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Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only)
"Simple, since I'm the stronger one, you listen." Lucy smiled, kissing May with a bit more dominance than normal.

"Ahh no, stop!" Z moaned in lust as Kiva's tongue moved over her aching pussy, sending jolts of pleasure through her body, making her back arch in pleasure, "Get, away," she begged.


"Hmmm, actually there is something I believe you could do," Mindy grinned, "Get your slut and follow me, I want her to see this too." she ordered.

Mindy led the two girls out of the castle to an open courtyard, a wooden horse standing in the center of it, restraints on the four legs, "Mai, lie down, on your stomache. Laura, restrain your mistress." she ordered. Laura nodded, knowing Mindy's word was law even if it had her hurting her mistress, as soon as Mai layed down she would restrain her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Rebellion (Shadowknight and Zero Only) - by Shadowknight - 02-11-2010, 03:27 AM