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What in the entirely shit covered flying fuck?!
Some may say copying is the highest form of flattery, which I think is a load of bullshit. Honestly from what I have seen he didn't even bother to put any effort into it. Oh ok he changed a few names here and there, but hell the character sheets are copy and paste of original and the level schemes are the same.

This is the reason why the good ideas are never shared anymore or are placed as paid content because greedly little assholes with no creative ideas decides hey I'll copy that and let me have my fame in my own pathetic little world. And because the internet remains the one place in the world that unregulated copyrights don't mean dick all. It's the main reason why I stopped posting stories on any sites because I had a story stolen from me from another would be author and claim because he simply changed the name of the characters and the title he said it was his. Now I only write for myself or my close friends.

It's regrettable that this dick, especially a member on this fourm, decided to rip you off blantely and not place credit where due credit is deserved. I know it doesn't mean much in the grand scheme old friend, but I'm sorry that someone pulled this shit on you.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: What in the entirely shit covered flying fuck?! - by DrakeZero - 04-29-2010, 12:40 PM