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Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp)
The mini-star impacted the Steel Revenger full force, sending him backwards and into the stream of water from the fire-hose. The high pressure of the water hitting his back deflected his trajectory, preventing him from hitting the Crimson heroine, but sailing over her and several blocks away. The power armored superhero impacted a nondescript parking lot face-first, melting into the asphalt from the extreme heat. Rolling over to stop his sinking, he made his best effort to wipe some of the melted blacktop off of his visor so he could at least see.

"I really need to practice my dodging." He said to himself. He had now realized that his once tried and true tactic of just weathering whatever is thrown at him and then taking down the bad guy might now work all the time as in this case it wound up with him being taken out of the fight, for now at least.

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RE: Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp) - by Kavaan - 03-13-2010, 06:04 AM