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Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight)
Vulpix coughed cutely as Raziel pushed her down on his cock, but happily continued to suck on it as her master wished. She was happy to please him this way instead of being hurt by battling. It helped that she was rather enjoying it as well as she purred softly around his cock, her mouth warming up as she grew aroused from her own actions.

Katt yawned as she threw her bag onto her bed, stretching out a bit as she walked towards her bed, her foot knocking against one of her stuffed animals on the ground, "Huh? Now how'd you get down there?" she asked as she picked up the toy, setting it back up with the others, she paused as she looked over them, "Wait a sec, where's my Vulpix?" she wondered aloud, a low growl coming from her throat, Raziel, I swear if you're messing with my stuff again. she thought as she stomped out of her room. She was almost roaring as she effortlessly pushed open his door, locked or not, her eyes snapping open as she saw what she thought was her stuffed animal at Raziel's cock, "Uggh, what the hell!?" she roared, "Is this what you've been doing with my stuffed animals?" she asked.

Vulpix heard the screaming, ignoring it as she continued pleasing Raziel, which she would continue unless she was ordered to stop. She didn't care about the new person in the room, all she cared for was her master's approval.
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RE: Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight) - by Shadowknight - 01-20-2010, 02:39 PM