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New Post =Part 4! But i seriously need some name suggestions here I cant think of one
Hey guys,
This first bit is all story. I still suggest you read it… it adds meaning to the rest of the story.

All original characters. I own nothing of the Digimon franchise.


The walls of the cave collapsed as they ran through. Though they moved as fast as they could, the humans could not keep up. Renamon, Biyomon, and Gatomon were twenty feet ahead of the others when the floor collapsed behind them. The first tamer jumped, barely catching the ledge. There she hung, glancing down to see what had become of her fallen friends and looking up at her frightened partner. The three digimon had stopped and were staring back at her. Gatomon was supporting her arm which had suffered a decent gash and Biyomon looked as though she was struggling to stay conscious. Renamon had twisted her ankle in the turnaround. The girl looked up and saw the roof of the cave begin to crack, then she looked her Renamon straight in the eyes.

“Run!” she said, as the cave collapsed. Biyomon passed out, only to be caught by Renamon. She proceeded to scoop up Gatomon and teleport fifty feet forward, out of the cave. As they sat on the other side of the wall, they listened to the deafening sound of rock hitting rock, then all was silent.

1 year earlier
Adam lived alone and he liked it that way. Though he was going on fifteen, his parents had purchased him a house of his own. He did not enjoy being that rich kid whose parents bought him everything, so he got himself a job and whenever the money was transferred into his account, he only took enough to cover what he could not pay himself and saved the rest. Every year on his birthday, his parents would give him a phone call and transfer him five hundred extra dollars, with which he was to buy himself something nice. His birthday was tomorrow, he never looked forward to it. He had nobody to celebrate with, his band was away on vacation and he had no other friends instate. He cleared his long hair out of his face with a shake of his head and decided to go decide what to spend the money on this year. He sat down on his computer and fired it up. He thought about all the stuff he had piled up in his various shopping carts. When his computer finally started, he opened the internet. Suddenly his computer screen froze.

“Ah, COME ON!” He yelled as he struck the side of the monitor. His screen turned white and began to emit a strange light. He stared at it for a long while, waiting. Suddenly a beam of light shot out and struck him in the forehead. As Adam slipped into unconsciousness, a small, rust-orange device appeared next to his head.


Adam awoke the next day with a massive head ache.
“Happy Birthday to me.”

He sat up and studied his surroundings. What the hell had happened last night? He sat back on his hands, feeling something cool and smooth under his right fore finger. He turned and picked up the small piece of tech.

“I don’t remember buying you,” he said, as he studied the device carefully. It had no markings telling what it was. No copyright, no patent, no barcode, no label. Just a screen and a few buttons. When he pressed these buttons, nothing happened. He tossed the device down by his computer as the phone rang. He walked over and picked it up. It was his parents of course. They struck up a long conversation about birthdays and gifts. After a long hour, his parents said goodbye and hung up. Adam’s cell phone vibrated as his bank account received five hundred dollars. He strolled over to his computer to spend his prize but hesitated. He stared at the small device and though of the night before. Soon he decided he was being paranoid. He turned on his computer and waited. He studied the device more until his screen popped up. When he held it up to the screen to see it better, he noticed something weird about his screen.

“That’s not my opening screen,” he said. His screen suddenly flashed blue-white as he was pulled out of his chair.


Adam stood in the middle of a dense jungle. He spun around in an attempt to catalog his surroundings.

“Okay,” he said to himself, “I just got eaten by my computer. It’s alright this kind of stuff happens everyday, oh what am I saying, HELLO!?!”

He yelled for the good part of half an hour until his voice gave out.

“Well this birthday is particularly suck-ish!” he said, punching the ground.

“It’s your birthday?” said a voice. Adam looked around wildly, seeing nothing.

“Who’s there?!” he said, awaiting a response. A dark red bird walked into the small clearing. It had a belt around its head with a feather in the back.

“I’m here. It’s your birthday?” it asked. Adam stared, wondering what to do.

“Yes. Yes, it’s my birthday.”

“Happy Birthday Adam!” The bird ran up shook his hand vigorously.

“How do you know my name?” he asked the bird.

“Because you have that!” the bird responded, pointing to the device in Adam’s hand, “I’m Hawkmon,”

“Hello, Hawkmon,” Adam said, staring, “What are you a bird?”

“No, I’m a Digimon. More specifically, I’m your digimon partner!”


“Yes! I’ve waited a while for you, about two months to be exact.” Hawkmon waited for Adam to absorb everything.

“So we’re partners, right?”


“Okay,” Adam couldn’t believe what was going on, more so he could not believe what he was about to say, “You want to come live with me?”

“YES!” Hawkmon shouted, causing Adam to jump.

“Alright! But first we have to find a way out of here.”

“I know of one! It’s about three hundred yards that way!” Hawkmon pointed, “But we have to be careful. Its right outside a valley that a bunch of Dinohyumon live in. They don’t take well to trespassers.”

Nodding, Adam set off in that direction with Hawkmon on his shoulders. They started bordering the valley when Hawkmon decided to strike up conversation.

“So where do you live?” he asked.

“Uh…” Adam thought, but his though was cut short as a blue and red blur crashed through the trees ahead. Adam dove out of the way of flying debris, Hawkmon barely holding on. They peeked above the log they were behind to see what had happened. There was an armored, blue creature slumped against a tree, not twenty feet from them. Adam ducked back down and decided to take a second look. He then noticed that the being was bleeding from the mouth and several deep slashes.

“Oh my God,” Adam said as he ran to the creatures side, “Is it another digimon?”

“Yes,” Hawkmon replied, “He’s a Flamedramon, badly wounded. There isn’t much we can do.”

“Yeah, but I’m not about to let someone die when I can do something,” he lifted the Digimon onto his shoulders, “Damn, your heavy. Which way to the exit?”

Hawkmon pointed and they set off at a run. They soon reached a small TV. No sooner were they standing in front of it, they were back in Adam’s living room.

“Go clear off that table!” Adam said, gesturing towards the kitchen. Hawkmon soon had the contents of the table on the ground. Adam walked in and set Flamedramon down on it. He kicked open a cabinet under the sink and pulled a duffel bag out from under it. He opened it and removed several bottles and ten rolls of bandages. He cleaned Flamedramon’s wounds and bandaged them while Hawkmon watched. When he was finished, he grabbed two cans of soda from the fridge. Tossing one to Hawkmon, he wandered into the living room. Adam shut the computer to avoid any accidental trips and sat down on the couch. He turned to see Hawkmon struggling with his can.

“Just pop it open like this,” he said, chuckling as he demonstrated. Hawkmon soon followed suit and began to drink his beverage. Adam clicked on the TV and watched. Together he and Hawkmon wasted hours talking and watching TV. When Flamedramon didn’t wake up after four hours, they embarked on watching the Star Wars saga. After thirteen hours of light sabers, Jedi, and The Force, they went in to check on Flamedramon.

“I’m concerned,” Adam said, “He hasn’t woken up for seventeen hours. You go poke him.”

“What?! Why me?!”

“Because I don’t want to do it.”

“Well you have to,” Hawkmon said, “I refuse.”

“Fine,” Adam walked up and stood at the edge of the table. After a quick prayer, he reached out and shook the Digimon’s shoulder. When nothing happened, he shrugged to Hawkmon and they walked away. Once they had settled down in the living room, the kitchen seemed to explode behind them!

“FIRE ROCKET!” Flamedramon shouted as he blasted the ceiling. He jumped up to fight only to find a chandelier in the path of his head. One second later he was on the ground cursing. Adam walked over and examined the three huge burn marks on his ceiling. He walked over to Flamedramon who was covering his face.

“Calm down,” he said, your not in the digital world, your in my house. You shouldn’t try to move too much or the bandages won’t hold. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Who are you?”
“I’m Adam,” he said, “This is Hawkmon.”

The digi-hawk waved as Flamedramon took one hand off his face.

“I was walking. I came into a valley that seemed empty enough. I lay down and took a quick nap. Next thing I know, I get kicked in the head, slashed in the ribs, lifted and thrown through a couple dozen trees. Then I woke up here and accidentally burned your ceiling.”

“Well, you were bleeding pretty bad. You’re going to have to stay here for a while.”

“I see. Can you help me up?”

They helped Flamedramon up and he leaned against the cabinet. Adam reached into the fridge and pulled out a soda. He made a gesture to hand it to Flamedramon, but stopped.

“Can you open this?” he asked, staring at his claws.

“Yeah, hang on,” Flamedramon shook his claws down, the armor dropping to the floor, “There.”

Adam tossed the soda to him. He caught it and opened the can, drinking deeply from the fizzy liquid within. Hawkmon flew up and landed on the counter.

“Hi, I’m Hawkmon,” he said, waving his wing, “You should stay here with us!”

“I would hate to overstay my welcome,” Flamedramon said, taking another draught from the can.

“It’s okay with me,” Adam said, suddenly wanting more people in his life.

“Well, it’s not like I had any friends in the digital world,” He said, looking into his soda, “I would like to stay here.”

“We would love to have you.” Adam said, extending a hand. Flamedramon shook it while Hawkmon hovered six inches above the counter in happiness. Together, they helped Flamedramon to the couch where they spent the next few days watching TV and doing nothing.

Present Day


“Dude,” Adam said, grabbing for an unseen object, “Hawkmon, wake up!”

Adam found an empty can of soda and threw it in Hawkmon’s direction. The empty can landed on the digimon’s stomach, forcing all of his breath out.

“Ow,” Hawkmon groaned, “What did you do that for?”

“You wouldn’t wake up so I chucked a can at you,”

“I know that!” he yelled, “I meant why couldn’t you just come tap me?”

“Cause I’m lazy,” he replied, “Do you remember what happened last night?”

“Yeah; we watched The Last Samurai then got into a bokken fight, Flamedramon managed to destroy the both of us.”

“Oh, yeah,” Adam scratched his head and searched for a handhold. He stood up and struggled to Flamedramon’s room. He opened the door and looked inside. Flamedramon lay asleep in his bed, unaware of the judgment that would soon befall him.

“Hawkmon, go get the whipped cream,” he said, holding out his hand. Soon Hawkmon returned with the spray can. Together they snuck into the room and moved over to the dresser. Opening the drawer, they lifted out Flamedramon’s helmet. They sprayed an ample amount inside and replaced it. He tossed the can to Hawkmon, who flew it out into the kitchen. Adam then tapped the sleeping blue digimon on the shoulder.

“Dude,” he said, “Dude, wake up and get ready. We’re going out to breakfast. Hurry!”

Flamedramon slowly got out of bed and stretched. He shuffled over to the drawer and picked out his helmet. He was about to put it on when he looked directly at it. He ran over to Adam and stuck the helmet on his head. Adam felt a sickly, oozing feeling as the cream slid down his face.

“I always wondered what you looked like with that helmet on. You’re going to have to get up a bit earlier to trick me. Now you said something about breakfast?” he said, walking over to his drawer.

Adam cleaned the cream off his head and out of the helmet, giving it to Flamedramon when he got out of his room. Adam walked into the kitchen, defeated.

“Go get your clothes,” he said, to Hawkmon, “We’re going out to breakfast.”

Adam had purchased hooded sweaters and pants for the both of them so they could go out in public and not be conspicuous. In thirty minutes, Flamedramon and Hawkmon had donned their clothing and were waiting by the door. Adam grabbed the keys and exited into the garage. After a short drive, they stood outside the restaurant. They entered through the double doors and greeted the host. Two hours later, they were driving back to the house. They arrived and the digimon abandoned their clothes. As Flamedramon left to put on his armor, Adam flipped on the TV and watched the weather channel for two minutes before starting a DVD. After watching two Lord of the Rings movies, Flamedramon challenged Adam and Hawkmon to a game of Rock Band. Accepting, they set up the controllers, adjusting the drums to Hawkmon’s height. Flamedramon and Adam strapped on guitar controllers and the game began.


Renamon had been walking for hours. She carried Gatomon on her shoulders and Biyomon under one arm. After the cave collapsed, she found a gate out of the Digital world. They appeared in the loading area of a Best Buy where a crate of laptops had fell open and started. Once they got out of the store, she began to walk. After a long while, she had made it to the safety of a tree on a golf course. She soon felt a presence of a digimon nearby. She lifted her companions and moved out, moving at a quick sprint.

“There must be a Tamer nearby,” she said, as she ran, “Hopefully, friendly.”


“Ha!” Adam declared, “I win again! I am on fire!”

“Don’t rub it in!” Flamedramon said, as Hawkmon congratulated Adam with a high-wing. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

“That must be the pizza. If you start the next song without me, I’m changing your difficulty to expert!”

Adam ran to the door grabbing cash off the counter as he went. He pulled a small table to the door to put the pizza on while he paid. He opened the door and dropped the cash and table.

“Oh my god,” he said, as he beheld who had rang the bell. A Renamon stood in the doorway, slumped against the wall. In her arms, she carried a Gatomon and a Biyomon.

“GUYS! HERE! NOW!” Adam shouted, stepping forward.

“It was all Hawkmon’s idea!” Flamedramon yelled, as he sprinted in, “It was his idea to put those DVDs from your room in the coat closet! Oh, God.”

The last statement was made when he saw the digimon. He reached around the corner and pulled Hawkmon from his hiding place, who responded similarly to the other two. Hawkmon rushed forward to carry the Biyomon. Adam helped Renamon as she fainted, while Flamedramon caught the Gatomon. They carried the injured digimon to the guest room, which conveniently contained three beds. Once the three were safe and their injuries tended to, the guys left the room.

“Now what’s all this business about moving my DVDs?” Adam asked, as Hawkmon tapped his foot and Flamedramon whistled.


Expect to hear more about these guys various escapades. Please comment!
Here is the second part...

Hey guys,

This bit is Hawkmon/Biyomon. Keep in check that this is all original work of fiction. If you actually know a Hawkmon/Biyomon and they are offended by this, it’s not my fault.

All original characters. I own nothing of the Digimon franchise.


Hawkmon woke up the next day with a comic book stuck to his face. I took him thirty seconds to figure out that Spiderman was not frozen in front of him. After peeling the paper off his face, he smoothed out his feathers and secured his head band. He strolled down into the kitchen, yawning. He arrived and looked at the clock. It was four thirty in the morning.

“Early bird gets the worm,” he said, allowing himself the joke. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and grabbed a spoon. He sat for a long while and enjoyed Adult Swim. Around six, Adam and Flamedramon wondered out.

“We have to go out and get more first aid stuff and extra food for our guests. We will be back at noon. There is a note in their room that says the downstairs bathroom is open. If they need anything, you know where it is, alright?”

Hawkmon nodded in agreement. Once they had left the house, Hawkmon walked up to the upstairs bathroom. He turned on the warm water and let it run. He walked off and got a towel, returning once he had secured the towel and a new bar of soap. He left the door cracked so he could hear the activities of the house, threw his head band onto the counter, slipped into the bath and dozed off.


Biyomon was the first to wake up. She rolled around until she knew that she was covered and in a bed. Once she freed herself from the covers, she sat up and looked around. To her right, she saw her two friends. She got up and shook Renamon awake.

“Renamon,” she whispered, shaking her companion’s shoulder, “Where are we?”

“We are in a house. I don’t know the name of the guy who owns it, but he has claimed responsibility for our recovery,” Renamon mumbled, seeing a small piece of paper on her bedside table. She handed the note to Biyomon.

“Here, it says the bathroom is open. Why don’t you go take a bath or something, calm down.”

Biyomon picked up the note and studied it. She turned and saw a pile of clean towels in the corner. She picked one up and walked outside. She saw the bathroom at the end of the hall and started towards it. The door was cracked and the fan was on. She wandered inside and set her towel down.


Hawkmon heard a quiet shuffling noise in the bathroom with him. He opened his eyes slightly and looked around. He saw the Biyomon that they had helped into the guest room wandering around in the bathroom. He didn’t move for the sake of being seen. He lay there, silently. Suddenly, Biyomon shut the door. His heart began to quicken, he was locked in a bathroom. Biyomon reached down and unclasped the metal ring around her ankle. Only then, she turned towards the tub and uttered a little shriek.

“What are you doing?!?” she asked, covering herself with a towel.

“I was having a nice nap until you screamed,” he coolly responded, “May I ask why you walked in on my bath?”

Though Hawkmon managed to keep his voice smooth and under control, his body was in utter panic. The fact that Biyomon had removed the only piece of apparel she ever wore was somewhat of a turn on. He thanked god that he was in the tub, for his male hood had begun to slide out of its feathery pouch.

“Will you stop staring at me?” she said, “I am naked.”

“Well, you’re staring at me and if you would look, you would see that I am nude as well. Now please, why did you walk in on me?”

“I thought that the bathroom was empty,”

“Oh, the downstairs bathroom is open. Adam must not have been very specific in his note. You might want to wait an hour or two to take a bath though; one bath takes pretty much all of the hot water.”

“Well, may I share that one with you then?” she asked. At that moment, Hawkmon had a small panic attack. His member sprung to its full size as he considered his options. He did not want to sound rude, but at the same time he did not want to scare her away. He took in to account that the tub was rather large and him and her relatively small. If he could stay on the opposite side of the tub from her, everything would work out.

“I suppose you may,” he said, floating away from the entry point, She dropped the towel and fluttered up to the bath. Once she slipped in, Hawkmon began his plan of avoidance. After a bit of conversation, Biyomon moved directly across the tub, cornering him. She settled up next to him and began to speak.

“I want to thank you for saving us,” she said. At this, she planted a kiss on his left cheek, “Thank you.”

“If you’ll excuse me, I think I heard the phone ring,” he stood up, forgetting about his erection. He tried to fly out of the tub, but, since he was wet, he failed and crashed onto the side of the tub, completely exposed.

“And what is that?” Biyomon asked, spying his hard-on. She floated over to him and flipped him over, “Did you get hard just for me?”

Hawkmon’s heart raced as she touched his erect manhood. She started to slowly move her wing up and down his shaft. She leaned in close and placed her mouth around his cock. He moaned as her tongue danced around his phallus. She stopped sucking him and repositioned herself. She stood directly over his cock, waiting to see his reaction. She lowered herself to where the tip of his dick was pressed against her lips. She gasped as she dropped herself onto him. She began to hump him, soon having the favor returned upon her. Hawkmon grabbed her waist and began to thrust into her. The walls of her vagina convulsed as she reached her climax. The water around them warmed as her juices flowed into the bath. She looked at him, wanting more. He understood this message, and lifted her out of the tub. She bent over in front of him as he climbed out of the water. He walked up and began to rub the head of his dick against her ass. She moaned lightly as he stopped and placed his member on her pussy. Her tail-feathers tickled his chin as he slowly pushed into her. She was more sensitive from their previous activities, so she moaned loudly into a towel. She soon reached another climax, and another. Soon, he felt his phallus begin to twitch as he started his orgasm. He grunted as he shot six streams of bird-cum into her pussy. He pulled out of her as she passed out. He reached up to the counter and grabbed ankle ring. He clipped it back on to her leg and picked her up. His member slid back into its pouch as he carried her back to her room and tucked her into the bed. He went back into the bathroom and let the water out of the tub. Once the bathroom was clean and his head band was strapped back on, he wandered out into the living room and sat on the couch. Three hours later, Adam and Flamedramon walked in the door, carrying huge bags of food and medicine.

“How can you wake up so early in the morning and not be tired right now?” Flamedramon said, flopping down on the couch with a yawn.

“Oh, you know,” Hawkmon said, “Early bird gets the pus-, I mean worm. Haha!”


Wow! Nothing like the first sex scene in a series! Please Comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
New Post =Part 4! But i seriously need some name suggestions here I cant think of one - by Adym - 12-06-2009, 04:56 AM
Part 3 - by Adym - 12-13-2009, 12:16 PM
Part 4 - by Adym - 12-14-2009, 04:07 AM