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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
Dawn purred adorably and moaned as Alex paid her soft body even more attention. Her face was blissfully happy as well, reflecting the thoughts being sent to her mind and she blushed a little harder with each caress. She also sent back images and feelings. Shades of warm pink and red representing her love for Alex, both her innocent, childlike love, and a more romantic, caring love. Her pussy was warm beneath his touch, soft, and, if he kept playing with her, moist. She was not just loving her master, she was falling in love with him, even though she would eventually have to be sold...but she didint know that.


De Shen silenced the little cat girls moans and protests when his lips met hers, gently at first, but more forcefully later. His tongue entered her mouth and explored everything, dancing with her tongue as it did. He entered his pinky finger into her a moment later, feeling her virgin wall and everything around it, his thumb stimulating her little clit.

(Real quick, just some questions about, um, Justicar's other: profile. In it you say that Alex is a Homunculus. Are you referring to Justicar or Alex? You also say he is a fusion of Science and technology, and judging from his armored picture, which is a gundam, that makes him a...ah...a robot? You kinda mention magic in the first few sentences I think, but then you just say that he is Science and technology, but not magic. You say he is skilled in magic, but is that like casting? So is he a robot that can use magic? And what exactly does Intelligent in Metal and energy mean? Is he a repairman? Can he use magic on metal? And what do you mean by energy? Also, you mention allot of killing, but it is hard to understand why people are dying. Are they being killed to be added into him? If so then how is he a robot? And who made him, one person? An organization? Why was he made exactly, its hard to tell from what you give me.

I know Im nitpicking, but I know you can write soooo much better than this, and I know you can make things so much clearer. It kinda feels like you were either a little impaired when you wrote this, playing mass effect 2 at the exact same time, or you just half assed it, which makes me think that you didnt want to make him the first place....If thats true then you just have to tell me and I will just drop my ideas now)

Silva looked up at Justicar, and timidly approached the front of her cage, pressing her head up against the bars so that he could pet her if he wanted to. If he didnt then she would just lay back down where she was. Kase, on the other hand, hissed and growled at the homunculus, staying at the back of his cage. Their owner, who was sitting next to the cages, took his pole and jabbed Kase hard a few times in the back, making Kase hiss at the pole and bite at it weakly, though it was clear that even if he did manage to get his teeth around it he would not be able to damage it at all. But the trader didnt care and began to jab him harder and worse for snapping until Kase whimpered and cowered into a back corner, hiding his head from the blows.

Both cages were small and crate like, with metal bars and low ceilings. They were so small that Kase and Silvia could not stand, and if they sat, they would have to keep their head down to not hit the bars. Also, they was only four feet wide, and six feet long, hardly giving the slaves any room to walk around in or do anything. Kase's retreat to the back corner of his cage was a desperate, and futile movement, since he was still well within range of the pole and received a few more jabs for his effort.

"You gonna by um?" the trader asked after he was done with Kase. "Well, Silvia there is a good girl, nice body, and even virgin." the man gave Justicar a gap toothed smile. "Well behaved, quiet to, and you wont have any trouble making her do what ya like. For her I charge 500., he is a newwen. Nasty little kit when you dont take a hard stance with him, but, like ye just saw, a few kicks and he steps in line, so its 300 for him. Oh course, both of em are, um, un-clawed, so they aint no danger. Did em in meself." The man was charging Justicar outragous prices for what he was selling.

Silvia, who would normally be a Grade A slave and, with proper training, grooming, and proper health, could easily be worth a $1000. But, sadly, her value was greatly diminished by this man. She was, for the most part, untrained and beaten, which made her timid and silent, not obedient and willing. She was dirty and showed no signs of proper washing, most likely she received a cold hosing through her bars once or twice a weak. Her de clawed hands, although soft and healed, had been broken when she was de clawed, and so she had brittle fingers now, and it was likely that she had never been to a vet at all. All of this probably brought her over all value down to $300.

Kase was much the same, but made worse. Kase was, as a raw slave, at least a Grade B, which wasnt so bad. But he was a wild one, which means he had to be captured. This could be ignored if he received proper training, but he did not. Instead he was beaten and humiliated into what he now was, which made him hostile and frightened toward's people and withdrawn from relationships. Add with all the things that were wrong with Silvia, and his price was hardly $100, made even lower by the fact that, while Silvia seemed skinny, he was down right starved and malnourished. He was also covered in bruises and his de-clawing had happened more recently, so his fingers were probably all broken and very tender, and he was likely to be receiving no medical attention. For this Kase was worth $50 at maximum.

At this rate, at least Kase would never be sold and would likely find himself hanging upside down in a butcher store that sold "Exotic" meats. What Justicar did was his choice now, but having ventured this far into the lower Market district, he would likely find no police or any kind of law enforcement around for almost a mile. While the conditions for Slave's sold here were bad, Kase and Silvia were just being blatantly mistreated.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers - by Maero - 01-31-2010, 03:50 AM