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Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight)
Raziel growls as he digs his claws into her sides. "I will fuck you one way or another," he growls. When She kicks vulpix and she runs into her masters he growls in frustration. He could see that the pokemon's nose was broken, he touches her nose as the horse talisman flares to life fixing her broken nose. He smiled at his pokemon and grinned as the monkey talisman flared turning her into a Ninetail's. "How do you feel Ninetails? He asked with a dark grin.

Then turned his sister back to her as he glared in annoyance she needed to learn her place. ordering the stupid feline wouldn't work she would be forced to and just wouldn't learn anything. "Nine tails be a dear and burn Katt fur off and then some to teach the stupid cunt a lesson she soon won't forget," he said then got a devious idea. He reached over and touched the monkey talismon his cock started to change as it became two feet long and five inches wide at the tip, then slimmed down to about four inches thick till it neared the base when it became as large as the tip. It looked like a cock one would find on a monster but was in fact just a horses cock.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight) - by Casey the furry one - 01-24-2010, 03:51 AM