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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Alicia was shocked to see that her powerful wave attack seemed only like a breeze to these two. She was too shocked however to notice that the cage had been removed. "What... exactly are you...?" Alicia asked in a small whisper, feeling her fear rise up in her again. Now noticing she was free, she tried to sprint away right before she hit the wall of a similar light cage, but seemed stronger and bigger than last time. Hearing the blue machine talk about various 'subject' as Alicia knew to be other people, she started looking around nervously, as if they were calling forth someone else to take care of her. With a sudden yell someone landed next to her. "Ah!" Alicia squeaked in surprise, backing away to a side of the wall, her mandibles on her face moving around a little as she looked at the newcomer with worried eyes.

*Meanwhile, inside the base...*

In a darkened room only lit by four screens, a long, brown-haired man with glasses and a lab coat looked on as he watched the events unfold. "So it seems like your experiment was more of a success than you thought, Veleno." The man said in a cool, calm voice, smiling at what he was seeing. He knew the other was a professor like himself, but he prefers to just keep the title to himself, although his respect for this woman was increasing rapidly enough. "They have captured what I've lost. At least now she will know that there is no running from me..." He said to her, almost seemingly like a selfish comment.

-(Bio will be up next post for this one. The base itself resembles the underground base like what you would see in Resident Evil 1, ruins above and complex below,, but diffrent design of course-)
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 04-27-2010, 01:02 PM