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Anime Reality House (RP Board)

Anime Reality House, or ARH for short. It is a place that exists everywhere and no where all at once. How that is no one but the gods of this realm of existence knows. And they won't tell anyone the truth of this place.

Who brought you here and why is also unknown, but many feel that it was the will of these supposed Gods. They don't say. And no one really knows who they are anyway to actually ask. Others feel that people get brought here because the reality that they came from and the reality that is ARH crossed and they got dragged along for the ride. And several other theories float about on how people come here.

One thing is certain, you can not leave. At least no one knows how to leave. Sometimes people just disappear as mysteriously as they appear. But how it is done no one can say. Maybe those gods take them from here? Maybe realities meet again and they are dragged out. People assume that they are taken home but who is to say, no one can account for where these people end up.

So make yourself at home, since its doubtful you will ever leave here again.

And let us welcome you to. . .

The Anime Reality House


*RP as any Anime/Cartoon/Game character you like!
*Freestyle sort of RP with a plentiful amount of events to keep satisfied
*Helpful and active staff will definitely keep up to date with your guys' problems and needs, and stuff like that


Please consider joining, :D It's slowly getting on its feet and furries are definitely allowed to join! I'd love to have some new faces there.
Oh and just to make clear, this isn't a smut/yiff board. There's private forums for that stuff but the intention is PG-13/R.
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Messages In This Thread
Anime Reality House (RP Board) - by DatRyebread - 12-31-2009, 05:22 PM