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Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight)
"So, this is, uncommon then?" Katt asked, sighing a bit in relief, this had been a bit scary, she wasn't sure if she was going to be killed, raped, or possibly both, "I never expected him to do this, the diffrence between him and his were form," she shuddered a bit, "He, scared me." she said, nearly crying from the thought, "We weren't, planning on it, soon." Katt said, blushing slightly from the conversation, "We wanted to get to know eachother a bit better, guess that's gone."

Katt sniffed at the air a bit, growling slightly, "That smell, I recgonize that, it's a poison we've used on weres before." she glared over at Jessica, still growling, "What are you doing with that stuff?" she asked.
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RE: Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight) - by Shadowknight - 01-22-2010, 04:20 PM