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Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight)
"So, you somehow summoned the talisman's magic through the TV?" Katt asked in slight confusion, it didn't sound possible, but it was an explanation, and currently it was the only one she had. Plus what reason would he have for lying to her now? "So, you have the power from those talisman's from the show? Strength, brining stuff to life, changing things," she said as she looked at her own body.

She smiled a bit as she was changed back, happy to be back in her normal body especially with her fur back in place, though she kept her hands covering herself. She nodded as he ordered her to bring him the vulpix toy, only imagining what his plans were for it, "Wh-what?" she gasped in surprise, "You, can't expect, with you, we're siblings!" she shouted in surprise, the thought of incest had never disturbed her but to think that her own brother was planning on having her as a sex slave, "We, we'll talk about that later," she said as she turned to follow his previous order. She returned shortly carrying the small plush vulpix in her arms, the material around it's muzzle was still stained slightly with Raziel's cum. She set the vulpix down on the ground infront of Raziel, "So, you can bring any toy to life with those talismans?" she asked slightly curious.
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RE: Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight) - by Shadowknight - 01-21-2010, 06:09 AM