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Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only)
Lucy growled softly, grabbing a handful of May's hair and pulling her head back, "No, you listen bitch. I am the stronger one, and you will do as you're told. Is that clear?" he growled a bit as he kissed her, holding her head still.

Z whimpered slightly, recgonizing the scent of her own arousal on his face as he kissed her, trying to squirm away from his cock but succeeding only in rubbing her pussy against it.


"Laura, you remember what we talked about. Do it."

Laura seemed to hesitate for a second but nodded as she walked off.

Mindy smiled as she stood next to Mai, "You're going to love this my little slut," she grinned as she watched Laura returning, holding the reins to a large black stallion, "Princess, I want you to meet my steed, Shadowstorm." she smiled as Laura brought the horse around infront of Mai, "He's carried me through a number of battles, including the one against this very castle. He's an amazing horse, but unfortunately there're no females around for him to stud, so he's going to make due with your slutty body." she smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only) - by Shadowknight - 02-13-2010, 06:06 AM