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Tales of Alidaire: The Return
I am doing this story for the forum I created, and I figured I'd post it on this site too, since none of you have really seen my work outside of role plays and poetry. Well, there was my short story Attained, but that got no reception. Hope you like this better. THIS IS ONLY A PREVIEW, BY THE WAY. The real story, chapter by chapter, will be posted here over time and when I get a moment.

To set the stage, some background music: (Listen to it as you read. ^ ^)

"I...I just want to go home....," Ryomi said, a frown on his tearstained face. "The trials a normal person goes through here is unreal. I...I'm weak. My...heart can't take it anymore."

The assassin rose from his spot on the isolated rock at the campsite. "Enough of this," he spoke tersely with slight reprimand. "We all are here to help you." He held his arms out to encompass the entire group. Aria smiled and gave Ryomi a thumb's up. The comforting glances of Luna and Nocturne fell upon him. His sister's arm around his shoulder made him cry harder, but a smile was upon his face, nevertheless. "We're here for you. By your side, for eternity. We will help you find your way home. Though some of us are forced to live in a world of tribulation, while others of us may not even have a home to go back to, we will at least see to it that you make it home."

This world is too much for us. Though it yields to us its abundance, we shun it. He did the same, though he shunned the boredom--the routine monotony of life. And then he was cast away into a different world, just as he had always wished. And to make it better, his sister was pulled along for the ride. However, Ryomi Nakashi will learn that though you may yearn for some excitement in life, sometimes, the routine is the best way to go.

They were surrounded. Hopeless. What could these things possibly be? The bivalve appearance and threatening red eye glaring at him with malice emphasized a wrath lost in the sands of time. Ryomi fell to his knees glancing at the ring upon his finger.

"Brother! What are you doing?! This isn't the time for losing hope!" Cyan screamed. The things were drawing nearer and nearer. A frozen tear fell down her cheek.

From out of nowhere, a lance pierced one of the monsters causing it to shriek in agony. Its body squirmed and convulsed before disappearing in a cloud of strange, dark blue particles that floated aimlessly into the sky. Clanging armor echoed through the deathly silent air as the monsters turned their attention behind them. There was a person there now; Ryomi could see. Elegant mail, gauntlets, leggings increased the prestige of this figure and the helm was a pinnacle of hope. All of it was a light purple and a white cape fluttered gently in the freezing breeze. A radiant symbol of a yellow crescent moon graced the front of the figure's mail and Ryomi seeked solace in it. It was as if the moon had sent its own envoy to rescue them.

It was then that the figure spoke. "The young lady speaks the truth. There is never a time to lose hope except when you come face to face with your creator. And even then, you must at least act as though hope still fills your heart lest you wish to be lost forever."

Alidaire. A world of tribulation. There is too much conflict to count and the myriad monsters that plague the land do not ease the tension. In this desperate and ravaged land, friends are the most important thing. Keep them close. Never let them go. Your goal is their goal.

And they will always be there for you.

"Your time is UP!" the Amethyst shouted, raising his greatsword into the air. Ryomi cringed on the floor below, his back to the wall. There was no escape.

"Hold it right there, mister!" Lyra shouted and pointed accusingly at the enemy. "You might be hopeless, but this boy has a home to go to. And a family. And a life." Her hands clenched into fists and she looked down at the ground. But when she looked back up, there was a frightening fire of determination lighting the window to her soul ablaze.

Ryomi realized that she wouldn't back down; he had to do something. He stood up quickly and flipped over Amethyst, barely landing on his feet about halfway between Lyra and Amethyst. With immense focus, he drew his mana to the Ring of Aptitude which allowed him to summon the Standard Sword. Its dull silver color hardly radiated power and the worn handle made using it harder, but Ryomi had to protect Lyra at all costs. He felt his mana draining, but he wouldn't let it go. Could he even swing the sword?

A flash of dull purple appeared before him, and just as he was about to be struck down by Amethyst's greatsword, Lyra jumped between him and the mighty weapon. Drops of blood soared through the air and the bleeding body of the witch lay on the floor, her crimson essence flowing across the stone. She looked up at Ryomi pleadingly. "Please go now, fool. Your story isn't over yet."

And what constitutes a home as a home? Do the experiences of our lives shape what our true home is? Our home is where our heart is, is it not? And does the allegiance of our hearts not change during the course of our lifetimes? Will we always be guaranteed a home? Will efforts in searching for a home better than the ones we have always come to fruition? And will we learn more about ourselves along the journey?

Hope. What drives us when all is lost?

Passion. Love makes us do crazy things.

Loyalty. When we say we will follow, we will follow. To the ends of the world and beyond. There is nowhere I won't go, as long as I go with you.

Expression. Are words really the only way to communicate? Listen with your eyes for once and see with your ears. Let the images guide you, for what you see is mostly a lie.

Longing. Reminisce, but don't let it carry you away. Holding on to yearning can dearly damage the heart. Why tease it with something that may not exist?

Solitude. When we are alone, we think profound thoughts. Amazing how human contact changes one for the better despite their stupidity.

We all do things. We all wish. When wishes come true, more often than not, do we not wish for things... return to normal?

~Tales of Alidaire: The Return~

Coming soon....

A story by Masquerade.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
Tales of Alidaire: The Return - by Masquerade - 12-14-2009, 04:07 PM
RE: Tales of Alidaire: The Return - by Masquerade - 03-01-2010, 05:37 AM