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Dua's Lemon
Hey Guys,

Thanks to Asesino for being the first to respond! I noticed a jump of about ten reads with every new “Part” I add. Interesting. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy Part 8.


Adam awoke the next morning to a high pitched beeping noise. He reached blindly towards the alarm clock and struck it several times. When the noise continued, he reached behind the dresser and pulled the cord. The noise still beat against his eardrum, driving him mad. He soon identified the source of the alarm as his digivice. He seized the small device off his dresser and pressed a button. He had two “Urgent Messages”. He clicked open the first one and it said:

Help! I’ve been captured by NeoDevimon! Please come save me!


Adam sat up and opened the second. It read:

Help! Rea’s a traitor and has captured us! She and NeoDevimon are planning to draw you in with a fake distress message! We are stuck in the dungeon! Renamon is still on your side, she was betrayed as well! Rea has a new partner, BlackKyukimon! Help!


Adam reached over and shook Renamon’s shoulder gently.

“Renamon,” he said, attempting to shake her awake, “Renamon, wake up. There is something I need to ask you.”

She slowly woke up, yawning and stretching.

“And how may I be of assistance?” she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Do you hate Rea?”

“Pretty much,” she said, a look of disgust on her face, “One time I got wounded on a mission, nearly died. But the item I was supposed to retrieve was a jewel. It had one scratch on it, no longer than half a centimeter. And just for that, the only food I got for the month was a bag of dog food. I am more like her slave than her partner.”

“Well, you’re about to hate her a lot more. You’re free; she has a new partner. But she’s working for NeoDevimon and has Yuriko and Nikolas,”

He handed her the digivice, allowing her to read the message. She read it and reread it for roughly fifteen minutes. She then leapt up and threw the digivice across the room. It punched through the drywall and flew into the hallway, shattering a picture on the wall.

“BITCH!” she screamed, planting a punch in the wall, shattering the stud. She continued her rampage, tearing pieces of wall out. A hand grabbed her arm and stopped the next punch. She whirled around and saw Adam. She put her arm down and stood still. Adam embraced her in a hug and spoke.

“Don’t worry. We’re going to make her pay for all she’s done.”

“I gave most of my life to her. I suffered through our entire relationship and now she just dumps me like trash!”

“You’re not trash,” Adam said, tightening his hug a bit. They stood there for a minute, until Renamon had calmed down, then they went to tell the others.

NeoDevimon’s Fortress


Rea unlocked the door to her room using the key she found hanging around the knob. Once she stepped inside and turned on the light, a dark grey form snapped to attention.

“You must be BlackKyukimon,” Rea said, leaning against the wall, “I hear you’re pretty good.”

“BlackKyukimon was told to stay here until Mistress Rea arrived,” BlackKyukimon said, not moving a muscle, “So BlackKyukimon didn’t move.”

“Really?” Rea asked, interested in her new partners way of thinking.

“No,” the digi-weasel said, still unmoving, “BlackKyukimon slouched a small bit in the fifth hour, again in the seventh hour, and again in the eighth hour just before Mistress Rea walked in. BlackKyukimon should be punished for his wrong doings.”

Rea stood there, looking her new partner up and down. He stood an inch taller than her and was a dark shade of grey with dark gold accents. He did not move. Rea walked into her large room, pacing. When she saw BlackKyukimon was still standing rigid in his place, she spoke.

“Aren’t you coming?” she asked, eyeing him inquisitively.

“BlackKyukimon was told not to leave this spot until Mistress Rea told him to,” BlackKyukimon recited, still unmoving.

“Well,” she said, laughing at the digimon’s absolute obedience, “you may move as you wish.”

BlackKyukimon snapped his head towards Rea, the look in his eyes comparable to Christmas morning. He then shuffled his feet and settled into a crouched sitting position.

“BlackKyukimon thanks Mistress Rea for her kindness,” he said, blinking repeatedly as he spoke.

“Why are you blinking?”

“BlackKyukimon hasn’t blinked in a month,” he said, finally closing his eyes but didn’t sleep.

“Are you sleeping?” she asked, this time slightly offended.

“No,” BlackKyukimon said, snapping his eyes open, “BlackKyukimon was not told to sleep. He was merely resting. BlackKyukimon will keep his eyes open while he rests if Mistress Rea wants him to.”

“No, you can close your eyes if you wish, BlackKyukimon,” she said. She knew she had been strict in her relationship with Renamon but this was ridiculous. This one wouldn’t do anything he wasn’t told. She decided to experiment a bit.

“BlackKyukimon?” she said, looking in his direction. His eyes snapped open and his head spun to face her.

“How may I be of assistance, Mistress Rea?”

“Can you come sit on the bed?”

The digimon rose and walked over to the bed. He climbed upon it and resumed his crouched position.

“What else can BlackKyukimon do for Mistress Rea?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Just relax,” she said. She placed her hands on his flank, feeling his cool, smooth fur. She ran her hands along him until she reached his arm. At the end of the limb was no hand, only a curved blade akin to a sickle. She gingerly touched the edge wanting to feel how sharp it was. Her hand slipped as she did so, scratching her finger mildly, just enough to draw a drop of blood.

“Ow,” she said passively, not knowing the response she would receive. BlackKyukimon whipped his head around to see that Rea had cut herself on his blade. He stood and dashed to the window. He stuck his left arm out the window and jammed the blade of his right arm into it. Blood poured from the wound, splattering on the ground forty floors below.

“What are you doing?!” Rea asked, bewildered at the sight of self injury. She ran over and pulled BlackKyukimon away from the window, closing it.

“BlackKyukimon is punishing himself for injuring Mistress Rea,” he said. The bleeding had practically stopped at this point but the wound was still very much present and open, “BlackKyukimon no longer has the right to live.”

He laid down on the ground, exposing himself to any punishment that might befall him. Rea knelt in front of him, feeling pity for the first time in many years.

“It’s only a scratch,” she said, holding her finger in front of him.

He licked her finger, removing the single drop of blood, but did not move otherwise. She carefully placed her hands under him and lifted him into a sitting position.

“Stop moping,” she said. He stood up and moved to attention.

“How may BlackKyukimon be of assistance, Mistress Rea?” he said, his eyes still betraying the failure he felt inside.

“Why do you care if I get hurt?” Rea asked, “You just met me.”

“BlackKyukimon was told to make sure that Mistress Rea never suffered for even a nanosecond,” he said, looking straight ahead, “And in the eight and a half hours since BlackKyukimon was told this, BlackKyukimon made it his personal objective.”

Rea stared at BlackKyukimon, attempting to fathom his loyalty. He had just stabbed himself because she got a scratch. She stood and thought for fifteen minutes, then addressed BlackKyukimon directly.

“BlackKyukimon?” she said, “Go lie down on the bed, on your back.”

BlackKyukimon obeyed, moving in a wide arc around Rea, as not to cut her again. He carefully set himself down on the mattress. Rea walked over and climbed onto the bed as well.

“Spread your legs, BlackKyukimon,”

Obeying, BlackKyukimon exposed his light grey underbelly to Rea. His eyes displayed a look of utter fear, as he waited for his punishment. Rea removed her jacket and threw it at the coat rack across the room. BlackKyukimon remained staring at the ceiling, denying himself a glance at his mistress’s bare chest. Rea placed her hands gently on his lower belly, enjoying the feeling of his fur. She slowly moved her hands down towards BlackKyukimon’s crotch. She soon located what she was looking for. She rubbed the outside of his sheath, gently coaxing his member into the open. She heard a very quiet whimper escape from BlackKyukimon’s mouth and decided to investigate. She crawled forward and lay down on her partner’s underbelly, which was free of any form of blade. She settled down, face to face with BlackKyukimon.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking down at him.

“BlackKyukimon fears punishment. But BlackKyukimon knows he must be punished and he wishes Mistress Rea to increase the harshness of her punishment for BlackKyukimon’s lack of silence,” he said, his face featureless but his eyes filled with terror.

“What did you think I was going to do to you?” she asked, curious as to what he thought.

“BlackKyukimon believes that Mistress Rea will punish him by removing parts of BlackKyukimon’s body. It wouldn’t have been the first time that BlackKyukimon has experienced such punishment.”

She looked at his body searching for any missing parts. She soon found that two of the blades that occupied his left upper arm were snapped off halfway, leaving him disfigured. She looked back at him and realized what he thought was coming.

“Actually,” she said, “I had something different in mind.”

She moved herself back down between his legs and looked again at his member. It had extended to its full length of fifteen inches and rested on his stomach. She gently placed her hand on it, feeling BlackKyukimon shiver involuntarily. She ran a finger down its length, causing it to twitch slightly. She then wrapped one hand around BlackKyukimon’s penis and began to stroke. She moved her hand up and down his shaft, feeling it grow hard and straight. As she picked up speed, BlackKyukimon’s chest began to rise up and down more quickly as his breathing also increased in speed. She twisted her hand slightly as she stroked, occasionally squeezing gently. After a while, she placed the tip of her tongue on his head, eliciting another shiver from him. She took the first few inches into her mouth, and then slowly slid down. When she had taken all she could, the very tip of his dick was four inches down her throat. She pulled off until six inches remained in her mouth and began to move her head up and down. BlackKyukimon shivered repeatedly as he received his “punishment”, not making a sound as he kept himself from doing so. Once Rea had removed her head from his member, she carefully climbed off of the bed and removed her pants. NeoDevimon had already sliced her panties away, so she was completely nude. She moved back onto the bed and sat down on BlackKyukimon’s stomach.

“BlackKyukimon?” she said, “I want you to answer this next question honestly. Look at me and tell me what you think.”

BlackKyukimon lifted his head off the bed and stared at the female sitting on him. His Mistress sat on his stomach, totally nude, stroking and squeezing her own breasts. He remained staring for a minute, then returned his head to its original position.

“BlackKyukimon thinks that Mistress Rea is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen.”

Rea smiled and repositioned herself over his fully erect phallus, her lips resting on his tip. She gently lowered herself down onto it. She moaned as it penetrated her to its full extent, and when she once again sat on his stomach. She looked down at BlackKyukimon, who still hadn’t moved.

“BlackKyukimon,” she said, “Fuck me.”

BlackKyukimon’s head rose from its position and tilted to the side as he gave her an inquisitive look.

“BlackKyukimon doesn’t understand what Mistress Rea wants from him,” he said, “Will Mistress Rea please explain?”

“I want you to mate with me BlackKyukimon,” she said, attempting to put the human verb into a simpler term.

“BlackKyukimon recognizes this and wishes to ask for the full right to mobility in order to carry out his orders for Mistress Rea,”

“Sure,” Rea said, surprised by the preciseness of his request. BlackKyukimon’s arms snapped up he placed his wrists on her waist. Rea moaned as she was lifted into the air, and then set back down. BlackKyukimon repeated this process over and over again before he spoke.

“BlackKyukimon suggests to Mistress Rea that she allow BlackKyukimon to change position to ensure optimal pleasure for Mistress Rea,” he said, his dick quivering inside her.

“Yes,” she gasped, “Anything you want BlackKyukimon.”

Rea blinked once and before her eyes were open again, she was beneath BlackKyukimon on her hands and knees.

“You’re fast,” she said.

“BlackKyukimon has extensive combat training in speed. He will use this to ensure that his Mistress feel’s good,”

BlackKyukimon began to thrust into her, his hips bucking back and forth. His speed increased, already to a speed more than Rea had experienced before. Within seconds nothing could be seen of his lower body but the occasional blur. Rea came over and over again in rapid succession, the pleasure in her lower body taking over her mind. BlackKyukimon continued, the look on his face focused and intense.

“How can you hold out so long without cumming?” she asked, gasping between words.

“Mistress Rea didn’t tell BlackKyukimon to release his semen into her, so he hasn’t,”

She laughed and moaned at his complete obedience.

“Cum in me, BlackKyukimon,” she said. As soon as the words escaped her mouth, BlackKyukimon’s cock blasted its contents into her. Her womb did not possess the volume that was required to contain the fluid that flooded it now, causing the thick, sticky liquid to fall to the sheets below. This only lubricated BlackKyukimon, allowing him to move faster inside her, still cumming. Rea experienced the most intense orgasm of her life just then, her juices mixing with BlackKyukimon’s on the sheets and inside of her. After five minutes, BlackKyukimon’s ejaculation ceased. He began to pull out of her but stopped when Rea spoke.

“Don’t,” she said, catching her breath, “Do not pull out. Just roll over.”

BlackKyukimon did as he was told, rolling over onto his back, carrying his Mistress with him. They soon laid on the bed together, her on top of him. Rea fell asleep, BlackKyukimon did not.

“BlackKyukimon will stay awake when he is not instructed to sleep,” he mumbled to himself.

Adam’s House

Biymon’s and Gatomon’s reaction’s could be likened to small bomb’s going off in the house. It took Flamedramon, Hawkmon, Renamon and Adam to calm them down and keep them from destroying everything in their path.

Once everyone was calm, Adam explained his plan.

“So you girls know where NeoDevimon’s fortress is, right?” he asked. He received nods all around, “Well, I’m no battle tactician, but the best course of action to me appears to be this: We cut our way through his army until we hit the front gates. Then we go inside, take out NeoDevimon, Rea, and her new partner, then rescue Nikolas and Yuriko. Sound good?”

Nobody had any other ideas so Adam’s plan became the official offensive strategy. The next day, they went to war.

Alrighty, I am nearing the end of this section of the story. Expect Part 9 by Wednesday!
Please Comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM