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I NEED a cohost.
Yes ah yes. I need a cohost to have a disscussion with on this thing I am working on. Well A better version of the Y2K podcast. Anyway I need a cohost that can.....

1.) Discuss about Technology,games,computers,music,movies,ect
2.) Can maintain a weekly schedual (1 day a week)
3.) Knows how to keep creative critisim, and can throw in counter arguments or defend they're arguement.
4.) Can handle comments from other users.
5.) Also know how to answer Questions (Q&A)

I will through contests and such so in the end trivia will be thrown in an offer. So yes. If you want to help post a reply or PM me. But like i said. I need one that can follow those 5 things.

Messages In This Thread
I NEED a cohost. - by Ryan - 02-15-2010, 03:14 AM