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Ken was not ment to be a Digidestined?
Blackjack Gabbiani Wrote:2--I dont' think he knew Ken was Destined, I think he just knew Ken had the Spore in him. (side note--Milleniummon was the one who implanted it, so how did Myotismon and Daemon both know about it?)

Well first, off. Regarding Ken's being a Chosen, I agree with previous posts that stated criterias qualify him as one; the intimate bonding with Wormmon, etc.

And regarding Blackjack's stated quote above...I think that was somewhat a hole in the plot of how Vamdemon/Myotismon or even Daemon themselves were able to detect the Dark Spore in young Ichijouji. If I remember correctly, there was somewhat lack of explanation in the anime of how did those two know, and to me, the mystery of Daemon himself suddenly making his presence known along with his Nightmare Soldiers or Daemon Corps in one of 02's arc, until with the Demon Lord himself being beaten and banished to the Dark Oceans.

Those questions have been playing in my mind until this day whenever I remember or rewatch 02. All I can, perhaps hypothesize to fill that hole is maybe the Dark Spore implanted on Ken is a unique concentration of Dark Energy, which could be a small fraction but still a powerful fragment of Milleniumon's Evil Power. (Also read some articles regarding Milleniumon in the Wonderswan Games) Thus, it is akin to sugar when ants smell or detect, which perhaps the same goes to Vamdemon/Myo and Daemon themselves able to seek out the 'scent' or enticed by the Milleniumon's Dark Spore...

And like the saying there is no honor amongst thieves, so there's no love laws between two certain Digimon Demon Lords who were out to get a certain Dark Spore before the other one does.

Well, that's my cents. The above is just thoughts of I can think. Please feel free for correction/s, thanks!

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