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What in the entirely shit covered flying fuck?!
Thanks Ray, but I don't have raising hell in his forums in mind. That'd be mean towards his members, I was thinking of confronting him personally but unfortunately my options are limited, he can censor or ban me from his forum if I join and contacting him here is not precisely what I think will work considering here's where I gave him the boot for flying off the handle during ZT2.

And I know, Nath, but ZT3's project is already out there and it's been for weeks. Mike suggested I get a patent on this, but seriously, let's be realist, it's just a pocket project I decided to develop here, I don't have intentions on starting to charge for it or sell it to people, I only do it out of love and to let people have fun. I'm not alright with people using it, yet, because it's a WIP that has a lot of room towards improvement, like I told Sacchi, but if people are THAT desperate to add to their forum's entertainment because they can't come up with anything new themselves then I suppose I could obligue but really, asking for permission is the first step to make use of others' intellectual property. Or at least, if you're gonna plagiarise without permission, have the gall to admit it's not your original work and give credit to its creator.

I don't care what he says, I know and I've known all this time that the one who came up with the idea is me and only me, the forum's post dates back me up and so does the testimony of many DaD members, it's just at the time of me discovering what he had done I really got my blood boiling there, even if I was continously revising the facts and how everything stands to support me and not him, I still was angry and couldn't keep it in. Got it all free now so I'll stop swearing or using strong language where it's not really necessary.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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RE: What in the entirely shit covered flying fuck?! - by DragonMasterX - 04-29-2010, 05:15 PM