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Mirror-a request done for LPatamon
I feel the ending isn't right but I just couldn't get it to work in my head, so blah. Possibly a part two coming. Depends on College at the moment. Let it be known though that this is in all reality, the first request I have ever done and only the second time I have written a sex scene. Ever. Tell me what y'all think!

For Lord Patamon

Patamon slowly lifted his head, his eyes momentarily blinded by the harsh light streaming in from the window. He gazed around the small room, momentarily puzzled. “Where am I?” He stood on all fours, stretching his body, one of his legs shaking with a small spasm. He let out a yawn and stretched his wings, a small shiver running through his body. He peered over the edge of the bed, the floor below littered with various trash and dirty laundry. “Tai is such a messy person, how does his mom let it get this bad?”

Patamon and T.K. had spent the night at Kari's house, the two humans leaving for a school camping trip that morning. Kari invited them to stay, seeing as it was much easier for T.K. to get to school from her house then his own. Patamon couldn't count the number of times he had to Armor Digivolve to Pegasusmon to insure T.K. got to class on time. Patamon scanned the floor, looking for a clean place to hop to so he could pull the door open. Not seeing one, he glided to the door's side, landing on a dirty magazine Tai had apparently forgotten to pick up. “Slob.” He reached his wings into the crack of the door and spread them, the hinges not so much as squeaking as it sailed open.

The apartment was much smaller then where T.K. and him lived, the kitchen being only big enough for one person to stand in. The impressive fifty inch flat screen certainly didn't help to make the room appear larger, and with all the furniture centered in the room, even Patamon felt claustrophobic in the space. He walked down the narrow hallway that was the remaining space of the living room towards Kari's room, to see if Gatomon had woken up. Before reaching the door though, Patamon heard an odd sound coming from the room next to Kari's, one he had assumed was her mom's.

He cautiously approached the door, the small slit between it and the frame allowing Patamon to slowly push it open, enough for him to stick his head in. The room was dark, his eyes not yet quite adapting to the change in the lighting. The sound was present for sure though, almost like the sound of a Kuwagamon's wings buzzing. The room was carpeted in a deep purple color and far more clean then Tai's room had been. The queen sized bed sat in the middle of the small room, for iron posts rising from each corner far above Patamon's head.

His eyes finally adjusted, Patamon began focusing on the source of the sound. He lifted his wings up, their shape helping to funnel the sound straight to his ears. Though he was sure even Gomamon could tell that the sound was coming from the bed. Scanning the room, looking for a safe place to see what lay atop the bedspread, Patamon noticed a huge mirror adorning the closet door on the left side. In it's reflection, he saw the top of the bed was occupied by Gatomon, her form on her knees, tail held high, and a red vibrator between her lips, one of her paws slowly pulling it in and out, its glove between her teeth. Small moans slipped through the fabric, muffled and nearly muted by the vibrator. Patamon's member instantly slid out of its sheath. His mind screamed at him to leave, but his body refused to listen. “We've had sex before. We are dating for crying out loud.” The argument in his mind went on for awhile longer, all the while Gatomon was increasing the speed and depth of the object she was sliding into her.

Patamon sat down beside the bed, his wings slowly caressing his body as he watched Gatomon pleasing herself, her free hand now lightly brushing against her nipples. The decision to stay was made the second Gatomon let out a mewling moan, the glove doing almost nothing to cover the sound. Juices spilled out over the toy, drops landing on the sheets. Patamon's wings caressed his member, slowly moving the skin up and down, slightly twisting it to change the sensation. To his amazement, Gatomon not only continued to move the vibrator further into her pussy, she did it more earnestly then before, more moans escaping through the glove. Her entire body would stiffen, more juices would flow from her. Patamon was biting his lower lip to keep from moaning himself. His pace had quickened, his wings a blur of motion as he pumped himself.

His eyes watched in awe as Gatomon's whole body became rigid, the vibrator thrust in one final time, all the way to the base. Her head rose, the glove falling from her mouth as the orgasm ripped through her, her moan echoing through the entire apartment. Patamon was sure the floors below and above could hear her cry of joy. Her juices flowed off the base of the object, leaving a mess on the spreads. The smell of her orgasm overtook the room, the sweet scent helping to further Patamon's own enjoyment. She slowly slumped down onto her belly, just using enough energy to turn the vibrator off, her body still convulsing around it as the side effects ran their course.

Patamon continued stroking his penis, pre-cum slightly coating the tips of his wings. As Gatomon's breathing seemed to even out, Patamon felt his own orgasm building up. He ignored the twisting technique in favor of pure speed, closing his eyes as he felt the build up preparing to erupt. His legs kicked as he finally released, the motion causing him to fall on to his back. His seed flew into the air as he tried to slow his breathing and regain his composure.

“Nice aim there, Pats.” Gatomon's sultry voice filled Patamon with dread and fright. He slowly opened one of his eyes, instantly closing it and compressing his body as he saw the cum on Gatomon's face.

“I'm sorry Gatomon. Uh, I, I didn't mean,” Patamon continued to stumble over the words, trying to slink over to the door. “Uh, I'll go get you a tissue!” Patamon turned to run out of the room, completely embarrassed and ashamed of what he had done, afraid Gatomon was going to kill him. When he turned to leave, Gatomon was already standing at the door. She smiled at him, closing the door with her paw.

“Please,” Gatomon whispered, “I knew you were there the entire time Patamon.” Patamon gulped, butterflies thrashing against the walls in his stomach, threatening to lose the previous night's dinner. Gatomon grinned and let out a small moan, arching her back a bit. Patamon noticed the vibrator had never left Gatomon, her tail wrapped around its base, slightly twisting it side to side. Her tongue licked up the few spots of cum she had to clean of her face, more small moans escaping her throat. “You are in trouble, Patamon.” Gatomon rushed towards Patamon, grabbing him and hurling him onto the bed. Patamon didn't move at all, didn't even consider fighting back. As far as he was concerned, he was a dead mon.

“Gatomon, I'm sorry.” Patamon wasn't afraid of being hurt or even killed. He didn't want to lose Gatomon. “I'll do anything you want. Just please, I'm sorry.”

“Anything I want huh?” She leaped up onto the bed on all fours, pacing from one corner to the next. She had expected as much, and she planned on taking full advantage of the situation. “Well Patamon, it seems I've made a mess of myself. There are just some spots even a cat can't reach.” Gatomon pranced over to the pillows. “How about a tongue bath?” She laid on her back, slightly spreading her legs, her tail still twisting the vibrator against her walls. Patamon instanlty jumped to attention.

“Where would you like me to start”?

She pouted a little. “My chest is too far away, Patamon. You can start there.” Patamon all but galloped to her side, his wings rubbing her stomach as he bent his head low. Gatomon slowly began pulling the vibrator out, then slowly placing it back in, enjoying the feeling of her tail slightly brushing against her clit. Patamon placed the tip of his tongue lightly against Gatomon's left nipple, resulting in the sudden hardening of the two. He scraped his tongue across the surface, Gatomon closing her eyes and sighing contently. Patamon began to go over it in the pattern of a figure eight, Gatomon ever so slightly raising her back each time he crossed it. His right wing began to massage the other one, ensuring both received attention.

Gatomon picked up the pace a bit, a familiar feeling starting to build up. Patamon switched his focus to the other nipple, using the same technique. His pebbled tongue was doing wonders to Gatomon's sensitive nipples, her climax getting closer with every pass. Her body began to shake, her orgasm reaching its tipping point, Gatomon reaching the apex of her pleasure. Her whole body arched, juices flowing past the object still in her. Patamon didn't let up, continuing to use his tongue through out the entire episode. She moaned in agony as he did so, the climax making her nipples even more sensitive, enough so that Patamon caused her to have a second smaller one.

“Mmmmmm, Patamon, that was good,” Gatomon moaned to her partner. “But look at the miss you made down there!” Patamon looked to the drops still oozing over of Gatomon's toy.

Patamon instantly hopped in between Gatomon's legs, resuming the bath on her inner thighs. Her tail continued its buisness of before, the thrusts more deep and fast. “Patamon,” Gatomon moaned, “I can't place this game. Lick my clit.” Patamon responded by instantly lapping at her, his tongue occasionally nibbling on the small bump, a moan ensuing from Gatomon's lips. Her orgasm was climbing close again, her juices flowing consistently down her thighs to her tail, a small puddle collecting at the base. Patamon brought his wings forward, the tips slightly rubbing the inside of her lips. Gatomon's mewls began to rise in volume and frequency again, her tail frantically working the toy in and out of her sopping hole.

She arched her back as another orgasm washed through her, her body going into small spasms. Patamon continued to lick at her quivering body, the trail of juices running down her body turning from a rushing river to a trickling stream. Gatomon lay panting, her limbs sprawled across the bed, her eyes closed from exhaustion. Patamon lay next to her as she fell into slumber.

“Patamon?” Gatomon whispered.

“Yes, Gatomon?” Patamon gazed at her face, entranced by her beauty.

“You know you didn't have to do those things for me, right?”

“I know that Gatomon, but I wanted to. It makes you feel good. And because I love you Gatomon. I would do anything for you. I'd fly to the bottom of the ocean, or take on the Dark Masters all by myself or...” He was cut off as Gatomon placed her open palm against Patamon's mouth.

“I love you too, Patamon.” The two Digimon kissed lightly, Gatomon tasting herself on Patamon's tongue. “And when I wake,” she said, gazing up into Patamon's eyes, “it'll be your turn.”

Messages In This Thread
Mirror-a request done for LPatamon - by RaptorSyn - 04-21-2010, 03:17 AM