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Soul Searchers
Hi there! About 2 to 3 weeks ago at 10th Jan. I was that board as my parents went out and I was trying to get something off my mind so I thought of writing for a bit and came up with this story. Read it and enjoy it!

Main Characters:
Name: Yumi
Age: 16:
Species: Human
Height: 4 foot 9
Hair colour and length: Light blonde and hair goes up to shoulders
Eye colour: Mixed light green and blue
Skin tonne: Pail

Top: strapped top, light lilac top
Skirt: short, light lilac
Shoes: lilac

She is a very quiet girl and smart.
She has a massive crush on Nico, she dosen't like Vincent that much and likes to have a fight with him only when he makes her mad.

Name: Nico
Age: 16
Colour hair, short brown *Mop hair*
Light blue
Height: 5 foot 5
Top: Long sleeved, dark red sleeves are grey
Trousers: Navy blue jeans
Trainers: White with l3 little blue stripes

Nico is a very funny guy to be around with, he is open to people.
But when he is around Yumi he changes.
He likes Yumi a lot but doesn't want to know how he feels until they go on the mission.

Name: Vincent
Age: 17
Speacies: Human/fox
colour furr: white and red
colour eyes: dark brown

Clothes: Only wearing short brown trousers

Vincent is a guy that likes pretending that he is strong and likes to boss people around.
He is also an understanding guy when it comes to relationships.
But when Yumi and him become angry they like to have a fight.

Name: Sky
Age: 17
Speacies: Human/Bird
Colour feathers: Silver and gold
colour hair: Gold
Colour eyes: Red

Tops and trousers:
Dark red short trousers and top
Shoes: None

Sky is a kind girl, she likes doing anything crazy.
When she meets new people she can become very talkative when she is around them.

Chapter 1: Family

It’s a Monday morning, in a double maths exam. This is to much stress! I look at the clock and its half way through the exam. I looked back at my paper and I’m half way through from finishing. I pick up my pen and started to bite the end of it. I looked at the question and start to write quickly. After the exam, I quickly go out of the hall and head straight from reception. While I was walking, someone started to tap me in my shoulder.
I turned around quickly and my headmaster, Mr Exen was standing there with a huge grin on his face. “Yumi, would you follow me into my office please?” he asked. As I entered his office, I could hear a familiar voice in the next room. It was my mum. She entered the room without a smile on her face; it was more like a smacked arse. We all sat down, mum looks like she is going to explode, probably because her boss has had ago at her again.
Mr Exen took out a piece of paper from his bag and says, “Mrs Izaco, I have asked you here to talk about your daughter’s progress in school and…” I am really scared now. The last time mum was called to the school, I was caught out of the school and my mum went nuts. “So, what has my daughter done this time?” asked my mum. Mr Exen looked confused and replies, “Well she hasn’t done anything wrong. But I have great news for you Yumi.”

Me and mum looked at each other and looked back at Mr Exen and he says, “Your daughter has been accepted to go to Jacob Vickery college.” I thought for a couple of minutes about it and reply, “Ok, Mr Exen. I am going to think about it for a couple of days. Then I will give you an answer by the end of the week.” I got up and so did my mum. She said goodbye to Mr Exen and we left his office. My mum looked at me and started to smile.
Me and mum started to head towards the office and my mum asked, “Yumi, why don’t you go down Nico’s house for once?” “Mum you know I don’t like being around Nico,” I replied, but I actually had a massive crush on Nico since I met him in primary school. I then signed out and mum walked with me until we got to the school gates. Mum asked, “Yumi. Can you go down your aunty Rebuta’s and stay there for the night?”
“Ok, mum.” I replied, it then walked the opposite direction from my mum. I started to think about my mum’s sister and how much I hated that side of the family. I mostly disliked my cousins, Anthony and James. The dreaded twins of the family which can’t stop talking. As I was still walking, I went down a long hill and turned a corner into my auntie’s street. I went to the house and my auntie’s red scooter was there.

I went into the garden and rang the doorbell. I waited for a couple of minutes and there was no answer, I tried again and I could hear someone running down the stairs. My cousin James answered the door and I entered the house. My aunty went out of the front room and she gave me a massive hug. “Yumi, it’s nice to see you,” greats aunty Rebuta while she realises me from her deadly hug.
I get my breath back and politely ask, “Mum is has asked if I could stay over for the night?” “That’s ok. We have a new spare room next to mine you can sleep in,” replies my aunty, she goes back into the front room and watches more T.V. I started to walk up stairs and headed for the spare room. I quickly open the door and chuck my coat and bag onto the bed. I sit onto the bed and I lie on the bed and softly close my eyes as I fall to sleep.
Suddenly I hear a bang. I quickly open my eyes and look at the time. Its seven o’clock at night. I hurry out of the room and there is a lot of green stuff on the walls. I walk towards my cousin’s room and knock the door hard. I slowly open the door and both of them are covered in green slim. I quickly go out of the room just incase there is another bang and go down stairs. I enter the front room and my aunty is doing the table for tea.
I then look in the kitchen and there is a massive pile of pancakes. I am so happy know. That is the only good thing about this family, they love there pancakes. I quickly went up to my aunty and ask, “Do you need any help?” My aunty looked at me with a worried look and replied in a calm voice, “No dear. Go back up stairs.” I walk out of the wondering why my aunty is acting this way. So I head back up stairs and back into the spare room.
After ten to twenty minuets, I am called down for tea. I run down stairs, the table is filled with pancakes. I am now in heaven! I sit down and start to dig in to the pancakes. My cousins start to put loads of stuff on there pancakes, like jam, with chocolate and syrup, that’s weird, there going to have a bad stomach tomorrow. After tea I head back into the spare room and start to make comic stories about the family.
I start to think what my family would be like; my aunty would be called ‘Fatty Fire Ball’ that doesn’t need fire but just needs to role. Both of my cousins Anthony and Jake would be called the ‘Chatty Boys’ that would talk so fast the whole city will be put to sleep. And the dreaded cat ‘Catty Claws. That will just have to use one of her nails to kill. I started to finish writing and put it paper away. I lie onto the bed and slowly fell to sleep.

Its Tuesday morning, I am down stairs in the dinning room eating horrible shredded wheat that my aunty has forced me to eat! I am playing with my food while watching T.V; my cousins are still in bed having a long lie in. My aunty woke me up at eight in the morning; she is trying to make me do the things for her like the house work. The fat cow! I’m a guest in this house, why doesn’t she do it herself!
I get up of the chair; start to look around so my aunty is not looking. I start to bin the rest of the breakfast. I put it in the sink with the rest of the dishes and go up stairs to get changed. Suddenly my phone rings, I pick my mobile up and answer it, “Hello?” “Hello. This is Kyo’s mum, I was just wondering if you could pop over soon?” the woman asked. “Ok. I’ll come over tomorrow. See you then.”
I put down my phone and start to get changed. I pack my bag and take three chocolate bars from the fridge. I enter the front room and told my aunty, “I’m going home know.” My aunty got up of the sofa and walked up to me; she put her hands on my shoulders and says, “Yumi, if you ever need a place to stay for the night, you are welcome here.” “Ok. I have to go know.” I answer, turning away from my aunty as I head straight for the front door.
I start to think why my aunty said that, it’s not like something bad is going to happen. I leave the house and it’s just turned two o’clock, I start to walk towards the nearest chip bar as I need real food in my body but not like the breakfast I had this morning. I found a chip bar and got myself a huge bag of chips to myself. I saved some for my mum and sister, I started to walk up the massive hill and took out my phone and started to text my mum.
As I was walking up the hill, I had a funny feeling like someone was telling me to turn back. But I ignored it, I finished eating my chips and through them in a bin. As I was walking one street away from my house, the funny feeling was getting worse.

*The picture I found was the closets thing to looking like my character Yumi*

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Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-26-2010, 02:34 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-26-2010, 08:37 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by AetherRose - 01-27-2010, 12:01 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-27-2010, 09:17 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by fred_18_2008 - 01-28-2010, 11:45 PM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-29-2010, 12:38 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by fred_18_2008 - 01-29-2010, 12:54 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 01-29-2010, 01:01 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 02-11-2010, 01:49 AM
RE: Soul Searchers - by Yumi - 03-01-2010, 08:16 PM