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Soul Searchers
Chapter 2: The Change - In Progress

I've just entered my street and i noticed that my front door was wide open. I legged it into the house and shut the front door. I looked around the hallway and it was very quiet. As I started to walk into the frontroom and there's blood on the wall. I look around the room and my sisters head is on the table with the rest of her body all over the room. I quickly ran out of the room and headed straight for my mum's bedroom.
I quickly opened the door and stopped as I looked at the bed. My mum was tide up, her stomach and chest has been cut open. As I looked at my mum's lifeless body I could hear someone coming into the house. I quickly went under mum's bed scared. I could hear something coming upstairs and heading into mum's room. As it entered the room, it had strange feet. It had red and green scales that started to glow. It started to walk around the room and sat on the bed.

"Where is she? Where is that girl?!" it asked, I was that scared nearly soiled myself. The creature got up and left the room and went down stairs. I got out from under the bed and there was a scale on the bed. I picked it up and put it in my bag. I opened the window and I thought to myself "I must be nuts." I jumped out of the window and landed on my back. "Not doing that again," I told myself. I slowley got up, I streched my back and picked my bag. As I was walking back out fo the street I looked back at the house. The creatures face was looking out of the bottom window, it was looking straight into my eyes and I quickly looked back in horror. I quickly turned a corner and started to walked down the hill and passed the school. As I went I went into my aunties street and reached her house I was staring at the dead bodies that was pined up on the front of the house. My aunties body had been cut in her stomach and blood was still dripping of her body. Jack and Anthony both had a knife in there heart. It I looked at the floor and a tear fell from my eye and dropped on the ground.
I walked throught the street while my eyes was full of tears, but as I reached the end of the street and looked at the sky. I was wondering where I was going to sleep for the night. So I sat by a front door and looked up at the stars wondering what is going to happen to me when I wake up. I take out a small blanket from my bag and put it over my legs. I put my head onto the wall and slowley fell to sleep.

It's know morning, the smell of coffee is in the air and I feel weared. I start to open my eyes and the light start to burn my eyes for a couple of seconds. I looked around and I was in a room. My eyes was still blurred, I looked around the room and it someone was in the room sitting on the bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. My friend Nico was sitting at the end of the bed while holding a hot cup of coffee. "Yumi, are you ok?" he asked, I maded a loud yawn and replied, "I'm better, but how did I get here?" Nico passed me the cup of coffee and answered, "You where outside of my house sleeping. So I brought you in here with some help from my brother." I started to drink a little bit of the coffee and put it on the desk. I started to get out of bed and asked, "Where's my bag?" "It's down stairs," he replied, I started to get up and my back was still hurting. I started to head down stairs and Nico followed me. I picked up my bag and went into the front room and sat down on the sofa.

I started to look throught my bag and found the scale. Nico came into the room and asked me, "What is that?" Nico stat next to me and I replied, "This is a scale I found on my parents bed after they where killed." Nico looked shocked and said in a loud voice, "What?" I took a deep breath and told Nico what happened to my mum and sister. Nico started to get worried and asked, "What did the creature look like?" "Well I only got a look at it's feet and a bit of his face. The was tall, he had blue and red scales." I put the scale back into my bag and dropped it on the floor. Nico gave me a hug for a few seconds and got of the sofa. He stopped by the door and asked, "Do you want anything to eat?" "No thanks," I replied, Nico went out of the room and headed into the kitchen. I got of the sofa and started to look at the photo's. As I looked at the photos' someone came into the house and loudly shouts, "Food is here! Come and get it!" I looked outside of the room and there was a tall, thin boy standing there while holding a McDonald's bag. Nico went out of the kitchen and headed straight for the boy. "Craig, your back early," said Nico, Craig handed the bag to Nico and looked at me. "Who's this," Craig asks. Nico looked at me, he looked back and replied, "Oh, this is Yumi. Me and Dave brought her in after we found her in the street."

Nico looked at me and started to smile. I started to blush and quickly went into the room. Nico went into the kitchen and put the bag onto the counter. He came into the room and sat on the sofa. He turned on the TV and started to watch the news. I looked and the woman said, "This is a warning to all as there is a creature that has been killing hundreds of people around the country. If you have any information please ring 098822317451. Please!" I looked shocked as not just me but many other people have gone throught the same thing!
Nico got of the sofa and looked at me. I gave Nico a massive hug and said, "I'm scared that the creature is going to come after me." Nico looked at me and replied, "Well what could we do?" I started to think about it for a couple of seconds and then I answered, "The woman." Nico started to look confused and asked in a worried voice, "What woman?" I quickly looked outside of the room and shut the door. "When I was little, there was a woman called Nina. She knows a lot about the creatures," I replied. Nico started to scratch his head while walking around the room and asked, "Where does she live?" "She lives in Lion Road, just past Albert Crescent," I replied. Nico went out of the room he picked up the house phone and started to dial. I started to think what he was going to do, so I went up stairs into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and my face was dirty. I picked up a cloth and put hot water on it. I started to wash my face for a couple of minutes. I grabbed the towel of the bath and rubbed it over my face and put it back. Suddenly, Nico shouted, "Yumi, I have some good news." I legged it out of the bathroom and went down stairs. Nico looked happy and told me, "We are able to get to Nina's. I have asked my mate if we could borrow his motorbike for a couple of days." "Ok," I replied. I walked up to Nico and gave him a kiss on the lips and walked back upstairs. Nico started to smile as I walked away from him.
Someone started to knock the door, Nico answered it and said, "Michael, thanks for the help." A tall guy with a massive gut stood there. He nodded his head, gave Nico the keys and walked away from the house. Nico shut the door shouted, "Yumi, we're going know." I ran down the stairs and said, "Do you want to take the food with us?" Nico looked at the bag and replied, "Ok"
I went into the kitchen and grabbed the bag, Nico was already half way out of the house. I walked out of the house and shut the door. Nico looked at the motorbike in suprise and i did to. The bike was massive, Nico got onto the bike and started the bike. I got on and he told me, "Give me the directions" As we started to ride through the streets, people where starting to look at us as if they have never seen a motorbike. I looked around the streets and said, "Nico, you need to take another left and then a right down Daivd Cross." Nico took a sharp turn and my knee nearly hit the ground so I shouted, "Be careful!" Nico nodded his head and made another turn, I started to look around and we where close. Nico asked, "Where know?" I quickly looked around as we passed the streets and replied, "Go past two more streets and then take a left." Nico started to speed up and flew passed the streets. He quickly turned into a street and stopped. I looked around and said, "Ok, where a couple of doors away from her house." Me and Nico started to walk throught the streets, I started to walk up some steps and knocked the door. We waited for a couple of minutes but there was no answer. So I knocked again and a quiet voice said coming from the house, "Who is it?" "It's Yumi Izaco. My mum used to come here when I was little," I replied.

The door slowley opened a very small woman opened the door. She looked at me and Nico and told us, "Come in quick." Me and Nico entered the house. As I looked inside of the house there where pitures of dragons and all types of creatures painted on the walls. I looked at the woman and asked, "Are you Nina?" "Yes, I am. So what do you want?" she replied. I looked at Nico and said, "It's about my mother?" Nina looked suprised and replied, "Come and sit in my room." Nina opened the frontroom door and we followed her in. We all sat down on the sofa. Nina started to looked worried and she asked, "What has happened?" I looked down at the floor and told her, "Mum, Amy and the rest of the family where slaughtered and I need your help." Nina looked suprised, I took of my bag and showed her the scale. "This is what came of the creature that killed them. Do you know anything about it?" I asked.
Nina looked at the scale and took it of me. She smiled and replied, "I think I do. Come with me." Nina quickly went out of the room and ran upstairs. Me and Nico quickly followed her and went into a large room. There was hundreds of books in the room, Nina was in the middle of the room and was starting to search the book shelves. She then picked up a book from the middle shelf and turned towards us. She opened the book and started to look through the book. "I've found it!" shouted Nina. I quickly walked up to her and looked at the book. There was a piture of a scaled creature, with the face of a man and a boday of a dragon. "This is what killed my family?" I asked. "Yes, his name is called Kinzo Nike. He once was a human until he found out about his magic powers. So he turned himself into a dragon except his face. But there is only one way to kill this beast and that is by taking the other half of his soul and putiing it back into his him and then you must kill him," replied Nina.

I was starting to think about if I should go and find this soul or not. I then thought about what would happen if the creature didn't kill my family. "Ok, I'll do it," I replied in a very high tonned voice. Nico was staring at me like a statue so I flicked his nose. "Ow, what was that for?" asked Nico. "You where standing there like a statue what else am I suppose to do?" I repiled.
I started to look back at the piture and asked Nina, "So where is this soul?"
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds

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Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-26-2010, 02:34 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-26-2010, 08:37 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by AetherRose - 01-27-2010, 12:01 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-27-2010, 09:17 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by fred_18_2008 - 01-28-2010, 11:45 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-29-2010, 12:38 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by fred_18_2008 - 01-29-2010, 12:54 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-29-2010, 01:01 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 02-11-2010, 01:49 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 03-01-2010, 08:16 PM