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help on an idea
I have this real good idea for a story, though I write it down on paper, scripple some notes, but when it comes time to type it, I feel like it seems plain. I have an idea since late summer, that is a good dark story. It involves Lucemon(rookie), who is reborn after Frontiers, he wants his revenge and still persuing his great "utopia". When ever I write a certain scene, I would mark down a particlar song.

For example, in the begining I wrote down "Echoes-Pink Floyd" for the rebirth scene of Lucemon, when he awakes from an egg in the Dark Era. When ever I write something, I listen to music, which gets me an idea.

After the rebirth, I've included an O.C. who meets Lucemon. He is this boy-who is an anicent god-with a body of a human boy, who's name is Abraxas. Abraxas, when his god mode, is a great phoenix-BurningPhoenixmon(*catch my drift*). Abraxas joins forces with Lucemon, in his revenge scheme & utopian dream.

Right after this, I seem stuck, I get this "writer's block", which keeps fucking up and I'm unsure how to continue my story. Not sure, on how to include the Chosen Children(*legendary warriors). Can someone help me? Please?

Messages In This Thread
help on an idea - by grandphoenix1 - 12-04-2009, 10:32 AM
RE: help on an idea - by Yumi - 12-21-2009, 11:48 PM
RE: help on an idea - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 12-22-2009, 03:27 AM
RE: help on an idea - by grandphoenix1 - 12-22-2009, 05:41 AM
RE: help on an idea - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 12-22-2009, 06:49 AM
RE: help on an idea - by grandphoenix1 - 12-22-2009, 09:07 AM