but said nothing. Adam then broke the silence.

“So who wants to go out for dinner?” he said, laughing painfully. The rest of the group laughed gently, the joke only scraping away the first layer of the pain they all felt inside. But on the horizon, the sun was setting, and tomorrow would be a better day.

“Hey,” Adam said, “You guys want to know something funny?”

His companions nodded.

“The next tamer,” he said, pausing for dramatic effect, “Is my brother.”

That is the end of Part 10 and the end of the first Story arc. I hope you all enjoyed these first ten installments. I hope the next ten to be even better! Please Comment and expect Part 11 by Saturday the 1st!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM