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If you were Gay...
I am fulfilling DarkChibimon’s request. This one is 3 firsts for me. The first digimon-related request, the first yaoi I’ve ever made and the first time I’m using a fan-made digimon. WOOTS! Anywhoser, read on!

In the building of DATS, the Digital Accident Tactics Squad, there were many members. Among the most prestigious was Thomas H. Nordstein, however, he was not the only looked up to squad member, although he and his partner, Gaomon, have returned successful on every mission given, no, there was another, his name was Dave Leonheart. Dave had risen to gain much appreciation and respect from his fellow comrades. His partner was DarkVeemon(or Dark as everyone calls him). Dave and Dark had become good friends with Thomas and Gaomon, though the Digimon seemed to have a closer bond of friendship. On one specific day, both tamers and their Digimon were working on various tasks, until the DATS leader, Sampson, spoke up to them.

“Thomas, Dave,” he told them, “I want you and your Digimon to go into the digital world.”

Thomas asked, “For what reason, sir?”

“I’m sending you on a simple patrol mission; the digital world seems quiet today, so consider it a break from all your hard work.” Sampson smiled.

“Neat!” Dave replied, “Free break!”

“I do need some R&R.” Dark spoke up.

“Don’t think that’s all it is,” Gaomon told them, “Remember, it’s a patrol mission.”

“Huh?” Dark replied, “But he said—“

“I said consider it a break, but it really is patrol.” Sampson reminded.

“Oh,” Dark said disappointed, “All I heard was ‘break’.”

“Now then,” Sampson said, “Enough lollygagging. Off with you!”

“SIR YES SIR!” all the patrol members replied and they stepped into the gate portal.
A flash could be seen and all the patrollers felt and slight breeze as they appeared in a grassy plain in the digital world.

“Well,” Thomas said, “Let’s begin.” The tamers and their Digimon began walking, looking for something unusual. After about 20 minutes, the complaints rose.

“I’m getting tired.” Dave complained. “Can’t we take a short break?”

“We are on patrol, Dave.” Thomas reminded him firmly, “Not vacation. Besides, what kind of example will it set for your Digimon if you start complaining?”

Dave looked at Dark. “Do you think I’m setting a bad example for you?”

Dark raised an eyebrow at his tamer, “What makes you think that? I was the one who started complained a few minutes ago.”

“See?” Dave told Thomas, “I’m not setting a bad example.”

Thomas rolled his eyes and sighed. “Well, what do you think Gaomon?”

“I think we’ve gotten most of this area, so maybe a couple more minutes of patrol, then we’ll call it a day.”

“Whew! I can wait that long.” both Dave and Dark said.
A couple of minutes went by and the tamers and Digimon were preparing to head back to DATS, when out of nowhere, a group of Snimon appeared. They had a vicious temper and a threatening pose. The tamers stood on guard.

“Think you take these guys in Rookie form?” Dave asked Dark.

“Let’s find out.” Dark replied smiling as he face the Snimon. Gaomon took his defensive position. Both waited for the Snimon to make a move. Then, the Snimon charged, as did Dark and Gaomon.
“Double Backhand!” Gaomon shouted. He began spinning into the Snimon, landing solid punches on those in his path. Dark squatted low as if he was ready to jump.

“Vee Headbutt!” Dark leaped towards a Snimon and gave it a wicked headbutt, sending it flying into another Snimon, grounding both. Dark smirked “This is too easy, at least it’s better than walking around all day.”
The Snimon that had just fallen got back up and growled at Dark. “Twin Sickles!” The dark pinkish shockwave slashes flew towards Dark. Dark easily jumped out of the way, avoiding the attack entirely. The Snimon was furious now. It flew up into the air and shouted, “Ultimate Twin Sickles!!” The shockwaves came with greater speed and power this time, barely missing Dark, however, they now flew towards Dave.

“Aw, crap!” Dave shouted, jumped out of the way, but is sent flying by the afterblast and is hurdled towards the ground. Dave landed on his arm, sending a wave of unwanted pain into his body. “ARGH!” Dave exclaimed, grasping his arm in agony.

“Dave!” Dark shouted. He turned angrily towards the Snimon. “You bastards! DARKVEE HEADBUTT!!” Dark sprang towards his tamer’s attackers and assumed the mid-air pose for a Vee Headbutt, however, he was enveloped in a dark aura that blasted the Snimon out of the sky on contact. The Snimon, now battered and bruised, retreated in fear and pain. Dark’s aura faded and he ran to his tamer’s assistance. “Are you alright?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, sure.” Dave said sarcastically, “I’ve just broken my arm and am in a whole lot of pain now, but either than that, I’m just peachy-keen.” Dave smiled a sarcastic one at Dark.
“I was just worried.” Dark murmured, “No need to get all worked up about it.”
Thomas ran towards Dave’s side and examined him. “He’s in pretty bad shape and it would dangerous to bring him back to DATS , so let’s spend the night here while I get him fixed up.”

“Okay.” Dark almost whispered, “I’ll wait.” Dark dropped his head. Thomas tried to comfort him.

“He’ll be fine, Dark.” Thomas said, “He’s a tough guy.”

“I know.” Dark answered, “He’s my tamer.” Dark smiled, then said, “I need some space.” Dark went towards the direction of a nearby lake, where he sat at the brink. Gaomon shortly followed behind. The digital world almost instantly turned to night.

“Thomas wanted me to see if you were doing okay.” Gaomon told him.

“I’m doing fine.” Dark replied, “I just…I was too slow to block that attack. I feel so guilty.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault. How would you think Dave would feel if you were injured like that?”

“He’d probably wait ‘til I was better, he’d never leave my side for a moment.” Dark smiled at Gaomon, “Thanks for cheering me up. You’re a great friend.”

“The feeling’s mutual.” Gaomon replied. Dark suddenly had a strange idea.

“How mutual?” Dark asked.


How mutual? How strong are your feelings for me?”

Gaomon was confused, “What do mean ‘how strong?’ You’re my best friend.”
“Yeah.” Dark said, “But what if…I wanted to be more than friends with you?”
Now Gaomon was a bit frightened. “M-more? Dark, what’s gotten into you?”

“Probably the same that’s about to get into you, if you know what I mean.” Dark chuckled.

“A-Are you saying that you w-w-wanna--?”

“Make love? Get gay? Have sex? Anything like that? Yes.” Dark moved in closer to Gaomon.

“Uh, w-well,” Gaomon gave a nervous chuckle, “I-I-I really don’t—“

“I’m sure you’ll learn fast.” Dark said, anticipating Gaomon’s statement. Dark put his hand on Gaomon’s furry chest and slid it downwards. In mere moments, Dark’s hand was in Gaomon’s dick pouch, rubbing against his hardening member. Gaomon inhaled deeply and exhaled swiftly as Dark was caressing his hidden, now protruding dick. Dark looked in surprise.
“That’s pretty big. You shouldn’t keep stuff like this hiding from me.” Dark took Gaomon’s cock in his hand and putting in his mouth, sucking it like a baby to a bottle. Gaomon gasped quietly as he felt the warm saliva of Dark’s mouth soaked his hardened member. He could feel Dark’s tongue slither its way around the shaft, back and forth. However, Gaomon felt something else push up against his dick. When he looked, he saw Dark’s own member rub up against his dick, thus increasing the pleasure for both. Dark took the dick out of his mouth. “I just needed to get aroused is all, so on to the next step.” Dark positioned himself so that the cocks formed a sort of X-like shape. Dark began thrusting his hips, rubbing against his partner’s member. Gaomon’s instinct forced him to do the same. Both Digimon were moaning rather loudly at their increasing pleasure. They were coming closer and closer to climaxing, until they both shouted each other’s name and came at the same time. The cum flew into the air like a sprinkler, covering the two panting Digimon in the other’s cum. Gaomon was first to speak.

“That was *pant pant* different.”

“That, my friend, was amazing. We should really do it again sometimes.”

“Not sure about that, but I’d do it again.”

Thomas shouted in the distance, “Gaomon! Dark! We’re leaving!”
Both Digimon jumped at the first sound, but got up and ran towards the tamers. “What was that noise that I heard?” Thomas asked.

“Oh, uh…water creatures…in the lake.” Gaomon replied nervously.

”Oh, okay. Well, Dave’s all better now, so we can leave.”

Dark ran over to Dave. “So, are you okay now?”

“Better than was before.” Dave replied, “So, where were you?”

“Uh, just watching the lake with Gaomon. I was waiting for you to get better.”

“Huh. That’s nice. Well, let’s head back.” With that, the tamers and the Digimon warped back to DATS.
Sampson was there waiting, “So, how did it go?”

Thomas replied, “A bit of trouble, but I’ll give you a written report later.”

“Very well. All four of you are free to return home.”
All four DATS members returned to their homes. At Thomas’ house(or mansion), Thomas was busy writing his report he had promised Sampson. Gaomon just sat in the bedroom, staring out the window, thinking about what had happened in the digital world. I thought I knew everything there is to know about Dark, he thought, but I guess there’s more to him than meets the eye. A LOT more to him. Gaomon laughed at his joke, when he heard a tap. He looked in front of him and there was Dark tapping on the window’s glass, wanting to get in. Gaomon fell backwards in surprise, and then opened the window to allow Dark in. “What are you doing here?” Gaomon asked.

“I just came to see you. Still thinking about that time?”

“Yeah. What brought you up to do that?”

“Well,” Dark began, “There aren’t many female Digimon in DATS and I don’t think Lilamon would just yes to my offer. She’d probably shoot me in the face if I even came close to her, so I thought, why not be gay? Although, Agumon isn’t the sexual type and Marcus never leaves his side for one second, so that left you and look how that turned out.” Dark concluded smiling. “So, what did you think?”

“About what?”

“About what happened. Did you like it?”

“W-Well,” Gaomon replied nervously, though not as nervous as last time, “Yeah. It was…fun.”

“Would you do it again?”

“Y-Yeah.” He replied more confidently

“Right here, right now?”

Gaomon paused for a moment, then replied. “Sure.”

“Then I’ll start.” Dark brought his lips closer to Gaomon’s and began kissing him, swirling his tongue around his mouth. Gaomon took his boxing gloves off and rubbing Dark’s dick pouch, making him moan. Dark’s dick popped its mushroom head out, extending to its length. Dark’s kissing aroused Gaomon enough to make him do the same. Gaomon put his other paw on Dark’s back, running it down Dark’s spine and around his tail. Dark groaned and his dick rubbed against Gaomon’s. Both were moaning at the various caressments. This kept up for some time until Dark said, “Gaomon I…I’m cumming!”

“Really?…Same…here…” Both Digimon screamed as they hit the orgasm. Dark stood up, his dick still out. “Now what?” he asked.

Gaomon got on all fours and said, “Give it to me up the ass.” He replied.

Dark smiled “Doggy-style, huh? That’s actually perfect for you, ya dirty dog.” Gaomon snickered at Dark’s witty comment. Dark positioned his dick at Gaomon’s backdoor and thrusted himself in. Gaomon gasped, he felt a slight pressure, a bit of pain, and a lot of pleasure as Dark thrusted in and out of his asshole. Dark was pounding so hard that Gaomn almost slipped out of his position. “Y…you’re…rather…unnh…tough…ya know?”

“Yeah,” Dark said, “It’s a talent.” Dark continued his assault on Gaomon’s furry ass. Gaomon was gasping hard, he could feel the throbbing cock in his butt, assuming Dark was close to cumming. “Dark…are…you…?”

“I am…just…give…me…a…secondddddddddAAHHHHH!” Dark’s cum flooded Gaomon’s asshole and it spewed out as Dark remove his dick. Gaomon collapsed to the floor as well as Dark. Both of them were silent, until Dark spoke, “That was even better than last time! Guess confidence helps, huh?”

“Yeah. I just hope Thomas or Dave isn’t concerned.” Gaomon peeked through the door crack, Thomas was still writing. “Nah, I think we’re good if we keep it secret.”

“Agreed.” Dark said, “Well, I better get back then. See ya!”

“Bye.” Gaomon watched as Dark ran back home. He wondered if there’d be another moment, though he was pretty sure there would be. Gaomon walked out of the bedroom and assisted Thomas in writing the report.

Like I said, first time for a few things, but I think this turned out nice. What say you?
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
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Messages In This Thread
If you were Gay... - by Venin - 12-14-2009, 04:29 PM
RE: If you were Gay... - by Renafan - 12-24-2009, 10:46 AM
RE: If you were Gay... - by Sacchi - 12-27-2009, 07:53 PM
RE: If you were Gay... - by Frisk E. Coyote - 12-28-2009, 05:14 AM
RE: If you were Gay... - by Venin - 12-29-2009, 05:19 AM
RE: If you were Gay... - by Frisk E. Coyote - 12-30-2009, 06:13 AM