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Dua's Lemon
Hey Guys,

Thanks again to Asesino! Great review of part one! Here goes Part 9! Please Enjoy!


Nikolas and Yuriko sat in NeoDevimon’s dungeon, bored to tears. They had been there for nearing a month, but they knew that only about a day had passed in the real world.

“I know we’re prisoners and all,” Nikolas said, leaning on the wall, “But they could at least give us something to do! I would prefer breaking rocks over just sitting.”

“Oh, be quiet,” Yuriko responded, lying in the corner, “At least they give us food. Hey, remember video games?”

“Yeah, I do. Remember the internet? Surfing it that is, not living in it,”


They sat there, reminiscing about their relatively normal lives, until a Gotsumon arrived with food. The stale bread was thrown into the floor through the bars. Nikolas and Yuriko waited until their “server” had left before evenly dividing the food. Suddenly, they heard a great roar outside.

“What the hell was that?” Yuriko asked, looking at the ceiling.

“It sounded like the army,” Nikolas said, “But that wasn’t a training thing. That was a war cry.”

The sound repeated and repeated, gaining in intensity with every repetition. However, it stopped just as suddenly as it started and was replaced by silence.

“Yuriko,” Nikolas said, walking over to his friend, “Get ready. I think our ride is here.”

Outside NeoDevimon’s Fortress


Adam stood on the hill top facing NeoDevimon’s fortress.

“Why are there always hills in front of the bad guy’s castle?” he asked, laughing, “Maybe they choose their locations so that when the good guys show up to kick their asses, they can have an epic entrance, eh?”

The group laughed, Adam’s joke lightening the mood. Adam looked around at his companions. Flamedramon was still laughing, Gatomon nearly falling of his back. Hawkmon had managed to digivolve the previous night, to Aquilamon and Biyomon had managed to digivolve twice, becoming Garudamon. Renamon stood next to him, glaring at the massive army that greeted them. It was half a mile from where they stood to the gates, the crowd of foes filling the entire space. From what Adam could pick out, the army consisted mainly of Devimon.

“Alright guys,” he said, placing a paint ball mask on his head, “Their mostly Devimon, their arms are long enough to take us out from about ten feet away, but they’re worthless beyond that. So get in close and take them down.”

Adam drew his katana as the army before him roared to life. He looked down at his sword, praying that the money he spent was worth it. He adjusted the goggles added to his mask and began to walk forward. His companions followed, naturally splitting into pairs. Garudamon and Aquilamon branched off to the left, Flamedramon and Gatomon to the right and Renamon followed him to the center. The army jeered and laughed at the six attackers. They roared with laughter as the group broke into a run.

“Throw me,” Gatomon said, leaping onto Flamedramon’s shoulder.

“What?!” Flamedramon said, almost tripping with disbelief.

“Throw me,” she repeated, “Just do it.”

Flamedramon obeyed, launching the feline into the air. The Devimon looked confused as the small white projectile appeared in the air. One stepped forward from the main group to get a better look. Suddenly his head was removed from his shoulders, flying back into the crowd. Gatomon had made contact, and she leapt from victim to victim, dealing mortal injuries before they knew what was happening. Flamedramon laughed and whistled from a hundred feet away.

“I love her,” he chuckled. He threw a fireball ahead of him. It soon collided with the earth a hundred feet behind the main line. It engulfed a large area, torching the inhabitants.

Garudamon had taken off from the ground, following Aquilamon into the air. She soon landed in the middle of a large battalion. A small circle formed around her before she went to work. She began to rip and tear at the crowd until, instead of closing in on her, she inspired a retreat.

Aquilamon flew over head, aiming for the window that had been left open on one of the lower floors. He pelted into it, crashing through the bed and destroying most of the contents of the room. Once he gathered himself, he saw a naked Lilithmon enter from a side room. She began to attack but a stray bedpost fell upon her knocking her unconscious. Aquilamon laughed, having only seen such situations on the internet. Seconds later, a male BlackGatomon stepped out of the side room as well. He looked at the fallen Lilithmon and ran towards the door. He was stopped by an outstretched wing from Aquilamon.

“Where do you think you are going?” he said, pulling the cat closer.

“Escaping?” the black digi-cat said, as though the answer was obvious, “I’ve been trapped here for about a year, as her pet.”

“Oh…” Aquilamon said, lifting his wing. The BlackGatomon began to walk towards the door, “Wait a sec,”

“What? We don’t have a lot of time before she wakes up,”

“Can you give me a hand?” Aquilamon asked.


Adam and Renamon fought their way through the army of demons, hacking and clawing for every inch of ground. In the distance, he could see a pile of flaming corpses, which he identified as Flamedramon’s warpath. Further on he saw a white blur bouncing between combatants, identified as Gatomon. He heard screaming and crunching to his right, accompanied by the occasional gust of wind. He then accounted for Renamon, whom he stopped to stare at for a moment. The only one not accounted for was Aquilamon. Adam assumed the worst and continued to fight. Roughly half an hour later, the ranks of the enemy army had thinned and Adam could see the door. He bolted for it, Renamon soon following. He was twenty feet from it when it opened from the inside. Adam slid to a halt as a menacing form stepped from the darkness within. He looked the figure up and down. It stood taller than him; dark red feathers covered its legs, which ended in yellow talons. Its torso was black with purple accents on its arms and the tips of its ears. It wore a chest plate and visor, its eyes not visible. It stood for a moment, turning its head from side to side.

“Oh crap,” Adam said to himself, settling down into a fighting stance. He stared at the new combatant for a minute. He heard a cry behind him and spun to meet it. Half a second later, he was facing the suspended body of an attacking Devimon. The creature that had emerged from the gates had already broken its neck and arms, and was now supporting its huge frame with one hand.

“Now, how can you expect me to be able to beat Flamedramon at Rock Band without you?” it said, laughing slightly.

“Hawkmon?” Adam asked, staring.

“Technically, I’m BlackSilphymon. But, yeah, its me,” BlackSilphymon said, smiling. Seconds later, he disappeared. Adam heard screams further away.

“He’s fast,” he said to Renamon, who nodded in agreement. Adam and Renamon then waited for the rest of their assembly to reach the gates.

“Everybody here?” he asked, counting heads. All were accounted for.

Inside NeoDevimon’s Fortress

NeoDevimon slammed his fist on the table, cracking it in half.

“I want that guy’s head on a plate!” he said to Rea, who had been watching the battle play out from the roof, “He thinks he can just take out my army and get away with it!? Go down to the dungeon, and allow our prisoners to give their friends a hand!”

Rea smiled as she heard the malice in NeoDevimon’s voice. She took BlackKyukimon down to the dungeon.

Back Outside the Gates

“Are we sure everybody is here?” Adam asked again, sweating.

“Damnit, Adam!” Flamedramon yelled, “There are only six of us and you have been counting us over and over again for the past thirty minutes!”

Adam looked around and saw that his companions had reverted to entertaining themselves. Gatomon and Garudamon were scratching pictures in the castle wall with their claws, BlackSilphymon was trying to buff a scratch out of his chest plate and Renamon was sitting, leaned up against his own legs, humming. He cursed himself with the realization of his mistake. He then looked up as he heard a whistle from above. He looked up to see to faint forms, fifty floors above them on the roof. One of them threw a small object off the edge and walked out of sight. Adam’s first instinct kicked in.

“I think that’s a bomb,” he said, helping Renamon up. They ran for cover, but when the object landed and did not explode, he received a light smack to the back of the head.

“Yeah, it’s a bomb,” Renamon joked.

“There is no call for hurtful words!” Adam said, kneeling by the object.

It was a piece of cloth, tied at the top. Attached was a note that said:

Good Luck, Bitch!
Love Rea and BlackKyukimon

Adam untied the cloth and vomited. All of them rushed to his aid, removing his mask and allowing him to purge his system unobstructed. He stopped throwing up and spoke.

“That bitch,” he said weakly, his voice full of hate. The others stood and walked over to the package. In it were two severed hands.

One right and one left.

One black and one asian.


Hope you all enjoyed it! You have no idea how long it took me to come up with that ending. Expect Part 10 by Thursday (tomorrow)! Please Comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM