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Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight)
There have always been two types of Were among the clans the ruling family's that were able to control the curse in other words they were able to control their transformations. Second power the ruling family's had was that they didn't become mindless beast when they transform like other Were's. Centuries have passed and then came the hunters people who hunted the Were at first the ruling families allowed them to hunt them since it was easier to let the hunter's police the rogue members who were fully taking over by the beast within. Now was the 21 century the Were were nearly hunted to to extinction. The Ruling Families came together and made a pact that they would do their best not to make any new clans member except through natural breeding so that every were would be able to control the curse.

Yet it wasn't enough to keep the hunters from killing them now there are hundred people or less in each clan that were scattered over the world; but most in the old world or the new world. Yet one Clan's from America that were Werewolf's decided to move and hunt the hunters but not to kill them but to marry into group nullifying their efforts as a whole.
Casey was a young male of fifteen years but he was no ordinary male he was a Werewolf. Today was his wedding day and his birthday he was a man today finally able to wed within is sect. Yet he was nervous as hell since he could very well be marrying his executioner. The woman he was marrying was a few years older than him and was exceedingly beautiful and dangerous since she was trained as a hunter. He was extremely nervous since he knew his wife to be was also the same person how made the killing blow to his father. The young man gulped whiles he put on his tux in the giant cathedral he was in. In a about two hours he would be married to a complete stranger just about he barely new anything about her and he was supposed convince her to not kill him and hopefully bring peace between his clan and the hunters clan.

"Hey John do you think that my wife to be would be a good match for me if I live through this?" Casey asked in a joking manner yet it was also note of seriousness. He straitened his penguin suit as he called it again even though it was already strait.

John chuckles some at his cousin. "Don't worry I am sure she is a good match you. Besides dad wouldn't want you to do you know....," he trailed off some not wanting to say the word die. He sighed some, "Look it is going to work out if worse come to worse do remember your stronger than her," he slightly older werewolf said with a wink.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight) - by Casey the furry one - 12-16-2009, 02:16 AM